on 27-11-2012 12:26 PM
I find it funny how Ebays so called 'top rated' seller rubbish says a person with 1 neutral (and 100% feedback) in a year is not in this rating yet an account with 80 negatives and neutrals is. lol. Yet another bizarre system from the same people who brought you "best match".
Keep up the 'great' work Ebay.
on 28-11-2012 11:59 PM
copy and paste comment below that I found over at ecommercebytes where Cassini is being discussed.
"I guess I'm the only one so far who sees this artificial intelligence 'thing' as satanic. By creating this all-knowing freakish God program they must believe it can read buyer's minds and manipulate market patterns to favor their insiders.
Next year your item visibility will be determined by a robot who judges you, punishes you, rewards you, and can starve you as it sees fit. This Cassini Frankenstein is nothing short of an Orwellian-style demon.
Ebay will be worshiping it's beastly idol while sellers' children starve. Prepare for the worst, and run as fast as you can from this horrific cult."
on 29-11-2012 12:21 AM
isn't like in bible ?don't kill,don't lie,don't steal, e.g)))))i told also before ebay that the photo and text listing invisible,they told me not,i told them i look on page when i talk whit you on phone and can see nothing)))
on 29-11-2012 01:28 AM
I never search by 'best' match and, anecdotally, few experienced buyers do.
on 29-11-2012 01:57 PM
isn't like in bible ?don't kill,don't lie,don't steal
haha you funny kafav, as far as I know ebay has never killed anybody, but am fairly certain it would be indirectly responsible for numerous suicides, as for the lieing and stealing well I don't think I am allowed to say here ROFL