on 17-07-2011 03:49 PM
on 17-10-2011 12:04 PM
a lot of sellers have only themselves to blame for losing sales..on a search for womens clothing (i do quite often & also have a saved search) there are eg 50500+ items ..
when i click the link at the side to customise into categories eg tops, jeans etc etc .. the box that appears shows how many there are in each category eg jeans (50) of the whole of the search ..
at the bottom of this box is a category 'not specified' & always has the highest number of items on this occasion of the above fig (26000+) items ..
which would you rather look through a list of eg (50) items in each category or the 'not specified' which is full of sizes & items you might not be interested in..
the sellers who choose not to specify have their items end up in this category .. so whos to blame for that ??
some sellers dont include measurements & say please ask .. from a search i have to ask so many i end up being blocked by ebay for sending my email limit..
for people who search for items ending soon theres no time to ask & get a reply before the end in some cases ..
i dont understand sellers not taking a few minutes to take at least the bust meas ..
they say to me .. i have so many items to list i dont have time... well why do they think we have time to ask ???
or i am so busy with my life i dont have time ..if people want to know they'll ask ..well .. news out is that some people wont .. they have left it in posts that they hit the back button if there are no meas..
we are tired of wasting money ..& being disappointed with items that dont fit ..
possibly the lack of sales is people starting to vote with their bids
on 17-10-2011 12:30 PM
Hello from Holland, Europe.
Hereby I would like to congratulate eBay Australia on the marvellous job they do in misrepresenting the facts in their own favour.
The final value fees are not increased from 5.25% to 7.9% as eBay explains.
No: the final value fees are increased from 2.75% to 7.9%
eBay will never ever be open and transparent about their "changes". You do the math! And eBay you will probably do it wrong because they only told you half of the story.
eBay wants you to make the calculation like auzcardtrader did above:
"I sell something for $500.
Before FVF = $26.25 NOW $39.5 "
Hmm, 50% more. Not nice.
But it is actually worse:
Before FVF = 5.25% x $75 = $3.94
+ 2.75% x $425 = $11.68
So 3.94 + 11.68 = $15.63
FVF before: $15.63
FVF after: $39.50
So eBay Australia almost triples the FVF when you sell a $500 item. That is something different than paying the 50% extra eBay wants you to believe!
But hey: what does it matter. Almost nobody will do the maths. So eBay gets away with it anyway.
on 17-10-2011 05:11 PM
on 18-10-2011 08:38 AM
on 18-10-2011 10:27 AM
on 18-10-2011 11:19 AM
on 18-10-2011 01:30 PM
on 19-10-2011 11:08 PM
on 20-10-2011 09:44 AM
on 20-10-2011 10:53 AM
The really sad thing about all this is that eBay don't give a toss what we say or do. The only time the mods step in is when we mention another auction site, they don't care about what we think about the changes. In fact it is my belief that there are no "human" mods involved with this topic, just "bots" that search for forbidden words. The only way to show ebay we are not going to take it is move. Sure, the big sellers may have to take a hit in sales for a while, but eventually the buyers will move with you.