Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t


I will be leaving Ebay after 15 years

The new managed payments is a definite no no for sellers on ebay.


I will not be forced to register for Manage Payments,  hence, 

I have already been suspended for adding new listings and unable to revise currently listed  items, cant even fix a postage, add a photo, add any detail, or do a correction.


I dont want my personal bank details on the www ready to be hacked, though they are with Paypal, like a bank has my complete trust, Ebay does not


I want to keep paypal, which will be dumped by Ebay in favour of the Dutch Company Ayden, which does not give the protection that Paypal does. 


Buyers love Paypal for added protection, and 90% of buyers and all sellers have a paypal account, 


Sellers Accounting nightmare with delayed payments and frequency of daily payments 


Sellers are reluctant to send items until payments which are delayed to their bank accounts 3 to 5 days


Buyers dont want these delays they want their items posted as soon as payment is made


Ebay wants posting of items before the seller has their payment.


Yet, Another change for Greedy Ebay absolutely no savings for sellers as advertised. Think about it, if the change didn't benefit Ebay they wouldn't do it.


As they say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Leave something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient  (often with an implication that the attempted improvement is risky and might backfire).



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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

All the best for your future endeavours.


I have found that it pays me to do some research before I make incorrect assumptions.

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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Or at least have some idea what you are talking about.

Dont register for managed payments, your choice, but in all likely hood you wont be able to sell anywhere else for much longer.  The fact you like paypal, as the majority of ebay members do is irrelevant.

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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

I'm not sure where else you will be able to sell the remaining 400+ items you currently have if you don't continue.


If you qualify to sell on platforms like Etsy or Amazon, you will have to sign up for managed payments before you even open an account with them. Amazon doesn't offer Paypal, and on Etsy, only people who live in certain countries can offer it (not Australia). With all of these companies you have to give all your info up front and trust me, Amazon is a nightmare to deal with as a seller - worse than Ebay.  


I've been on Managed Payments in my main shop for almost 8 months and other than the first week of implementation, it has run like clockwork. My payout is set to weekly and every single Tuesday the money is in my account without a hitch. I never wait for the money to transfer to my bank before sending to a buyer (even new Ebay account holders have a 21 day waiting period for their funds on Paypal but are still expected to ship within their handling time).


This is Ebay's sandbox and they can make and change the rules as they see fit, as do all other platforms. Ebay isn't here to save you money although your FVF rate will vary depending on what category you sell in. Just recently I got an email saying that fees will be reduced by almost 30% in some categories such as home appliances, phones, laptops etc. Whilst that reduction may not be applicable to you, there are tons of other sellers who will benefit.


Considering the worldwide reach of Ebay, I think the fees are very reasonable, and certainly a lot less than Amazon!


I think the only option for sellers like yourself is to go to the hassle of opening your own website, but I believe it costs a small fortune in advertising to drive traffic with uncertain results.


I don't even miss my Paypal account after not using it for all these months. It honestly has not made an iota of difference to either myself or my buyers.

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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

@cherylb8668 wrote:



Leave something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient  (often with an implication that the attempted improvement is risky and might backfire).



Progress would never occur if we all lived by those words. (NB: I'm being slightly facetious by speaking in general, rather than specifically in the context of managed payments, particularly as I know very few members would ever consider managed payment "progress" 🤣). 


It's kinda odd to see this come full circle, though, as these are all the same things that were said about PayPal back in the day - I bought into all the scaremongering about it back then, as I became a member not long after mandatory PayPal was brought in and all my googling led me to horror story forums lol. There were a good few years where people would come to the forums complaining in one way or another that it sucks compared to bank deposit, too; that sellers wouldn't post until money had transferred from their account to bank account because until it did, they didn't consider the money received and so on. 





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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Progress is progress, a lot more tools are  available to sell with, payments options are increased, more opportunities than way back when and we have all benefited from that.


You can't expect progress to only happen in one area you like, you have to take the good with the bad, and like all Changes - you learn to adapt and make progress as well..... or not

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Don't worry too much - i'm about to hit two years away from here selling and things have never been better.


No silly feedback, no scammers (the only time i got scammed was when i offered paypal at the start of my journey and it's only the scammers that demand paypal which makes it easy to filter buyers), no fees, no stupid dsr's, cash or bank payment (majority of my items are posted).


Some say that well ebay has global reach well covid has put a stop to that and you will get scammed if you post overseas due to delays - great way for buyers to get freebies.


These days i use ebay to buy things cheap and sell them for more elsewhere and sometimes as a price guide - many times i have now found that sellers have abandoned this place big time and can't even find many things.


There are heaps of online articles now on how Mr Zuckerberg's site has become the new ebay and is rapidly growing - millenials for example don't even consider this place and zuckerbergs place is the 1st port of call and oddly enough the 'tree place (which funnily enough ebay own).


I will say that ebay is totally unbeaten for cheap chinese goods(i think zuckerbergs site is banned in China or severely restricted), and big retailers.


I've noticed that many sellers here on the forums have their knickers in a knot when someone threatens to leave - they are just very comfortable here and are worried their little world is coming apart

Message 7 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Another jaded user, (sorry Ex user).  Next we will hear from  Comcol, or whatever his name was.

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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

@supermussolinibros wrote:



I've noticed that many sellers here on the forums have their knickers in a knot when someone threatens to leave - they are just very comfortable here and are worried their little world is coming apart


Interesting theory, but a thoroughly biased and logically flawed one, considering many sellers here sell on multiple sites, which may or may not include Facebook, depending on how useful the site would be to them.


Funnily enough, you seem incredibly invested in ebay despite decrying it and espousing the merits of Facebook all the time - this little quote gives me "doth projectith too much" vibes, lol. 

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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

"I've noticed that many sellers here on the forums have their knickers in a knot when someone threatens to leave - they are just very comfortable here and are worried their little world is coming apart"


I have never seen sellers get their knickers in a knot over other sellers threatening to leave - if anything, they're happy to show the complainant where the door is and ask why they need to come here and announce their departure like it's an airport.

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