Responding to messages

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts/ ideas are on replying to messages over the weekend. Do you answer them as you receive them or do you wait until Monday and have the weekend off aswell. Just wondering

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I usually respond within a few hours of getting a message, whether it be on the weekend or not. I need every sale I can get, so it's no skin off my nose to take a few minutes to answer a query and more often than not it ends in a sale. If I delayed too long, the buyer might look elsewhere.


That being said, if something comes in after 9pm, I'll respond in the morning when I'm feeling refresh and coherent ๐Ÿ™‚


Message 11 of 22
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I answer ASAP...if I'm online - straight away. Very often I have had full-on conversations with a buyer & they end up buying 10 - 12 items
Message 12 of 22
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Answering questions ASAP certianly improves sales of the item in question. I used to answer questions straight away, but since ebay introduced throttling, I have a much lower care factor. My sales are very consistent regardless of what I do and if my sales are going to be capped with invisible selling limits, I figure why bust my boiler answering questions on the weekend.

Message 13 of 22
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I still care about my customers but I've found that a lot of buyers ask a question and then disappear and don't check their emails for several days, so I don't answer as quickly as I used to.  If they really want the item they'll be there when I do reply, and not replying for a few hours won't stop them wanting it.  If it's a case of strike while the iron is hot, and before they lose interest, chances are they'll regret their impulse buy and want to return it anyway. 


Some ask questions and say they want something specific but when I do a special listing for them I never hear from them again.  So again, I don't get too fussed about answering straight away.  I often have to get stock out to be able to answer questions and it's hard work when people waste my time.


Like someone else said, answering straight away sets a precedent, but it also confirms their belief that sellers have nothing better to do than sit at the computer waiting for questions, so then they expect it even more.  Some would think an immediate reply means we have nothing else to do because we have no sales, and then they start to wonder what's wrong with our products.  Answering immediately might also make them think we're desperate for sales, and looking desperate is one of the biggest turn-offs there is.


If I ask a question on another website I don't expect an immediate reply, and if I get a reply within 24 hours I tend to think that's pretty good.  I'm talking about sites that could have a LOT of sales, not like a small seller on ebay, but the principle is the same.


I used to try and answer everything straight away but these days I might see a question in the morning and think, "it can wait until the afternoon", sometimes even that night.  For all they know I could be away at work or out shopping.


To the OP, is it possible to take one full day off and then set aside a specific time on the other day to answer questions?  If your answers are likely to lead to more questions, tell them you're only available between certain hours on the weekend, or that you have limited access to your computer on weekends, or that in order to save your marriage & family you've decided to spend only limited time on business matters on the weekend.  You could put something to this effect in your listings.  I've seen plenty of stores that have a message in their listings to say they only answer queries in business hours.  If you make it humorous it might actually have more impact, eg. my wife said she'll divorce me if I don't spend the weekends at home with her, so I'm not available to answer questions between ... and ...  Or, "I'd like to see my kids grow up so I confine my work to business hours now."  I think people will respect you more for taking time off than if you were there all the time.  Invite them to walk all over you and a lot of them will!

Message 14 of 22
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My cutoff is midday Saturday and I don't look at Ebay until 8am Monday morning.  My auctions end midweek so plenty of time for responding to queries during what I consider 'normal' working hours.  If I didn't put these boundaries around it I would never be off the computer/phone!

You can state this in your listings too so your potential buyers know your house rules 

Message 15 of 22
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I would say it is a pretty easy equation. Only answer questions promptly if you want to sell the item. Ignore the question & give the buyer up to 3 days to source another item from the 1000s of sellers (like myself) who usually answer their questions withing minutes.

Message 16 of 22
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Personally I think if the potential buyer has taken the time to ask something or send a message, then replying back asap should be the rule. I try to think like a buyer and know that if that was me, I would appreciate an answer as soon as possible, so therefore that is the way I work. Most of our items are GTC so that doesn't put me under pressure time wise like auctions can, but always try to answer as quickly as I can.



BUT of course there are always exceptions:


not at 3.00am or that sort of thing. I am busy......snoring.

not if it is unreasonable, rude or angry, .....usually go and make a cup of coffee while I think about what to reply. But always do reply.


Do have a policy of shutting "shop" at 6.00pm, try to treat it like a B&M, open at 6.00am (ha) and close at 6.00pm, 7 days a week, could not ignore queries over the weekend that would be just a bit rude I think. 


Anyhooo just our 2cents worth.

Message 17 of 22
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If Im awake when the message comes in I answer it. Even just to say Im not in the office at this time and if extra info is required I will forward that info ASAP.

Message 18 of 22
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Evey hour delay is another hour they can find what they want elsewhere. So its a balance as to how much you want the business compared to having time off. So do what is most important to you and whether its convenient or not. You are not obliged either way. 


Message 19 of 22
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Not replying to anyone in particular...


It can also depend a bit on the type of items you sell, and the questions that are commonly asked about them, in so far as whether or not being able to answer ASAP will cost you a sale.


Personally, I rarely get "sold pending the answer to this question" types of messages. Sometimes people do want additional or clarifying information before they buy, and most probably think they're asking a simple "yes" or "no" question, but from my perspective they rarely are, and I like to take the time to send a thoughful and sometimes comprehensive reply. 


A classic example is "do you combine postage?", I won't just say "yep", I'll explain how to get it to work in case they're using the app or summat (that one is asked often enough for me to have a saved message template, though, so doesn't take much time to respond to that). 


Other questions tend to seem simple, but I've returned essays to them Smiley Surprised Smiley LOL (eg some people see one of my items and ask something like "can you do this in other colours and/or sizes?", the answer is yes, but to save time on any further messages, it's easier for me to outline several of the main (but actually infinite) options I can provide. 


I have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of certain materials, too, so I always take a bit of extra time to explain some common misconceptions when I receive a question that is obviously based on those misconceptions. It does take me longer, and it means I have to set aside some time to do it (rarely straight away), but I've also earned a few dedicated customers that way, too. 

Message 20 of 22
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