on โ18-10-2022 11:00 AM
Yesterday I listed a dozen or so CDs using my CD template. This morning I found that all my templates had vanished and eBay was assuming that I was starting from scratch (i.e. asking me what I was going to list). I have two eBay sites and they both have this problem. I have a large number of CDs and records which I wish to schedule for the 1st November (next month) and it is vital that I get my templates back. Is this a general problem or does it only apply to me?
on โ18-10-2022 12:06 PM
Same here - does anyone know what's happening? I have the new listing template format - it takes so much longer to list items now!
on โ18-10-2022 12:13 PM
The only way I can access my templates is to go to the Manage listing templates page https://bulkedit.ebay.com.au/ManageTemplates
on โ18-10-2022 01:56 PM
eBay are 'messing with the site' atm....I woke up to different screens this morning in Store & Selling....it's not even Fri
on โ18-10-2022 05:15 PM
Thanks colmack22, it worked for me though it's obviously not ideal I notice that the template screen that pops up is the old one rather than the newone.
on โ19-10-2022 08:21 AM
I checked my account and my templates are back!