Negative Feedback ON eBay

I note, as is seemingly the case EVERYWHERE these days, that it is impossible to leave feedback, negative or otherwise ON

Now don't get confused here. I mean NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ABOUT EBAY!!

Everyone can leave any feedback they want on the buyers/sellers in the ebay community.

BUT you CANNOT leave feedback ABOUT There is  simply no way to express any descent about who we the members are treated. 

Typically, the reason is.... Oh I don't know, mayhap because they simply do not care about the users of their platform.  After all, if you don't agree with their policies, you can PO!! End of story!

Why is that...?? You would think they would care about the buyers/sellers on their platform. Silly me, eh??

I have been a ebay member since the very beginning, joining not long after the launch of the company in 1995. I have conducted $1000's upon $1000's of business thru them. 

Previously, (as in the early years) the company was 'approachable'. If you had an issue with THEIR policies, you could contact them about ones concerns, and while they rarely changed said policy, at least there was a process you could engage with.

Now you can take a flying leap!!

Sooo... again I ask.... Why is there no process for members to express their dissatisfaction with eBay's policies??

In recent years, this platform has become more & more problematic! They have settled on a business model that suits them & the rest of us can take a flying leap!!

Message 1 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

When you go through the proper channels to open an item not received cast - ie INR - make sure you are on



Message 11 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

@bravanovich283 wrote:

''Yes, I guess its because of users such as yourself.''

Thank you for your helpful comment.

I can assume from this your mother never taught you: If you have nothing good to say, say nothing!

It obviously helped as the second comment from you added, you didnt yell at us.


It's a pleasure to be of assistance

Message 12 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

eBay " suggests" you contact the seller as a matter of courtesy, it is not compulsory or even necessary .If you do not get a suitable response the next step (or for many- the first step) is to open an "Item Not Received" request, then ask eBay to step in as soon as possible.


The help staff are required to stick to a certain script and having worked in customer contact myself I can safely say that those scripts are usually not all that helpful, especially for unusual circumstances.


Complicated by the fact many contact centres are offshore and staffed by people for whom English might be a second ( or tenth) language. 


Did you open an INR? You only have 30 days from expected delivery date to do so, so if you haven't - do it now !

Message 13 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

Not simples really!!!

As I enumerated in my 'diatribe' above.......

The advice you provide is EXACTLY what I did... and yet here I am...

My issue, now and before is: I did as you suggested and the result was ebay deleted my email, did not contact me or the seller!!

And then had the temerity to suggest I contact the seller.....

One of us is not listening......



Message 14 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay



You've only now explained the situation.


I am still left guessing about a few things, though. You have said your email disappeared. Do you mean that you sent an email, hitting reply on an email that you received from the seller? If so, you did not contact anyone. The email address is an automatically scrambled one that goes nowhere. This is explained in the Member-to-member contact policy help page. (Click on the link to open in new page.)


I quote:


โDoes eBay share personal email addresses?


In the majority of cases, we don't share buyers' personal email addresses. We replace email addresses with aliases for buyers and sellers to hide personal contact information. When you communicate, your email appears like and is sent through our secure platform.โž


Soโ€ฆ if you try to email the seller, you canโ€™t. You must communicate within eBay. You can send a message to the seller, but if you havenโ€™t got things sorted out within a few days, itโ€™s time to stop the โ€œcontactโ€ option and open an official refund request.


Uh-oh. Cat emergency. Iโ€™ll respond to the rest of your issue after Iโ€™ve dealt with this.




Message 15 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

When you say eBay deleted your email, do you actually mean they closed the INR case? eBay will close the case if the seller can show proof of delivery ( tracking and signature for items worth more than $750) or if there is no action in the request for a month. Which is why we fellow members recommend escalating sooner rather than later.


We are listening and trying to understand,but we are not mind readers and don't know what you have done or what you want unless you can clearly and coherently explain. I realise this can be difficult when one is upset.


As succinctly as possible, this is what I understand of the situation:

 You bought a very expensive item


It did not arrive


You opened an INR request


The request "disappeared"


Is this correct???

If so -how long after opening the request did it take for it to disappear?

Is there anything in you purchase history under the items details?- you should be able to see the outcome of the request from there

Message 16 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

OP, did you open an INR refund request? Link to do so is here: Report an item that hasn't arrived


You can only open the refund request/claim/dispute/case after the Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) has passed, and absolutely no later than 30 days after the EDD. (Not 30 business days - itโ€™s 30 calendar days.)

Once the request is opened, the seller has to respond satisfactorily (refund you in full if item hadnโ€™t arrived and assuming no proof of delivery such as tracking showing itโ€™s been delivered) within 3 business days.


If the seller hasnโ€™t resolved this within that timeframe, you are able to escalate the case by asking eBay to step in. You CANNOT escalate if 21  business days have gone past after opening the request. Thatโ€™s why the timeframe is critically important.


Also, if you donโ€™t escalate and the case is still not sorted out to your satisfaction, the case will close automatically after 21 business days.


