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discount code

anyone know of the current discount codes that can be used across the board?? 5% 10% 15% 20%?

I tried to register as an eBay developer, but received the registration rejected message

I tried to register as an eBay developer on ebay developer program website, but received the registration rejected message. I just wonder why my request was rejected. I have been working for a company who has been selling products on eBay for decade ...

Discount vouchers.

Recently bought two items from a seller using their "cart". When checking out and paying, I used the Discount voucher option and I got a discount listed on the final checkout. The seller also offered combined postage on multiple items but the checkou...

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Has anyone had their store categories just disappear?

A few days ado my 123 store categories stopped showing up on the store page. "zero items to show"On a listing page they are there on the left but when you click on a guessed items to show. 5 contacts with customer service ove...

Shall eBay block misleading sellers with more than one account?

I've been wasting my time (around 3 months now) by trying to buy a 300mm aviation snipers. 1) I bought from a seller and soon after they sent me a long e-mail praising their professionalism and customer care.Received a wrong (similar) and cheaper ite...

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Is this some kind of scam?

Seen on craigslist:Freelance Ebay Specialist/ Photography private office/Set own hours! >Call the guy>situation changed "just this morning". The "private office" is no longer available and the photographer must bring the items to their own house.>ite...

Can you change your ID?

Hi, I just opened a second ebay account.Once I filled in the email and password section it automattically gave me a user name(it did not allow me to choose one).I wish to change it.Is that possibly and if so, how?Thanks in advance

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Why ebay only refund part of my payment???

I bought an item on 10 Apr, 2019 which the seller is in China, and the seller sent the item to another person at BOTANY NSW. I contacted Australia Post, and was told wrong person and wrong address, and it should be done purposely by seller. I paid th...

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