Two Minute Tax Tip

Tax time is coming around again so for those who dont know all the rabbit holes in ebays systems, here is a tip on how to get all your tax figures from ebay in two minutes.


1) Click on " selling "

2) Go to the bar graph that shows 30 day sales

3) Click on the small arrow on RH top of bar chart

4) this takes you to " generate a report "

5) Use scroll down menu to select " custom " date range

6) put in the full financial year you want figures for and there you have it. 


The report includes total sales, selling costs, net sales, how many items sold, average price, categories etc.


You can also print off or get a file of every individual transaction for the year if you want with a photo of item and extensive information on the individual transaction. Ideal for accounts that need to be audited by outside auditors and could be worth filing and saving in case you get audited by the ATO down the track.


Happy tax time......

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Re: Two Minute Tax Tip

On the same topic, I just ran my numbers from July 1st 2022 - June 30 2023 and compared them to May 11 / 23 - May 10 / 24 and the difference in sales over a mid 5 figure sum where 0.6% different. ie my sales where almost identical to within a few dollars ( less than a single days average sales ) .............

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