on โ11-07-2014 11:43 AM
Just checked my ebay invoice and have never noticed this before.
Why do I get charged a final value fee on shipping?
Is this to encourage people to use the ebay satchels, do they attract a fee as well?
on โ20-10-2014 11:03 AM
I took a break from selling on ebay and have just returned to find this issue (final value fees on postage costs). I don't expect change to develop from a forum hosted by the company adding these extra fees, alas, felt it was worth a few minutes to express my frustration.
I understand there were dishonest sellers charging ridiculous shipping fees but surely these should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis rather than an unfair rule applied to all sellers?? I never charge extra for postage and now this is another fee from ebay. Anyone who has sold on ebay will surely agree that their fees are already quite high considering they are only a platform. Plus sellers are charged by PayPal as well.
Many buyers may think this doesn't affect them, however, I now feel my only option is to up the price on my items to accommodate these further fees. Which of course does affect buyers. I find it unethical to charge fees on a service ebay does not provide (shipping).
on โ20-10-2014 01:22 PM
on โ05-04-2020 09:43 AM
It is post and packing! Pack and Send can charge $55 for special packaging on top of the courier costs. Also the "good deal" eBay have is a rip off, because you have to go to the Post Office to buy the box that is not included, and find out that it was cheaper to buy the box and postage together. eBay then have the cheek to charge extra for this, and when you cancel their postage, you still get charged for it, and have to wait for a credit over 3 weeks later. With automatic PayPal account payments it is then too late to complain. NOT HAPPY JAN!
on โ05-04-2020 10:22 AM
(yawn) Please don't drag up old threads
on โ05-04-2020 12:29 PM
@almurrie wrote:It is post and packing! Pack and Send can charge $55 for special packaging on top of the courier costs. Also the "good deal" eBay have is a rip off, because you have to go to the Post Office to buy the box that is not included, and find out that it was cheaper to buy the box and postage together. eBay then have the cheek to charge extra for this, and when you cancel their postage, you still get charged for it, and have to wait for a credit over 3 weeks later. With automatic PayPal account payments it is then too late to complain. NOT HAPPY JAN!
You are commenting on a SIX YEAR OLD THREAD which was CORRECT at the time.
Things change and there is no point in commenting after all this time.
on โ01-10-2020 02:29 PM
Today I also checked my invoice - I am a seller that charges only the cost of a stamp to mail my items - the stamps, the paper, the envelopes, the printing, ink jets, the fuel to take items to post office, the time spent as a seller on listing & doing the right thing by supporting ebay are all out of my own pocket... Seems that this practise that Ebay has adopted to charge people a final value fee on shipping is TOTALLY UNFAIR you are being disrespectful to your customers who ARE doing the right thing regarding postal charges. EBAY SHOULD TARGET THE EBAY CHEATS THAT ARE MAKING THEIR MONEY OUT OF THE HIGH POSTAGE FEES - When it comes to the checkout then maybe a policy should be in place to offer sellers free shipping fees providing it is under a nominated amount for domestic & International $3 - $5 This is just a suggestion - I am a stamp seller so I only send letter mail - it will take thought to put a new policy in place. To be honest, I think this has been an opportunist move by ebay & a kick in the face to those customers doing the right thing... ebay is not parcelling up my goods or having any hands on involvment, nor any expence associated with my chosen method of shipping... My shipping is mainly by ordinary or overseas letter rate... I guess there are ways to combat the extra fees & that is to offer free postage & that my friends means that this ridiculous quest by ebay to encourage us to do $1 start prices should also seize & that should be looked into to have a minimum sale start - that will mean that the adrenaline junkies that like to wait until the last few seconds to snap up something for $1 may feel less enclined to buy the same item for a start fee of $2.10... If changes have to be made then do it fairly [ MINIMUM START PRICE $5 with free POSTAGE ]
on โ01-10-2020 02:41 PM
eBay don't read here, nor do they care that you've only just found this out after SIX years.
That is how long they've been charging FVFs on postage. Maybe check your account more often, or build your costs into your prices.
As far as auctions go, that's a mug's game unless you don't know what something is worth. And YOU have total control over your starting price, so it is in your hands.