Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t


I will be leaving Ebay after 15 years

The new managed payments is a definite no no for sellers on ebay.


I will not be forced to register for Manage Payments,  hence, 

I have already been suspended for adding new listings and unable to revise currently listed  items, cant even fix a postage, add a photo, add any detail, or do a correction.


I dont want my personal bank details on the www ready to be hacked, though they are with Paypal, like a bank has my complete trust, Ebay does not


I want to keep paypal, which will be dumped by Ebay in favour of the Dutch Company Ayden, which does not give the protection that Paypal does. 


Buyers love Paypal for added protection, and 90% of buyers and all sellers have a paypal account, 


Sellers Accounting nightmare with delayed payments and frequency of daily payments 


Sellers are reluctant to send items until payments which are delayed to their bank accounts 3 to 5 days


Buyers dont want these delays they want their items posted as soon as payment is made


Ebay wants posting of items before the seller has their payment.


Yet, Another change for Greedy Ebay absolutely no savings for sellers as advertised. Think about it, if the change didn't benefit Ebay they wouldn't do it.


As they say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Leave something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient  (often with an implication that the attempted improvement is risky and might backfire).



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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

@supermussolinibros wrote:

Don't worry too much - i'm about to hit two years away from here selling and things have never been better.


No silly feedback, no scammers (the only time i got scammed was when i offered paypal at the start of my journey and it's only the scammers that demand paypal which makes it easy to filter buyers), no fees, no stupid dsr's, cash or bank payment (majority of my items are posted).


Some say that well ebay has global reach well covid has put a stop to that and you will get scammed if you post overseas due to delays - great way for buyers to get freebies.


These days i use ebay to buy things cheap and sell them for more elsewhere and sometimes as a price guide - many times i have now found that sellers have abandoned this place big time and can't even find many things.


There are heaps of online articles now on how Mr Zuckerberg's site has become the new ebay and is rapidly growing - millenials for example don't even consider this place and zuckerbergs place is the 1st port of call and oddly enough the 'tree place (which funnily enough ebay own).


I will say that ebay is totally unbeaten for cheap chinese goods(i think zuckerbergs site is banned in China or severely restricted), and big retailers.


I've noticed that many sellers here on the forums have their knickers in a knot when someone threatens to leave - they are just very comfortable here and are worried their little world is coming apart

Funnily enough > Online shopping pioneer eBay has sold its classifieds business, including the secondhand selling platform Gumtree, to Adevinta, in 2020

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Funny how no-one comes here complaining about how Managed Payments has given them too many listings - so many, in fact, that they can't cope.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

I know, as I said I am not a seller, and I do feel for what some are feeling, but either way, eBay's playing field = eBay's rules so you make a decision to go along or stay behind.


I think a lot of sellers will leave over this and the Seller Hub issue, but how many will return later after testing the other waters is yet to be seen.


Message 13 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

Couldn't agree more. I loved it the way it was, Paypal was incredibly useful.


For small scale selling I do not want dribs and drabs of money coming into my bank account. Paypal was great because you could build up funds and pay for other things out of it.


It's a disgrace how eBay just tell you what they are going to do with any say.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

@spiderecologist wrote:

Couldn't agree more. I loved it the way it was, Paypal was incredibly useful.


For small scale selling I do not want dribs and drabs of money coming into my bank account. Paypal was great because you could build up funds and pay for other things out of it.


Pretty easy to sort that... Set up a debit visa/mc account, get your $$$ sent out daily into that account. WoW, look at that. Problem solved.

Paypal was never as good as everyone is making it out to be right now. I recall a certain time not so long ago, when PayPal was made mandatory on the Bay, and the tears that flowed then where immense.

Message 15 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

It's all about the money and greed for ebay, it's not about evolving they spread the same propaganda with paypal way back when!

I'm now of the reality and doing! I make sure ebay get as little as possible as you can't beat them, I won't join them (so to speak) but I will now take from them anyway I can.....and have!

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

good on you mate, but you still have listings up?

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

I do NOT want to give my drivers licence number or any other government ID to Ebay so I will no longer be using them to sell.

I don't understand why they need this extra information when I, like others, have been selling and buying on Ebay for years with no issue.

Obviously corporate greed has taken over from common sense and community spirit on behalf of the Ebay owners.

Why make like difficult and lose a lot of business?

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

@jluvj4ever wrote:

I do NOT want to give my drivers licence number or any other government ID to Ebay so I will no longer be using them to sell.

I don't understand why they need this extra information when I, like others, have been selling and buying on Ebay for years with no issue.

Obviously corporate greed has taken over from common sense and community spirit on behalf of the Ebay owners.

Why make like difficult and lose a lot of business?


they have no choice.  With the introduction of Managed Payments, eBay need to comply with Australian Law, and they now have obligations to comply with Anti-Money Laundering legislation, which requires establishment of identity.  They are not just a buying/selling platform any more . . . they are now into payments and disbursement of funds.


I could go on . . . but there are enough other threads that members can read to find out more about who they are providing the information to and other things related to MP.


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Re: Managed Payments If it won't Broke dont fix it.t

For one, I've been wondering about that.


After the good old early E-Bay days, I've always operated on 40 free listings per month. I've asked E-Bay several times if I would qualify for a few more listings to comfortably list (in the range of 50 ), but it was like asking to give up their first born ! At one time their generosity knew no bounds and E-Bay gave me 1 extra listing (once)


Now with the new managed payments, I suddenly see I will get 250.000 listings (providing I sign up that is); I thought I was seeing things !


I can only imagine what junk will appear on E-Bay with that many listings; are we going back to the days where people listed a used paperclip and other total nonsense/rubbish. Imagine wading through pages and pages of useless junk if you're seriously looking for something to buy ??


As you can see, I must be the first one to complain about 250000 listings ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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