PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible


After some time conversing with people yesterday I have been told by a few that there will be no PayPal fees under the new eBay managed payment system however my recent sales experiences with items listed after I was registered with managed payments has had the PayPal payments come through just as they always have before - with buyers personal details as the sender of payment and the associated PayPal fee as part of the transfer breakdown. The fee being charged to me from PayPal.

I am being told this is a mistake and I am being told there will be no PayPal fees.

Well, I would like to ask those that are already receiving Paypal fees for sales since being registered for managed payments : Are you still being charged the PayPal fee by payPal as it has always been ?

Have gone over eBay and Paypal fee totals etc so not concerned so much about that , just if that PP fee is still applied.

I am aware of the following info from eBay :

eBay Australia benefits of managed payments :

  1. Simpler to sell: Checkout is more flexible, with an easier experience for buyers. Buyers will have access to new ways to pay, including credit, debit and gift cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal and After pay.


> eBay Stores selling fees for managed payments sellers

right down the bottom of the page :

> Fees for using PayPal

> We don't charge fees for using PayPal on eBay. However, if you accept PayPal payments, PayPal will charge a fee when you complete a sale, and the buyer pays with PayPal.

Thanks for your time


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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Yeah, well, didn't say I had all the answers - who does?


Hope it sorts itself out soon.

Message 21 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

@mtshed2014 wrote:

At this stage I'm thinking you may be right.

Doesn't really explain this :

> eBay Stores selling fees for managed payments sellers

right down the bottom of the page :

> Fees for using PayPal

> We don't charge fees for using PayPal on eBay. However, if you accept PayPal payments, PayPal will charge a fee when you complete a sale, and the buyer pays with PayPal.

Because there are currently 2 payment systems for sellers, this is just trying to clarify there are no fees in addition to eBay's fees when on managed payments. However, normal PayPal fees obviously still apply for sellers who aren't on MP and offer PayPal as per the old system.


I suppose a lot of people think they'll pay both eBay's higher FVF and PayPal fees after the switch (which is not supposed to happen).




Message 22 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Not applicable

After I signed up for the new managed payment system, I had a sale where all monies went to ebay, I had to pay post out of my pocket, am still waiting for ebay to pass MY money on to me.  After this I had a sale and it went to paypal, so paypal charged me the fees of course.  After this, 3rd sale monies went to ebay, again had to pay postage out of my pocket, and after 3 days I have no money from ebay, the couriers have my money, and ebay has the WHOLE AMOUNT OF THE SALE PASSING NOTHING ON TO ME.  It is really this simple: ebay has a tech problem, eventually all your proceeds will go thru ebay and not paypal.  THIS WILL NOT BE CHEAPER FOR ANYONE, as you will save on your 2.6%  plus 30c paypal fee, bur ebay neglects to advertise their NEW FEES are an ADDITIONAL 2.5% PLUS 30c (a saving for sellers of 0.1%, but a huge delay in getting your money).  So ebay simply wants to take the paypal fees away from paypal and put it in their own pocket, because EBAY USED TO OWN PAYPAL BUT THEY STUPIDLY SOLD IT, NOW TRYING TO MAKE THEIR OWN FINANCIAL SYSTEM THE SAME AS PAYPAL SO THEY GET MORE MONEY, simple !!

Message 23 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Stop spamming, if you hate it that much Leave

Message 24 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

@Anonymous wrote:

So ebay simply wants to take the paypal fees away from paypal and put it in their own pocket, because EBAY USED TO OWN PAYPAL BUT THEY STUPIDLY SOLD IT, NOW TRYING TO MAKE THEIR OWN FINANCIAL SYSTEM THE SAME AS PAYPAL SO THEY GET MORE MONEY, simple !!

Yeah, so simple to completely overhaul the entire way payments are done on a global site, lol, all the while making a bunch of people scared and angry.


This quote doesn't really make any sense, not least because none of us know how much ebay pays Adyen to process each payment, and how much better off (after all is said and done) they are than they would have been holding on to PayPal, and / or just continuing with their previous set up.


eBay and PayPal parted ways because PayPal felt they had not only outgrown them, but that eBay were holding them back  - however, PayPal incentivised eBay with large cash bonuses if they managed to maintain an 80%+ rate of all payments continuing to be through PayPal after the split, eBay shifting to their own payment system and introducing more and more payment methods for buyers obviously ends that little arrangement. 


Honestly this move was always on the cards - if anyone can find it, there's a post I made here years ago predicting it, long before it was even a whisper on the eBay winds, because it just makes sense for a business like ebay to have their own checkout and payments system, like nearly every other similar site. 



Message 25 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Not applicable

if item was LISTED before you signed up it still goes thru old system and old fees apply, if ite mwas LISTED after signing up for MP, then goes thru ebay and new fees apply

Message 26 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Not applicable

it depends when item was LISTED, not when item was sold  if listed before signing up to managed [payments, it still goes thru old fee system


Message 27 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Not applicable

i have done many partial refunds through paypal, and you dont get refund on 30c fee, but ALWAYS get refund on the portion of fees relating to part refund.  Also, giving FULL refund will get paypal refund of 30c  plus the percentage fee

Message 28 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

Not applicable

didnt realise i was spamming, and i am not leaving, and yes it is true i dont like the new system, doesnt mean I cant complain, doesnt mean I should leave, why dont you leave if you dont like my info

Message 29 of 40
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PayPal fees under managed payment - please clarify from experience if possible

it was listed after I was online with new MP's

another MP payment received.

someone on here has  kindly pointed out there's currently two payment systems involved , which has me wondering where the dust will settle over time - if all members are bound to use only MP's in the future.

Message 30 of 40
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