on โ09-12-2013 05:58 PM
Hello everyone
I just have problem with my listing text,some listing details changed for fanny long java scrip text of shellaton.It going a few weeks now,so i always have to check my all listing every day because another eBayer can't read my detais text on my listing.Anyone have the same problem or just i have?Also the "rich text bar is desapeared so i can't change my text larger or smaller.All this funny things just happened.Many thank if somebody can answer to my problem.
on โ09-12-2013 06:14 PM
Try changing to another web browser.
We use Google Chrome and Opera.
We rarely have any strange problems with those.
on โ10-12-2013 08:25 PM
Hi I had same and E Bay said no-one else had problems.. I had to change server to Firefox--works Ok now -BUT I really think the problem was with E bay !!.
on โ10-12-2013 09:05 PM
The problem is with IE.
Don't use it.
on โ10-12-2013 09:49 PM
Same problems here. Have had all sorts of problems trying to list tonight. All sorts of weird text. Must be Ebay. Giving up now. never had this problem before.
on โ10-12-2013 09:55 PM
Are you using Internet Explorer? Yes?
Have you actually read the myriad threads with the fix? No?
Are you aware that IE is THE least useful browser? Oops, for eBay. objectively. Subjectively, I only use IE for specific reasons that involve not having to log out of accounts in order to log in to other accounts.