on 07-12-2018 10:01 AM
Insured for $450. No mention of 'safe drop' when processing label at MyPost.
AusPost regarding safe drop...
Under the Safe Drop terms of use, we can’t be held liable when a Safe Drop has been approved for a delivery which is subsequently damaged or goes missing.
No safe drop approval given. Not even that Safe Drop option that was hard wired in the old Click and Send.
Screen shots recorded when I went back to MyPost and partly processed the same label again ( just to see if there was
some sneaky fine print ).
Still waiting on AusPost's investigation response. It's Christmas so nothing is going to happen quickly.
Has anyone had a similar experience ? I am interested in the outcome.
on 10-12-2018 06:22 PM
i'll agree to disagree with the startrack drivers not doing their own thing and strictly adhering to rules. i've had tracked startrack parcels "safe dropped" or left at my premises, without giving the authority to do so. these aren't overflow from AP either, they're clearly in startrack satchels.
i think it's hard to speak on behalf of all startrack drivers - and being a "courier" company doesn't mean much. you just have to look at fastway and others to see that it holds little value.
just like AP drivers, there's always going to be those that do the right thing and those that don't.
on 10-12-2018 06:51 PM
StarTrack is owned by Australia Post and these days there is very little demarcation. If AP had their way the local posties and StarTrack would be all be delivering the same items.
There is a vast difference between StarTrack and many other courier companies. For a start, StarTrack drivers are all self employed sub contractors and Pty Ltd companies in their own right. Their job description is well and truly set out in the contracts that they sign every 5 years. They are not employees of AP so cannot be made to do anything that is not in their job description despite AP trying it on regularly.
However, if they are reported for doing the wrong thing they can be dismissed on the spot...no appeal, no warning, nothing.
If you have a compant about a StarTrack driver you should contact the office.....compaints are taken very seriously.
The usual problems are caused by outside hire.....that is, drivers from other companies who are hired to cover for StarTrack drivers who are unavailable for some reason.
on 11-12-2018 07:01 AM
thanks for the info :]
on 11-12-2018 11:32 AM
@lyndal1838 wrote:StarTrack is owned by Australia Post and these days there is very little demarcation. If AP had their way the local posties and StarTrack would be all be delivering the same items.
A bit off topic, but I figured if anyone would know, it would be you, and it's just something I'm curious about - when I purchase products from Aus Post for delivery (like packaging supplies), and occasionally at other times, the email notification of the shipment says "Your delivery from Aus Post / DHL is on it's way" plus a few other variations (DHL also sent me some supplies for my international shipments, but Aus post delivered them). I figured they would have to be partnered in some way, as the packages I send through them are delivered by the local postal service when they arrive in the destination country and the same would apply to packages from OS using the same service, but it always struck me as unusual that a purchase from Australia Post themselves, and shipped domestically, would involve DHL in any way at all, or more specifically, that they are named as the shipper of the package (my other purchases usually name the business who sent the parcel in the email header), so have always been curious exactly what their affiliation is.
I've tried to google but couldn't really get anything except complaints about DHL handing parcels over to Aus Post for delivery (I used to be able to get international courier items sent to my PO box if it was through DHL, but haven't been able to for a couple of years, sadly).
on 11-12-2018 12:36 PM
Also there was a thread not long ago about should someone trust shippit, well I've just found out that shippit has to do with AP and StarTrack because the delivery notice was from shippit and I received a text from AP and StarTrack delivered.
on 11-12-2018 12:52 PM
Shippit is a shipping platform which arranges collections from the sellers (many large retailers use them) and ships the items to the buyers using many differet shipping companies according to where they get the best deal.
They use Australia Post, StarTrack, Toll, DHL to name but a few.
on 11-12-2018 01:44 PM
It's that there's another thread about trusting shippit lol so I thought it was another courier service hahaha
on 11-12-2018 03:39 PM
It is pretty much a courier broker except that they also use Austraia Post.
Like it or loath it, Australia Post is the only company that can deliver everywhere in Australia.
on 11-12-2018 04:10 PM
Hey I like it I like it alot haha
on 11-12-2018 04:11 PM
@digital*ghost wrote:
@lyndal1838 wrote:StarTrack is owned by Australia Post and these days there is very little demarcation. If AP had their way the local posties and StarTrack would be all be delivering the same items.
A bit off topic, but I figured if anyone would know, it would be you, and it's just something I'm curious about - when I purchase products from Aus Post for delivery (like packaging supplies), and occasionally at other times, the email notification of the shipment says "Your delivery from Aus Post / DHL is on it's way" plus a few other variations (DHL also sent me some supplies for my international shipments, but Aus post delivered them). I figured they would have to be partnered in some way, as the packages I send through them are delivered by the local postal service when they arrive in the destination country and the same would apply to packages from OS using the same service, but it always struck me as unusual that a purchase from Australia Post themselves, and shipped domestically, would involve DHL in any way at all, or more specifically, that they are named as the shipper of the package (my other purchases usually name the business who sent the parcel in the email header), so have always been curious exactly what their affiliation is.
I've tried to google but couldn't really get anything except complaints about DHL handing parcels over to Aus Post for delivery (I used to be able to get international courier items sent to my PO box if it was through DHL, but haven't been able to for a couple of years, sadly).
I don't know about DHL/AP being in partnership but I do know that DHL runs several postal services around the world....most notably Deutsch Poste. In this capacity they used to be allowed to drop international parcels at some local post offices with the majority of the German mail just going into the AP system as with any other international mail.
I don't know which other postal systems are handled by DHL...I will see if I can find out though.
The StarTrack banner now includes Mail Call and Bonds couriers and Messenger Post is now part of StarTrack.
Somewhere in the mix I believe Singapore Post had a finger in the StarTrack pie but have not heard anything about that recently. But Couriers Please is a subsiduary of Singapore Post now.
StarTrack has always been called Blue Post as they use the AP logo in blue instead of red. Recently we were told the vans were going to be rebadged in red but there was an outcry from all the drivers and the union and nothing more was said. Last week the drivers were issued with new lanyards for their ID badges.....lovely bright red with AP on them instead of the blue StarTrack logo.
We are wondering what is next on the list for the chop.0