Using money in account to pay for items

Hello, may I ask if I sell something and I have money in my eBay account how is it possible to use these funds to pay for a purchase instead of having to pay from my credit card? Thank you 

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Re: Using money in account to pay for items

Funds held in managed payments, is not available for general use, so you have to wait for it to be released into your bank account.

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Re: Using money in account to pay for items

The money from items you sell will not be in your 'eBay account'


Managed Payments is the only option for sellers to be paid, and that money goes into the bank account you signed up to Managed Payments with


And if you have not fully signed up and been verified to sell, those funds will remain held until you do 

(ie those funds will not be in your eBay account)

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Re: Using money in account to pay for items

*Too slow again, Ms Pebbles 

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