My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

I just typed my items title (Swarovski Scope Z5 5-25x52 Ballistic Turret PLEX. Brand New In Box RRP $2190) on google search. It brought it up straight way. This is beach of privacy. Iโ€™m am paying big fees to EBay for selling stuff. So this should not be advertised on the internet. Iโ€™m using EBay for a reason and thatโ€™s privacy and trust in other EBay users. I donโ€™t want the whole world to see it.

my listing should be taken off the internet search. Not to mention Iโ€™ve now sold the item. so why is it still on there ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

It "might" help (I don't know for sure) to list your items as "private listings".

I have just checked a seller who lists her items as private listings and they are fully searchable on eBay, but when I type her items in Google they don't come up...

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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

Not sure how its a breach of privacy.  But you pay fee's to Ebay so that they get buyers for your products,  one of their marketing approaches is to allow your products to be found on the internet,  not sure if you noticed but Ebay is on the internet.   Welcome to the 21st century.

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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

@lateralus_2012 wrote:

 Iโ€™m am paying big fees to EBay for selling stuff. So this should not be advertised on the internet.

Sorry, but you must realise that's a complete contradiction in terms?


Like, you created content on a public internet site, and then are surprised that an internet search engine can see and return links? That's like advertising in the yellow pages and then getting annoyed just anyone can pick up the book and find your ad. ๐Ÿ™ƒ


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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

It is shocking is'nt it?

Put something on the internet and it is on the internet 

Message 5 of 12
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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

The Google link takes you back to Ebay and shows the item as unavailable since you've sold it


Where do you think Ebay exists, if not on the internet?


Why don't you want people to see an item you've got for sale?

Message 6 of 12
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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

I don't know if there is a particular reason why you don't want your item to be found in Google searches - for example if it was an unwanted gift that you decided to sell. Normally eBay items rank very high on the Internet, as whenever I am looking for something, there are some eBay items at the top, and normally sellers are happy that their items get some publicity, but if there is a particular reason why you don't want items to be found, you could try private listings, as I said before, although I am not sure this really does the trick. I tried some random private listings and they didn't come up in Google searches, but it could be a coincidence.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

You're complaining that Ebay is investing significant dollars in driving traffic to the platform in general and your listing in specific?

Message 8 of 12
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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

I can't imagine being angry about my store or items showing up in Google (in fact, when they do, I'm very pleased ... as I'm sure most people here are).


Make it make sense.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: My EBay item Iโ€™m selling is on google ๐Ÿ”ฆ

@papermoon.lady wrote:

I don't know if there is a particular reason why you don't want your item to be found in Google searches - for example if it was an unwanted gift that you decided to sell. Normally eBay items rank very high on the Internet, as whenever I am looking for something, there are some eBay items at the top, and normally sellers are happy that their items get some publicity, but if there is a particular reason why you don't want items to be found, you could try private listings, as I said before, although I am not sure this really does the trick. I tried some random private listings and they didn't come up in Google searches, but it could be a coincidence.

Not suggesting anything about the OP's concern, but have had a ripper example in the last few weeks of why some-one might not want their item visible in google searches.


Around four weeks ago my remote farm was burgled and around $2500 worth of stuff stolen. The night I discovered the thefts I googled one of the distinctive items and it was for sale on ebay from a seller located in a town 20 km. from the farm. I passed the info onto the police. The only way they could get the sellers identity was for their cyber crimes unit to contact ebay America. Wait time possibly months.


Not wanting to interfere in the investigation, I left the cops too it and wrote off my gear when begger me another leased farm 250 km. from the first got burgled and I lost a motorcycle. That got me a bit fired up, so I spent 3 minutes doing some google searches and had the first guys name and address. Passed it onto the cops and they where on the phone immediately. Turns out he was some-one who had caused problems over a 300 km. radius for several years, but they could never pin anything on him.


They asked me to go to a police station and repeat the searches to ensure they where legal and then within hours raided his place. Turns out he had a partner 200 km. away. They raided him too. Both had heaps of stolen goods but in the case of the second guy it was several houses and sheds crammed so full, the cops could never go through it all. Luckily they got enough of my stuff back to charge both of the guys.


All up another interesting week down on the farm.

Message 10 of 12
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