Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Anyone know more about why does UNDERWOOD Qld aussie post sorting facility hold parcels for days and days?..My AP tracker is saying item been at this place since monday which is now 5 days.

Is this the normal thing that happens?Seems a long time to me..

Message 1 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Here we are on 3 july 2017 and nothing has changed.  I am tracking a parcel that has been at Underwood since 21 June.


Message 11 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

You could always ring them.

Message 12 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

I'm hearing you, I've had several Registered Large Letters disappear into the black hole there  (or was it Heathwood) ? Much of a muchness !


Anyway as stawks suggested get onto Aust Post ASAP.  I wish you the best of luck.  Aus Post has lost more of my Registered Large Letters than unregistered (I have my thoughts as to why) and given that most of mine are sent unregistered that makes the % pretty high - I think they have only ever managed to locate 1 and for all the rest, with the exception of 1 for which they made a discretionary payment, I have received no compensation what-so-ever because I did not pay for insurance, so now any orders over $50 I pay for insurance & guess what, that haven't lost a single one !  Meanwhile, I've lost $100's if I added the value of all the orders I had to replace - all sent Registered

Message 13 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Message 14 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Why would you pay for Registered mail and then not claim when the items went missing?


Message 15 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days


Registered letters have an insurance coverage up to $100


@lyndal1838 wrote:

Why would you pay for Registered mail and then not claim when the items went missing?


 Well there you go, can't say I have ever checked what the Aust Post site says, thank you stawks (oopsie, shame on me Smiley Embarassed) and lyndal, because I have been told every time I have opened an investigation there is no compensation as I did not pay for Insurance, hence my comment that I do sometimes pay for insurance now (in particular for one off custom orders that I may not be able to duplicate), I did ONCE get reimbursed the cost of the Registered Post only and in another instance they made what they called one of their discretionary payments and reimbursed me the postage + the value of the sale.  If it ever happens again, I will now know to insist on compensation.


What is it they say, you're never too old to learn Smiley LOL  and/or you learn something new every day.


Hope this info helps others Smiley Happy  (surely I'm not the only one who's been blind sided by Aust. Post)

Message 16 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Sometimes the counter staff just haven't got a clue.


You have to tell them what they have to do.     Hopeless!

Message 17 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Well to be honest, I have always considered the counter staff at the PO I go to to be amazing.  Whenever I have had lost articles I have contacted the 13-whatever number directly myself, so can't blame the counter staff, but wouldn't you think those people would know ?  Lol, they probably do & get a bonus for every idiot like me they fool into believing they're up the creek without a paddle Smiley LOL  I mean, I'm not backward in coming forward and I always suggest I should be compensated . . .  maybe I'm not forceful enough though


That said though, I have mentioned to the PO staff on a couple of occasions that something has gone missing & they have never mentioned if it was Registered it automatically had insurance cover, nor have they mentioned it when I've paid extra for insurance - although thinking about it, the last few I have insured have been over $100 in value by memory and were definitely not orders I could quickly replace.

Message 18 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Not meaning to rub salt into the wound mb but what did you think you were paying for in the registration cost?

Message 19 of 85
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Re: Aust post UNDERWOOD Qld holds for days

Tracking and SOD . . . .



Edit  Which is why I thought a refund of postage was the very least they should compensate since there was no SOD for most of them as the items were lost

Message 20 of 85
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