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Sellers : Gain A Voice

For Years eBay's Mantra has been ' We are a Platform - We are a Venue.


Not anymore.


Today it is a Fee Guzzling, Dictorial, Judgemental monster, totally lacking in any Integrity


We the Sellers are held to Ransom for the pitiful little Symbols & Icons they offer for complying with the 'Policies'.


For the most part we Sellers are dealing with our customers with Consideration & Integrity.

Our Feedback is Testament to this.


There is always going to be an element of dishonest traders as there is everywhere.

Most of whom will not & do not last long.


To Comply we are directed to offer 'Free Postage'.

This is not China - our Govt. does not offer this to encourage trade - we pay a hefty cost for Postage.


To offer 'Free Postage' when the cost is recouped in the sale is not only dishonest it is illegal.

eBay do not offer the honest option of 'Postage Included'.

This is Australia - in a lot of cases same day or 1 day posting is nigh on impossible to say nothing of being non cost effective.

 A 30 day money back guarantee is boardering on the ridiculous for most of our items.


Then we come to August 20th & the 'Defect' System.


This system is so Flawed - so Lacking in Reason - it beggars belief.


For whatever reason these so called 'Defects' are given & no matter the outcome between buyer & seller the 'Defects' stand.


This is the only country in the world without the even playing field of mutual Feedback.

Ours is totally stacked for the Buyer.

Without Sellers there are no Buyers.


eBay has stated a buyer not happy with a transaction is not likely to return to the site.

What Rubbish.

We have all had experiences we would rather forget but purchase again & again.


My Lone Voice will be heard on 20th August & on 21st August & on 22nd August & on 23rd of August.


My holiday Settings will be turned on - my items not seen - eBay will receive no income from me for this time.


My hip pocket is willing to take the hit & I gain a voice.


IMAGINE if it were not a LONE VOICE.


Message 1 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

My holiday Settings will be turned on - my items not seen - eBay will receive no income from me for this time.


You have a store they will gain the store fees for those few days you are on "holiday"



Message 2 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Yes, at $49.95 for a basic the time will cost me the grand total of $6.44. As I said my hip pocket will wear it.
Message 3 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

I am polishing my 'Defect Seller Badge' & thinking of inaugurating a Defect Seller Association. Mind you to join the criteria is mindless 'defects' especially with + Feedback - they work well.
Message 4 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

On a post on another thread, I believe you were told by eBay they would have their DEFECTIVE defect system sorted by the time the dumb defect system was in place in August. 


I would be interested to know if you have had any further response regarding the rectification of the DEFECTIVE defect system - and that erroneous defects are now able to be removed by eBay.


I refer specifically to your sale of the 16th to a buyer in Chile whose buying date was the 15th, who lodged an INR on the 16th, upheld by eBay, with a response from eBay CS that 'there is no way the defect can be removed, our tech team are working on it, and it should be sorted by August' (not a direct quote, but near enough).


So have the tech team earned this weeks wages by fixing this.  Guaranteed they got their wages, and you are still sitting with that ridiculous defect.

Message 5 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

If I believed cutting off my nose to spite my face was worthwhile, I MIGHT subscribe to your idea.


I don't so I won't.


The only real form of protest is to stop selling here. Which you are not advocating, so your 'voice' is a squeak, at best.

Message 6 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

The intention of cutting off your nose to spite your face speaks volumes. You are very prolific - in typing. My 'squeak' as you so eruditely put it is an honest attempt to make an effort to make a 'difference'. Rather than going on & on & on about matters as it seems you have the time to I do not. I am totally willing to step up - put my money where my mouth should be & be counted. Jim Croce ...........Like the singin bird & the croakin toad. Sorry - your continual boring quote.
Message 7 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Sorry I don't subscribe to your BS.


Your Squeak will not make a difference, eBay don't care.


You are the one going on and on about things. Witness your prolific posts referring to this thread.


I put my money where my mouth is - I still sell on eBay.


Whilst I do not agree with a lot of their conditions, unfortunately eBay butters my bread.


My quote is 'If you're going my way I'll go with you'. If you choose to take other lyrics from the referenced song out of context, then that reflects on you.

Message 8 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

I don't understand how you as a person, having a protest and not selling for a few days, is going to change anything. Do you really think people are going to follow your lead? I can tell you now, they won't. EBay doesn't give a hoot if one or 2 sellers don't sell for a few days. There are millions of others who will continue to sell, increasing eBay's profit margin on an hourly basis.


You remind me of someone who decides to go vegetarian because it will stop the slaughter of animals. Nope, it's still going to happen. 


Just because you want to stand up and be counted, doesn't mean the millions of other sellers do. Good luck in trying to single handedly bring down eBay on your're going to need it.


Are you going to contact eBay and tell them you are having your little protest? I bet it will make them run scared if you do. They will know then that they have to make lots of changes because one seller decides to have a protest. Pfft.

Message 9 of 62
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Sellers : Gain A Voice

Community Member
Ebay is very unfair for sellers where you have to walk on eggshells just not to get a negative, and $10.50 is even too much for buyers to pay ( they want everything for free) I'm not starting at 99 cents again.
Message 10 of 62
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