defamatory buyer feedback

what can be done to challenge defamatory buyer feedback?

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defamatory buyer feedback



simple and well put poppy, and even the OP might agree finally with what others are trying to point out.


Your FB is all a buyer has to go on to guage your professionalism, and if they see aggression in any form they will steer clear.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 21 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

People have a legal right to make comments about others as long as the comments are factual , if you can prove that the comments are not factual and they have done damage to your business , you have a legal right to take legal action .

There has been some legal cases recently where reviewers have made comments about hospitality businesses which have damaged the reputation of the business and legal action has resulted in the reviewers being made to pay large damage payments to the businesses .

General comments would be hard to assess without detailed information being  given ,'' worst experience '' is only a very general comment  as judged by the reviewer on their own judgement and their past experiences and is hard to prove untrue unless the reviewer gives further information which is not correct ,.


Message 22 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

The OP can take the buyer to court to have a negative feedback removed, but would it really be worth a few grand for the sake of one red dot that will fall off the radar in 12 months anyway?

Message 23 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

@jbhobby2009 wrote:

to am*3,

I even include complimentary slips thanking my buyers. Do you?




What has my selling practices got to do with your negative?

I am posting in reply to the information you have given, no need for questions like that. 


You get to leave your side of the story in feedback follow-up.. Yes, it is limited in characters (if it wasn't can you imagine the screeds some would write!)


My post above is my opinion as to what the reply would be from eBay if you asked to have the negative feedback removed.


If I was in your seller shoes, I would have arranged for the buyer to send the case back and refunded them.


Message 24 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

The option available to you was to leave a professional reply to their feedback to share your side of the story.


am*3 - what IS the professional reply?

And what profession does one have to be to sell on Ebay?

I keep reading all the time about this "professional" responses to f/back - but what exactly are they, or should be?

To my thinking, profession is something that one acquires when completing a specific schooling and getting a diploma - but even that is in that specific field.

Is there some sort of school that everyone has to attend, graduate and get the diploma to say that now "they are professional to trade on Ebay"?

If that doesn't exist - then everyone can respond to f/back any way they like, based on how they feel at the time in relation to buyer's comments and behaviour.

And I can't be sure, but can only imagine that most sellers wouldn't feel too benevolent, with a nice and cheery disposition after they have been given a neg, especialy if totally based on lise, or undeserved for any other reason.

I can understand perfectly  - and even relate much better to neg responses totally describing seller's feelings about the person or the transaction - rather than reading some "professional" reply.

Not that I really know what that is - but suspect that what ever it is it wouldn't even come close to describing how seller really feels!

Message 25 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

"professional"   -  well educated,  calm, rational reply IMO


Not a reply based on 'outrage that such a thing could happen to me'

and 'how dare you. expletive'


The follow up by the seller is what determines whether I buy from

them or not.   Someone who jumps the gun and runs off at the mouth

shows they can't deal with people rationally IMO

Message 26 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

imastawka - thank you for the explanation - but in my opinion way off from what really happens and how sellers really feel!

I was a witness couple of years back when a shoplifer was stopped by the DJ staff.

Not only that he stole  some perfume for guys - but proceeded to hurl insults at the lady who stopped him.

And lady didn't hold back either - calling him quitye a few choice names - then the manager came as well and he joined her in telling the guy what exactly they thought of him!

Then the security from the centre came - and those guys not only called him every name in the book, they also draaaaaaged him of somewhere, kicking and screaming - presumably to wait for the cops to arrive.

I didn't make up my mind on the spot that  "I will never shop here again - these people must be most unprofessional as they didn't remain nice and curtious when confronted with a low life like that" 

He fully desrved it, not so much for stealing, I mean that was bad enough, but by discrediting the woman personally, calling her fat b... - which she was (fat), but that wasn't the point, him stating the obvious was an insult all the same!

And  are you trying to tell me that you are so surprised when you see an angry response in the feed back - when it should have been "Nice and calm" when seller is obviously angry and very upset at the injustice of it all - and certainly doesn't feel even close to being nice at the time.

To me that is a perfectly normal human reaction - much more predictable and not in the least surprising.

Message 27 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

What stawka said.


Professional = business like.. it is a business to customer transaction.


None of this buyer is a lier (sic) stuff!



- but suspect that what ever it is it wouldn't even come close to describing how seller really feels!


Close to the mark there, when a customer service operator has the customer from hell on the line.. are they going to react in a 'professional' way or lose their cool (and their job probably) and say what they really feel instead?

Message 28 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

Always Stay Professional
What is more important than the negative review is what your potential customers think about your response.  No matter what is in the negative review, buyers will view you and your business by your reaction.  Stay calm, take the high road, and always stay professional.


(That came from the yelp website, I changed a word and inserted buyers)


Message 29 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

hi had first one in 15 yrs said glass was chipped i packed and posted  gave 50% refund then he took the refund and left NEGATIVE FEEDBACK  which in Australia is regarded as Slander! eBay hide behind all the strange name  representatives  ,and no one can help just the ebay RHETORIC "see u have been with EBAY 15 yrs "


thats all the rest is no use whatsoever just round and round talk!

Message 30 of 30
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