Tissue Paper

Ok, we've done the Packing Peanuts and the Bubblewrap




Tissue Paper


Is there anywhere to buy decent white tissue paper without having to go to the newsagency and buy it in packs of 5 for $5?


I've tried the cheaper stuff, and it is worse than home brand toilet paper soooo


what do the peeps here do for bulk tissue paper?


Nice good quality stuff that doesn't rip if it gets a bit of pressure applied, and is kind of soft and pliable like the stuff in the hallmark packages.


you know, the Sorbent of tissue papers?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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119 REPLIES 119

Re: Tissue Paper

My experience has been very positive, and suppliers in this area face a lot of competition, and I have found many are most keen to pick up new regular customers and on the most part very obliging and happy to send through samples - as the cost to them to do so is so low in this area. 



Message 21 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

crikey and chezzy,  don't know if this helps, or is even cost effective.

But it looked good to me - ebay search  'greenwrap packaging material'


There's even a handy video to show you what it's like

Message 22 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

@beach_and_home wrote:

I use 'Chinese tissue'. I guess you'd call it cheap, but it's fine for wrapping stuff in my shop and if you need it to be tougher you just use 2 or 3 sheets of it.

I receive a lot of 'chinese tissue' around the mineral specimens I buy........toilet paper. I think toilet paper must be cheap in China because I reckon each mineral is wrapped in a whole roll of toilet paper! The last large order I got, I had a toilet paper mountain on my loungeroom floor!

Message 23 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper



It comes with instructions!


Thanks Stawks!

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 24 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

The first and last time I used Tissue Paper (recycled) was to wrap a Silk Camisole. The Tissue was red. The package got slightly damp  and the silk cami had red splotches all over it.


So choose your colour wisely.


Must have been cheap stuff!!!

Message 25 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

@chezzy wrote:

Thanks, am searching on and off ebay. There is certainly a wide range of paper types available but am still struggling to

find paper in the weight/texture I want. 17gsm would be a very very light tissue whereas I am after something that is heavier tissue leaning towards newsprint in weight. Gotta love these challenges.

and the hard part is to buy some to have a look, you can't usually just buy a few sheets - you need to buy a whole ream!

I wonder if any of these crowds are happy to send out some samples?


Interestingly I am adding new words to my searches now, including things like butter paper, vegetable parchment, even food wrapping...some of which I suspect might be getting closer to the weight I am after. Are we becoming paper snobs, Crikey?

I must admit taking a few extra seconds to think about 'presentation'.....warm fuzzies and all that!  I had one European seller include a tiny packet of Haribo gummi bears amongst the packaging 🙂

Message 26 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

Your descriptions made Glad Bake come to mind.....

I had a seller in England that sent little wrapped Cadbury chocolates with her orders. I wonder if those little touches get people to come back? 

Message 27 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

Chezzy, I am already a paper snob - I like my stationery.


And I take gift wrapping seriously LOL


Even the most ordinary gift can be made a little bit special with some nice giftwrap.




To whomever warned against the coloured tissue paper above: I'm with you on that one, I've never had the soggy tissue paper experience, but I do always wonder if some of the colour may rub off, so stick to mainly white, though I have been known to colour coordinate LOL




Chooky, Does gift wrap and the extra touches create a return customer? I don't think so, I do think that price is a driving force and denominator in an online decision, If you have a return customer I believe it is about way more than gift wrap and gummy bears


BUT, I believe, it enhances the experience when someone receives their order - you know "first impressions" etc. a subconscious "they have taken care" I think that it may help if what they receive isn't exactly as they were expecting kind of thing, or enhance their appreciation for when they do leave feedback




As for freebies, I don't remember a pack of gummy bears  a few months down the track, but I do remember presentation.


I buy Simone Perele underwear on line. There are two sellers whose prices are about the same. One just packs and ships, the other packs as if it is lingerie fior the Queen. I choose her every time, but being fickle, I want something from the other seller and the one with nice presentastion doesn't have it, then I will still buy the item from them.


There is another seller in another genre I frequent like that too


Of course I remember bigger freebies - I recently received an entire 16 piece dinner set for free - I remember THAT LOL


(I ordered 4 of one colour, they sent one, then when I asked, they said they were out of stock of the other 3 - "warehouse didn't tell them etc" - they sent me out 4 more of another colour, "to see if that colour was suitable" If not they would arrange a courier to recollect at their expense and refund in full.


I liked the new colour, so i kept them. I then asked about return of the initial dinnerset, (I didn't want to pay to return it), it was their error) they told me to keep it as a gesture of goodwill and an apology for their error.


Will I buy from them again, in a heartbeat - (and I want more things from them LOL)  even if they had have taken the initial dinner set back, their level of customer service was impressive. To just send out 4 more "on priviso" to see if I liked the colour? Knowing they may need to pay the expense of return as well? All the while not expecting the wrong one back first?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 28 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

use peanuts

Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
Message 29 of 120
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Re: Tissue Paper

Oi! Don't pick on gummi bears. I am still remembering them 'down the track'. I thought it a cute gesture,

they were in a true "goldbaren" wrapper I had not seen before (hey it's the small things/novelty value),

I am a bear collector so it is an appropriate gift. A small gesture but a nice one.


And like the fancy 'fit for a queen' presentation, it also says "we care"


I have thought about doing something similar (small gift) but with some people's paranoia and

diet fads I might cop someone's wrath.


For the moment I will just focus on clean new or recycled packaging materials such as tissue paper,

bubble wrap, air pillows, scrunched paper and cello or ziplock bags.


Gummi bears wouldn't last long enough to make it into the packaging anyway 🙂

Message 30 of 120
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