Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

I am extremely disappointed with ebay - gone are the days when the little person could sell an item and reach a wide sector of the market.  While I was on ebay checking how my FEW items were going I was browsing and buying others.  I was not nor will I ever be a big seller on ebay. 


To sell  an Item I have to use PayPal - no PayPal no listing.  After my item sold PayPal takes a cut and then ebay takes their cut - 9.9% to be exact.  I really cannot justify the 9.9% fee. I can understand a small fee being a fixed price for the service provided but a 9.9% fee of the final value is a joke.  The same amount of effort goes into an item if it is $1 or $1000.  Both ebay and the seller do no extra work on the $1000 item.  Fees like that should be directed to the big businesses.


A lot of people who sell on ebay are individuals  that may have a handful of items to sell every now and then. Ebay is quite happy to charge the  local community for selling their second-hand items and charge them 9.9%


Consideration should be given to the small sellers - people who sell every now and then.


Gumtree is my next move!!!!!!!!!



Message 1 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

Gumtree is owned and operated by eBay.
What you are paying eBay the 9.9% for I'd the use of their platform and the traffic volume that comes with it. To sell you need to build these fees (and other costs) into your final selling price.
Don't forget that 9.9% of a $1 item is 9.9 cents but for a $1,000 item is $99. So the bigger sellers are paying more $$$$ but still 9.9%.
If you want your FVF lower you might consider increasing your sales volume and buy a store. The fees for a basic store are 8%, but the store costs you $24.95 per month no matter how much you sell.
The fees are all a cost of doing business and at the end of the day your buyer pays for it in the item price.
If you can't deal with that then I suspect that perhaps eBay is not the platform for you to sell on. But good luck finding another platform with the traffic volumes.
Message 2 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

@sirakovski.2007 wrote:



To sell  an Item I have to use PayPal - no PayPal no listing.  After my item sold PayPal takes a cut and then ebay takes their cut - 9.9% to be exact.  I really cannot justify the 9.9% fee. I can understand a small fee being a fixed price for the service provided but a 9.9% fee of the final value is a joke.  The same amount of effort goes into an item if it is $1 or $1000.  Both ebay and the seller do no extra work on the $1000 item.  Fees like that should be directed to the big businesses.




Percentage-based fees aren't due to the work involved, or suggestive that it costs eBay / PayPal more to facilitate a sale of $1000 than it does a $10 one, but the higher value something is, the higher risk the seller, PayPal, and (to a much lesser extent) eBay take on that sale. It's also intended to keep up with inflation without having to do continual pricing reviews. 



Message 3 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

@sirakovski.2007 wrote:

I am extremely disappointed with ebay - gone are the days when the little person could sell an item and reach a wide sector of the market.  While I was on ebay checking how my FEW items were going I was browsing and buying others.  I was not nor will I ever be a big seller on ebay. 


To sell  an Item I have to use PayPal - no PayPal no listing.  After my item sold PayPal takes a cut and then ebay takes their cut - 9.9% to be exact.  I really cannot justify the 9.9% fee. I can understand a small fee being a fixed price for the service provided but a 9.9% fee of the final value is a joke.  The same amount of effort goes into an item if it is $1 or $1000.  Both ebay and the seller do no extra work on the $1000 item.  Fees like that should be directed to the big businesses.


A lot of people who sell on ebay are individuals  that may have a handful of items to sell every now and then. Ebay is quite happy to charge the  local community for selling their second-hand items and charge them 9.9%


Consideration should be given to the small sellers - people who sell every now and then.


Gumtree is my next move!!!!!!!!!



Fees like that should be directed to the big business..............WHY ?????

Every account holder on ebay costs the company money. It would be much cheaper and more efficient for ebay to have 100 sellers each with 1,000,000 listings than to have 1,000,000 customers each with 100 listings. On this basis it could be argued that small seller should pay much more per item to use ebays platform than bigger sellers as they cost the company much more to service. In effect this is what actually happens.


I,m sorry, but I just cant understand why people think ebay, which is a business designed to make a profit, should just give its services away for free to small sellers who only sell now and then. You dont go into Woolies or Coles and expect them to give you the groceries for free if you only shop there now and then,  so why ebay ????