You must act within these timeframes. The case canโ€™t be reopened once itโ€™s been closed by you or has automatically closed.




When the buyer doesn't receive an item


Sellers are required to deliver the item to the address in the Order details, unless the buyer selected a local pickup option.

If the item doesn't arrive at the address provided by the buyer at checkout or isn't made available for collection, the buyer is entitled to a full refund, including original postage costs (if applicable).



Actions & time frames when the buyer doesn't receive an item



Time frame

The buyer reports that the item hasn't arrived or was not available for collection

Report an item that hasn't arrived



The seller responds to the buyer's report

The seller is required to respond and provide either tracking information, delivery updates, or a refund.


  • 3 business days after the report date

If the seller provided tracking details, eBay may respond to the report automatically and/or may close the request once tracking shows the item has been delivered.

Ask eBay to step in

If the seller hasn't responded or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, they can ask us to step in and help.


eBay may step in without the buyer asking if there is no valid tracking information available.


  • 3 business days after the report date


  • 21 business days after the report date


Deciding the outcome when the buyer doesn't receive an item


When a buyer reports that they didn't receive an item and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for:

  • Evidence of successful delivery to the address provided in the Order details, or
  • Proof that the buyer collected the item

If we determine that the item was not successfully delivered or collected:

  • The buyer will receive a refund for the full cost of the item and original postage, and
  • The seller may be required to reimburse eBay for the amount of the refund


Message 17 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

Look... this is occupying altogether too much valuable time... yours, others... mine..

(Incidentally, I understand ebay's system of contact between buyers and sellers. I communicated thru ebay's platform 'Contact the Seller'  & copied the message, in a separate msg just to be sure everyone was 'in the loop' I cannot imagine who, how, why my message was deleted. I can only say that is what ebay said to me in their message!)

Originally in contacting this forum, I just wanted feedback on why there was no avenue to comment on ebay... ( or .com or .uk... they are all the same company... just separated to make life more 'challenging' for members is all... AND no doubt to benefit the company tax wise.) 

I had asked a fairly reasonable question. Why there was no avenue to comment on ebay itself... They're happy enough to pass on feedback to their members but are entirely unwilling to listen to comment about their own systems.

To be more succinct about this matter

I sent a message via ebay's messaging system to a seller from who I had purchased an expensive electronic item noting that after 10 days the item had not arrived with me.

In my message, I asked the seller to confirm the shipping address and provide a tracking number.

The seller replied supplying the information.

I contacted the postal company to inquire... 2 days later I received a reply for said company explaining that the procedures for delivery had not been followed, the parcel could not be located and now they, the postal company was accepting responsibility for the loss.

They provided a detailed explanation complete with ref # & suggested that I communicate with the seller to advise of the situation. Additionally I was encouraged to get the seller to contact the postal company and make arrangements with said company to arrange resolution.

I wrote a detailed message, via ebay's messaging system, explaining the situation and asking for them to contact said company as a matter of urgency. (After all... it was a $1000+ unit)

I 'Cc'd' ebay at the same time... and did what was then required.... waited for a reply.....

5 days passed without any communication for anyone.

I then contacted ebay to inquire as to the disposition of my issue.

It was then... and only then, did ebay inform me that they had 'restricted' my communications to the seller due, in their words, that they were of the opinion that I was fraudulently attempting to circumvent ebay's selling policy. I was, quite brusquely informed of ebay's policy's regarding communications, and notified that my email message had been deleted from their system.

Equally bluntly ebay informed me that if I still had an issue with an INR, mayhap I should contact the seller............ Sheesh!!! Are you kidding me!!!

And now we're here..!!

I apologize if my adding emphasis to some words in some of my messages here has 'harshed some peoples buzz' but getting the 'brush off' from ebay has done far more than that to me!!

Again, this matter, in this forum has gone way beyond what I had originally intended.

My apologies

Message 18 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

Thank you for you very helpful & informative input into this matter.

I have done all of the above, suggested both by you and other members

My issue here is: ebay's systems are entirely ebay centric... nothing more!

They have not the slightest interest in their members beyond making money off us

Again thank you for you attention to my concerns. My apologies for my expressed frustration

Message 19 of 23
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Negative Feedback ON eBay

Had a similar experience earlier this year only in my case the postal service kept changing its story as to whether item was lost or delayed - it was " impacted" by a truck fire & it took 3 weeks for them to admit that meant "unrecoverable". 


eBay processes are predominantly bot driven and computers only work within very narrow parameters, anything outside that is forbidden and they can't read intention. Stupid frackers that they are!


If eBay won't let you communicate with the seller then don't - just escalate from within the return request and get your money back. If seller needs more info they can contact you ( or postal service), but really not your concern if they get compensated.


eBay are tone deaf and don't want anybodies feedback which will eventually be their downfall, but there are many review sites. Some people have suggested that you get a better response contacting eBay through Facebook - haven't tried that myself.


I really hope you get a refund!

Message 20 of 23
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