Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

A little ago I wrote that it felt like my shop had become invisible after I had changed my shop subscription level in June as sales  suddenly dropped off dramatically. Even changing it back a week later did not help restore sales at the time - things limped along between June and the end of September.


However, October actually turned out to be a cracker month!

It started out a bit slow, but once the new changes came into effect on the 15th, my sales increased in leaps and bounds. In fact, by the end of the month I was back to where I had been before things dropped after the subscription change in June.


Whilst October was great, November is starting with a bang and even random items that I've had in my shop for ages with little movement have suddenly been selling.


Prior to the 15th, I did spend a huge amount of time making sure that every single item specific for every single listing was up to date and filled in. The other main thing I did was that I ended old listings that had been sitting for more than 12 months with lots of views but little/no sales and I relisted them as fresh (through Sell Similar, so they would get a new item number).


Anyway, whatever Ebay did on the 15th of October has been a good thing and I'm guessing that buyers really are finding items a lot easier by drilling down through the item specifics displayed for them on the left hand side of search. If sellers are missing just ONE important item specific, the listing just won't get shown up or will get reduced visibility so it's really worth double checking every listing that you have.

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Great to hear things are back to normal. I have wondered how you where going. The advice on item specifics is probably a good tip. I have noticed when searching items, the item specifics thing seems to just pop up by itself, so ebay are certainly pushing it. I,m dreading the thought of having to manually revise 1800 listings though.

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Yup, manually checking every listing was definitely time consuming (it took more than 2 days), BUT it has been worth it as it also gave me a chance to make a few minor changes in the descriptions.

I originally started off in bulk edit, but to be honest, it's only when you open a listing that you can really and truly see what information is missing/incomplete - Ebay has put red asterisks next to the information that HAS to be completed. Any other info you can fill in is also good and will bulk out those specifics.


I've attached a screenshot of what the requirements are for a typical cushion cover.

Ebay needed 2 definite pieces of information, the rest I was able to supply as additional specifics. As you can see, the "Recommended"
section was also important, and that blue circle with the lightning only filled up bit by bit as I completed those item requirements.


1800 listings is a huge task for sure. Break it down into chunks - maybe 200 a day.

Also, double check that everything is in the right category - Ebay moved more than 200 of my cushion cover listings into "Childrens Decor".




Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 12.06.35 pm.png

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

My  ebaY sales have dropped dramatically  over the past few months I'm not sure wheather its the retail recession, bushfires, peoples personal finaces etc. I have had so many watchers of the past, I have some succcess using other selling platforms but even thats a slump. I'm stuck in a rut and its been depressing. 

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

That's great! Really happy for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Helps to read stories like that. I might get off my lazy butt and start listing some stuff for the Christmas 'rush'.

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Just a couple of comments


I've noticed when revising items that have been listed for a while that Item Specifics - previously completed - are missing. So worth checking them if they've been there a couple of months.


Also I've noticed (checked the last 4 months) that the last week in any month before my fees are due I get a spurt in Sales - this is after 3 weeks of so-so sales. Looks like ebay are turning on my lights to make sure I have enough money to pay my fees.


OK - Tin Foil Hats are optional for the last comment.

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Yes totally agree re cleaning up and redoing some of old listings.


Have been doing exactly the same to re-birth ours.

We have quite a lot that are fairly old and so have been slowly going through and tweeking and rejigging.

As you say bulk editing doesn't work, have to open each one to see just how it actually looks, and reads.

Have found a couple of doozies that had slipped through so well worth it.


But once cleaned up and re-listed have found some are selling so just proves that there are a lot of new lookers and buyers around and is well worth it. 

Have a go, just do a few every day and good luck. 

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

Yup, I have been really pleased by how much it has turned things around.

As I mentioned, October was a really good month - in fact it was up 104% on September. So far in November I am up another 94% on October!


The only really weird thing is that my international sales have stopped. Usually international sales would account for about 30-40% of my total volume, but they have utterly dried up since about June (when the drama all started). It must have something to do with the way the new item specifics are displayed for international buyers. So, whilst my domestic sales are flying, I would love to have my international buyers back as they tend to place good orders due to their stronger currencies.

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Re: Sales had slumped but Ebay's October changes made a difference

I did the same thing, I refreshed every single item specific for each and every one of my listings (very painful). But the product visibility, traffic and ultimately conversion has improved!


I was also wondering, are any of you guys using tools to complete item specifics faster/more accurately?



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