Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

I am really concerned about this whole new rating system.

I know I am one of many sellers who are either disabled or unable to work for serious health or family reasons , and this is our only source of income.

I do not want to have to go on a disability pension!. I feel like crying when I think of the number of buyers who carelessly or spitefully leave less than fantastic feedback, that those buyers can cause devastating effects.

I loved ebay and was so grateful that I was able to make some money while I watch my life savings go down the drain on the rent. If not for ebay I would have been broke and homeless by now.. but I have managed to have hope, and now feel it slipping away.

The thought of losing all the stock I have bought !!! all that money down the drain, makes me ill.

The feeling of satisfaction that I am able to have a go, despite my disability, has given me hope. Now I feel despair.

Just wanting to share!




Message 1 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

Don't stress too much. Just do your best. Keep improving quality and service.You will be fine.
Message 21 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

@appletreeaaa wrote:

Selling on- line is not a fully secure  occupation because your listings can be here one day and then removed the next day without a warning unlike retailers who have the security of a shop lease that means that they can't  be closed up at a short notice .

I know it is not the point, but we were issued with an eviction notice at our last business premises because the landlord was having ongoing issues with the bank and the bank was about to take "vacant possession". The sherrif came to see us and told us our lease (which still had at least 6 months) was now void. I contacted the bank's lawyers and they said we better start looking for new premises.


Yes, being is business will always have it's ups and downs, but three things I have learnt

1. If we knew ahead of time how much drama we would eventually go through, few of us would ever have gone into business

2. There is no point stressing about things that might happen, especially if the chances of them not happening are even greater

3. It is an amazing feeling when we have overcome an obstacle that at first we could see no way around. 


Just want to raise a point though, while the "defect" system is new, it is in my opinion an improvement on the "violation" system we used to have.  Whereas in the past a few buyers with a lot of purchases and a lot of complaints could cause your violations to escalate suddenly to the point of NARU, now it requires 5% from at least 8 different buyers.  Smiley Happy

Message 22 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

Well said austeam.



Message 23 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

Oops, presses Post by mistake too early


I think the new system is totally unfair in some ways, like the NEW ways to collect defects and how 3s are suddenly bad, there are a couple of improvements from the old system - like how it takes 8 different buyers to affect rating seriously.


Because I'm only a small seller, I'm going to try rotating my IDs, for instance if this one starts to accumulate a few defects, move listings to another ID until the ones on here drop off.   I might start a third at some point and get some decent selling limits up just in case..... just have to hope I don't get a bad month and a heap of defects all at once which would ruin all IDs.  Some of the experiences reported on these boards have been pretty frightening.



Message 24 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

Be careful with this as ebay can easily link your accounts and suspend them all..
Message 25 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

I don't mean in an underhanded way - the accounts are all linked and I own that.


What I mean is, that before it gets too close to Below Standard when you are permanently shut-down - as far as you can control under the **bleep**py defect system - is to 'retire' the account for awhile and use an account with fewer defects.  Then rotate as they drop off.  It seems to me it's inevitable that unfair defects will accumulate, just thinking how to mitigate the risk without shutting down selling altogether.  Would seem to be within the rules though?


Not a guaranteed strategy, and for some sellers could mean loss of loyal customer base, etc.  Just thinking aloud.

Message 26 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

@5kazam wrote:

Life on these boards was so much nicer whilst Mr. N. was on leave.


Surely he has heard the saying 'If you can't say something nice about someoe, say nothing at all...!!!

Are you referring to me?


I wasn't on leave.


And I work on the saying 'if you can povide facts, do so'. If you want to take potshots at others without adding to the point of the thread feel free to do so. It is YOUR credibility at stake, after all.

Message 27 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

@lizzy6107 wrote:

Thank you Dave for your input

With all due respect however, I need to disagree that I 'have had four months to adress the issue'.

I have no control over australia post delivery times, unrealistic buyer expectations, poor manufacturer quality of items, difference in monitor colours, (buyers putting on weight and still thinking that they are a size 6 and I have sold them incorrect fitting items!) and generally my attractiveness to some unpleasant and rude buyers!

I do all I can to make the buyer happy, the buyer is always right, and given a large turnover, I expect that I will have a few negs and neutrals as oppopsed to someone who sells very infrequently. Aftern ten years of selling on ebay, and watching others feedbacks and comments, I have seen a definite trend of 'jumping on the bandwagon. You can go for years with 100% positive and then one person leaves something negative, and suddenly everyone finds something to fault


I did in fact lose my power selling status due to cancelling transactions, I have learnt not to do that now, so hopefully there will be a turnaround, but it's always in the buyers hands


Anyhow, I will continue to do my best and accept what ever happens, keeping in mind other potential options ( few and not nearly as attractive)


Thanks everyone for your support. I love the ebay community. I have always come here to keep an eye on the topics and conversations though never quite feeling the ability to jump in, but this topic has bought me out of hiding!



Well I am very glad indeed that you have jumped in Cat Happy


I sell in the same market you do, and you have hit the nail on the head regarding many of the challenges we face that are particular to our market.


I agree with you and other posters, that continuing to do your best at your eBay selling, whilst exploring other options too is wise.

Message 28 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

resistance is futile> I would actually like to know how ebay can hold a .com.au domain.



Message 29 of 32
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Terrifed about ebay's new rating system..

I understand what you mean. Ebay will not see it this way though, regardless of what your intentions are. If one account is suspended, i will almost bet my life the others will soon follow suit.

Message 30 of 32
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