on โ08-08-2018 06:10 PM
hi guys,
just wanted to get your opinion on a valid reason for not fulfilling handling time.
i've recently been a buyer on ebay after selling for a long time - i've had one item i've been waiting on specifically - and the seller messages me today saying that "sorry, weather has been wet - will post when we get a fine day."
do people think this is a valid reason for extending their handling time? i could understand if roads were closed or something similar - but no mention of that.
just seeking thoughts :]
on โ08-08-2018 06:22 PM
Where is the seller located and how far outside their handling time is it now?
on โ08-08-2018 06:24 PM
I assume it is an overseas purchase. If so ask them to cancel the order issue a refund ASAP, then see what happens. Either they will agree to cancel, or more than likely the weather will miraculously clear, allowing them to post the item. I am very sceptical of flimsy excuses.
on โ08-08-2018 06:30 PM
for some reason there doesn't appear to be a handling time on the original listing - but based no the estimated delivery date of 14 aug, i'd assume it was 1-2 business days.
they live in the melbourne metro area.
on โ08-08-2018 06:30 PM
wasn't an overseas purchase - live in melbourne metro area. i have messaged them to ask them to post ASAP, so i guess i'll see what comes from that - but they do have a neutral feedback for slow postage, so assume it's not out of the norm.
on โ08-08-2018 06:36 PM
Hmm. I don't think "weather is wet" constitutes a sufficient reason for late postage, unless the weather is so wet that their house is surrounded by a lake, or the seller's suffering from 'flu or bronchitis.
I don't worry if an item's posted a little on the late side, but I know many buyers do. If I were buying something time-sensitive, and the item would arrive in time if despatched in the timeframe stated, I would feel disappointed by the seller.
I think the seller needs to be aware that receiving too many defects because s/he doesn't post within the required timeframe would make it difficult, if not impossible, to be selling on eBay at all, since eBay do act punitively. It's hard to convey that without it sounding like a threat, though! (I wouldn't, myself, drop the seller in the eBay ordure, but other buyers may well do so.)
โ08-08-2018 06:45 PM - edited โ08-08-2018 06:45 PM
on โ08-08-2018 06:51 PM
on โ08-08-2018 06:54 PM
Funny, I was just about to say that, being in that situation myself, except I use a stick instead of a frame, and I don't hobble over to the post box if it's raining.
โ08-08-2018 06:58 PM - edited โ08-08-2018 06:59 PM
kopenhagen, that's true; I know I am always reluctant to do unnecessary things when it rains... Sometimes there's no choice, and I have to put on my nice Russian hat and my special Victorian coachman's coat and go forth.
(I really should have gone to the greengrocer's today to get some more lettuce and mushrooms and kumato tomatoes. Instead, I did only what was strictly necessary to do professionally, and hurried back with my car's heater on high. No salad for me tonight.)
I'm quite easy-goinog. I agree about not pushing a seller if I'm in no hurry; the main problem would be that some buyers will say "No hurry', but they'll still reply honestly when eBay gives that question about when the item arrives - so that the seller will get the big bad defect gong.