on 15-09-2014 11:04 PM
I am really concerned about this whole new rating system.
I know I am one of many sellers who are either disabled or unable to work for serious health or family reasons , and this is our only source of income.
I do not want to have to go on a disability pension!. I feel like crying when I think of the number of buyers who carelessly or spitefully leave less than fantastic feedback, that those buyers can cause devastating effects.
I loved ebay and was so grateful that I was able to make some money while I watch my life savings go down the drain on the rent. If not for ebay I would have been broke and homeless by now.. but I have managed to have hope, and now feel it slipping away.
The thought of losing all the stock I have bought !!! all that money down the drain, makes me ill.
The feeling of satisfaction that I am able to have a go, despite my disability, has given me hope. Now I feel despair.
Just wanting to share!
on 16-09-2014 10:05 AM
Dave believes in the Gregory House approach, lol. He may approach things in a clinical, no nonsense manner, but on the other hand, he talks no nonsense.
on 16-09-2014 10:59 AM
There are ways and ways of doing that without making someone else feel even worse than they already do about their situation.
All it takes is an iota of sensitivity !!
on 16-09-2014 03:17 PM
Thank you Dave for your input
With all due respect however, I need to disagree that I 'have had four months to adress the issue'.
I have no control over australia post delivery times, unrealistic buyer expectations, poor manufacturer quality of items, difference in monitor colours, (buyers putting on weight and still thinking that they are a size 6 and I have sold them incorrect fitting items!) and generally my attractiveness to some unpleasant and rude buyers!
I do all I can to make the buyer happy, the buyer is always right, and given a large turnover, I expect that I will have a few negs and neutrals as oppopsed to someone who sells very infrequently. Aftern ten years of selling on ebay, and watching others feedbacks and comments, I have seen a definite trend of 'jumping on the bandwagon. You can go for years with 100% positive and then one person leaves something negative, and suddenly everyone finds something to fault
I did in fact lose my power selling status due to cancelling transactions, I have learnt not to do that now, so hopefully there will be a turnaround, but it's always in the buyers hands
Anyhow, I will continue to do my best and accept what ever happens, keeping in mind other potential options ( few and not nearly as attractive)
Thanks everyone for your support. I love the ebay community. I have always come here to keep an eye on the topics and conversations though never quite feeling the ability to jump in, but this topic has bought me out of hiding!
on 16-09-2014 03:31 PM
on 16-09-2014 05:49 PM
I can understand your situation and your concerns that many outcomes of your selling are beyond your control .
It always amazes me that when people are seeking support from others instead of finding positive comments to make someone feel better , there are often people who try to make the person feel worse by using negative comments about what the person is doing which only makes the person feel worse off and it defeats the pupose of seeking help .
It is a good idea not to have all your eggs in the one basket and to try to work on a plan B if it is possible that plan A doesn't work out in the long term , having control over your own destiny , often is better than relying on a system where the rug can be pulled from under you at any time .
Selling on- line is not a fully secure occupation because your listings can be here one day and then removed the next day without a warning unlike retailers who have the security of a shop lease that means that they can't be closed up at a short notice .
on 16-09-2014 06:19 PM
Life on these boards was so much nicer whilst Mr. N. was on leave.
Surely he has heard the saying 'If you can't say something nice about someoe, say nothing at all...!!!
on 16-09-2014 07:57 PM
Hi Lizzy,
There is really no need to be terrified of the new rating system - it is just another version of the feedback system which has constantly changed and evolved over the years.
As long as you continue to offer good customer service and communicate well with your customers most issues can be resolved.
The majority of buyers are a pleasure to deal with and on the odd occasion a problem arises if you deal with it quickly and professionally more often than not it can be resolved without a defect being received.
16-09-2014 08:24 PM - edited 16-09-2014 08:27 PM
..Selling online is not a fully secure occupation because your listings can be here one day and then removed the next day without a warning unlike retailers who have the security of a shop lease that means that they can't be closed up at a short notice.
True, but the retailers still need to be able earn enough to be able to meet their lease payments. In our nearest mall, I have seen a few shops in the last year, with the entry padlocked & a lawyers letter on the door saying they have been locked out due to breach of lease agreements. Non payment most likely.
Often at lease renewal time the cost of the lease has gone up so much, the retailer has no option but to shut down when their lease expires.
on 17-09-2014 06:16 AM
@lou*sbloomin*garden* wrote:
No one outside our business have any idea what its like to a part of whats going on at the moment....
Have you ever read the Whirlpool boards re buyers complaints about eBay sellers? It's stunning how clueless/poorly informed many buyers are about what sellers have to deal with.
@lou*sbloomin*garden* wrote:...SUPPORT!! I think its also called having a heart.
Well put, & perhaps why the boards are found in the 'Community' drop down menu.
on 17-09-2014 01:47 PM
Lizzy,........ Theres no doubt that many of us are feeling "uncomfortable" about the way ebay is heading and the new defect system in particular. . Having said that I do think we tend to concentrate on the negatives on the forums and this can get us down more than need be. The very nature of forums is that people bring their problems and ask for help. This is a great service that has helped many people, BUT its not often we mention the positives. In many cases this is because we dont wish to appear smug or to be bragging. This means the forums are usually concentrating on the negatives of ebay selling.
The new defect system has its problems, but for a seller with a good account history such as yourself it is probable that you will be able to continue to sell without problems as you have done in the past. This does not mean that everything on ebay will continue just the same as it always has and it would pay to try to find another way to earn some dollars to spread the risk. I really DO understand that this may not be easy for you to do, but it is worth being open to any new possibilities that come along. In the mean time just keep providing accurate descriptions with lots of photos. Answer questions promptly, mail items quickly, provide great service and chances are you will be O.K for some time to come. Use this time to really work hard on ideas to help pay the bills in case ebay does not continue the way it has in the future. GOOD LUCK !!!