on 15-09-2014 11:04 PM
I am really concerned about this whole new rating system.
I know I am one of many sellers who are either disabled or unable to work for serious health or family reasons , and this is our only source of income.
I do not want to have to go on a disability pension!. I feel like crying when I think of the number of buyers who carelessly or spitefully leave less than fantastic feedback, that those buyers can cause devastating effects.
I loved ebay and was so grateful that I was able to make some money while I watch my life savings go down the drain on the rent. If not for ebay I would have been broke and homeless by now.. but I have managed to have hope, and now feel it slipping away.
The thought of losing all the stock I have bought !!! all that money down the drain, makes me ill.
The feeling of satisfaction that I am able to have a go, despite my disability, has given me hope. Now I feel despair.
Just wanting to share!
on 18-09-2014 08:12 AM
@dylan11235813 wrote:resistance is futile> I would actually like to know how ebay can hold a .com.au domain.
Why shouldn't they? What is the criteria for having a .com.au domain?
If it is being registered in Australia as a business then Ebay is registered on the ASIC data base as a company owned by an overseas parent company.
on 18-09-2014 09:38 AM
@jpamboris wrote:I understand what you mean. Ebay will not see it this way though, regardless of what your intentions are. If one account is suspended, i will almost bet my life the others will soon follow suit.
Sorry, you totally missed my point.
True, if one account gets shut down they are all suspended.
My strategy was to rotate accounts BEFORE any get too close to suspension.
As far as I understand, UNTIL accounts are suspended / restricted, defects on one account don't affect another (not withstanding Best Match criteria, that stuff all a bit abstract for me).