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Forum Posts

500g standard self-wrapped parcel - how big?

Hi all, I had asked this question many weeks ago on somebody else's thread.... but then I forgot that I asked it and then could no longer find the thread, so I will ask it here again. If one has to send a parcel, 500g or under with their own packagin...

can follow up comments be removed by ebay also?

Hi everyone just wondering if ebay can remove follow up comments. The only reason I ask is that I notified ebay about a negative comment a buyer left me and then when they removed it she then went on to put more lies in a follow up. Ebay said they wo...

Pay Pal Payments

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me, I had two people pay me by paypal about 9 - 10 days ago, when I go in to try and put the money into my own account, only one of the monies shows up in the balance, even though it shows that both people have paid. R...

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Receiving a money order payment

Hi everyone, Just had a request for a payment to be made via money order. Haven't accepted a payment method like that before... mainly concerned about the protocol regarding a refund. If anyone has any advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks alot.

Game Boy Color Product Description

I just listed a Pokemon Game Boy Color for sale and I used ebay's product description and I notice there was an error in the description, "As this Nintendo video game system includes ample on-board game storage, you will be able to keep all your save...

buyer not received item

I had posted buyers item 8 Jan to the ebay listed address. I have now received a message from the buyer saying they have not received their item and have provided a different address. What do i do now? Do I tell them bad luck, item posted to address ...

New to Ebay

Hi Im new to ebay and would like to know why do people just watch your products and not just buy

New to Selling on Ebay- HELP

Hi Everyone, I have been on ebay for a few years now (buying) with a different user ID, i thought i would try selling some items on ebay with a new ID and have been up and running for about a week now- i can't put all my stock on as yet as i am limit...

basic store and anchore store fees

hi there everyone, was going to set up store and knew they had basic store for 24.99 a motnh roughly, but looking at fees now, it says both the basic and feature store are both 49.99 per month????

Postage for large item

Hi How would I post a cricket bag and cricket gear interstate? It's approximately 100x3040cm and would weigh around 12kg. What are the requirements for posting something like that? Does it need to be packaged and any advice on how to best package it?...

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AP feedback and competition???

I posted some parcels and on the receipt, in big letters is: Provide FB on today's visit for your chance to win $1,000 worth of giftcards when I go to the link provided i get to some outside site and there is $44 charge to be ...

Final Value Fees

Hi, if something sold for approx $AU500.00 what roughly would the Final Value Fee be? Thank you so much in advance ?:|

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Not cut out for selling?

This is my main selling account but I have another start-up one to see if people have more confidence to buy from a different ID with slightly different pics/products/description. Basically, I've realised that my own personality is probably not cut o...