Message 4 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

Good luck with Gumtree is all I can say. People not turning up. People trying to barter, both before the sale and when if they turn up. People getting upset, angry and aggressive when you refuse to accept the pittance they've offered. It may not have fees over there....the eBay owned Gumtree, but it has its own issues.

Message 5 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

There are other sites where you can list at either very low or no cost.


The problem is you are doing just that....listing. You won't be selling anything. Ebay's 9.9% in fees leaves me with some money for my effort, I put as much effort into listing on the other sites for absolutely no return.


If you cannot sell things for enough to cover your fees and some left over why do you bother?

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 6 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

"Gumtree is my next move!!!!!!!!!"

Reasons to:


  • Free listings
  • No "Final Value Fees".


Reasons not to:


  • Search functionality. Basically, there isn't any. If you do a search that contains more than one word, you'll get listings that include any of the words. If I search for "TV Week" (as in the magazine, which I collect), I get TV sets, rental properties, ads for talent agencies, etc. Using quotations marks around your search term has no effect. Trying to filter by excluding words (using the minus sign before them) doesn't work.

    It's locally-based, so you have to set a search distance from your location (you can type in "Australia" if you want to search nationally).

    It's painful...

  • No "Checkout" system. Basically, the buyer messages you direct, and you come to an arrangement re payment and delivery. That's it. It's the online equivalent of the old "Trading Post" newspaper. Your ad stays active until you delete it - the site does nothing. Nothing in the way of a "Selling / Sold" screen like on here.

  • Dispute resolution. None. If you buy a dodgy item, too bad. No Feedback, no Resolution Centre, no Item Not As Described, no Unpaid Item cases, etc.

  • Fixed-price listings only. No more will you get two people bidding items up to an insane price, and you making a packet. 

  • Haggling. Be prepared for messages asking if you'll take $7.50 for the item you've listed for $50. 

  • Time-wasters. You'll arrange a time and place, and the buyer won't show. Or they'll examine the item, and decide it's not what they wanted. Conversely, you'll drive 20k's to look at an item you intend buying, and find that someone else took it ten minutes before you arrrived...

  • Payment. In theory, only PayPal, Bank Deposit. or Cash on pick-up. In practice, you'll get people offering money orders, Western Union, beads, sea-shells, small children, etc

There's all manner of other numpty-ness on parade on Gumtree - ads for items that sold three weeks ago, which the seller hasn't gotten around to taking down are a highlight. Think of the worst sellers you've seen on eBay - because of its nature, Gumtree's kind of made up of those. Now imagine the buyers...





Message 7 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

Payment. In theory, only PayPal, Bank Deposit. or Cash on pick-up. In practice, you'll get people offering money orders, Western Union, beads, sea-shells, small children, etc



Ok with the rest but do not accept small children, I can't eat a whole one.



There's all manner of other numpty-ness on parade on Gumtree - ads for items that sold three weeks ago, which the seller hasn't gotten around to taking down are a highlight. Think of the worst sellers you've seen on eBay - because of its nature, Gumtree's kind of made up of those. Now imagine the buyers...

Well gee thanks for that, so I am one of the worst sellers on ebay LOL I find Guntree OK for pick up items and while you get a lot of time wasters I do not allow haggling and only accept cash.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 8 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

I only eat children if they're cooked properly. Trouble is, there are very few these days who know how to get them just right. They're either over done or underdone. Underdone is the worst because they are quite chewy and stringy 😄


If they're small enough it's not hard to eat a whole one on your own. You can always reheat any leftovers. They are just as good nuked the next day.

Message 9 of 26
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Selling Fees and PayPal Fees

Gee thanks Ebay..

I used to get free listings..on all of my store items..

Now you've gone back to charging on listinsg once 200 have been listed..

Always re-arraging the deck chairs.always skimming and scaming us!

Turning on and off store lights..and you then put out spin that is utter garbage about the word "free"

it really means you are taking more...throw in the cut that Paypal takes and you have the audacity to say it's not connected adds insult to day i'll be able to rasie the finger say go to hell!

Message 10 of 26
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