BEWARE Global shipping program

Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!
Message 1 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

@katherinjone_56 wrote:
I won't be buying from any sellers that use Global Express anymore.
Still haven't received my package despite the fact that it has turned up in my State, in fact it's only 30 mins away from me and a week later... nothing!! EBay have only been able to supply a FedEx tracking number which indicates it hasn't arrived in Australia despite my purchase history on EBay says it has??
So frustrating when you pay an exbordant amount of money to have something posted and you can't actually track it? What's the point!!

How do you know it is in Australia and only 30 minutes away from you?

If the FedEx tracking says it is not yet in Australia I would say that is correct seeing as FedEx is the carrier that is shipping it to Australia.


I suspect that the tracking in ebay is showing that it was delivered to Erlanger KY NOT to Australia.


It is pretty silly to say you cannot track the have just quoted several tracking events that do tell you where it is.

Message 121 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

@imastawka wrote:

Have you tried changing your filter to 'price and postage lowest first'?


GSP will be on the higher end of the scale.

That's not a bad idea. It will work for me in some instances. Thanks I will give it a go. But with the obscure items, possibly not as they need to be viewed in a different way.

Message 122 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

If they are BIN items, then lowest price + postage should work. Stawks has been doing this for awhile! As for sellers agreeing to relist with USPS postage, if you're worried someone else is going to snap it up while you're in bed, ask the seller to list it for a ridiculous price, like $10,000, with best offer. Once you see it, you can make an offer of the amount you agreed on with the seller. The seller accepts it and is then only charged fees on what it sold for (not the original price of $10,000).


I have used that method a few times for a hot selling item that a particular buyer has requested I list for them. No-one is going to hit the BIN button on a $100 item listed for $10,000. If they do, then I'm more than happy to accept that and wear the abuse from the buyer who I'd put the listing up for (then massively increase my price on other items the same as I must have been selling them too cheap!).


The other thing you can do if a seller really doesn't want to opt out of GSP is nicely ask them to add the weight and box dimensions of the item into their listing. They need to revise the listing, and provided it as more than 24 hours to go, they should be able to add those details. You won't be able to see it as it's behind the scenes stuff, but it should make the GSP cost more in line with USPS. It will still be a little dearer as PB have to still get their cut from it, but shouldn't be way over the top. It might change to say $30 from $130.


If a seller has multiple items you want and refuses to opt out of GSP, ask nicely if they could relist them as a combined lot, so you're only paying 1 postage. If you're buying 5 items, the seller has no idea you're paying 5 lots of postage. The seller then just needs to add the total weight and box dimensions into the listing to make it affordable.


There are ways to make GSP shipping cheaper, it just depends on whether the seller is willing to assist or not. Just remember, that once you start getting into big bulky stuff, GSP is actually quite a bit cheaper than USPS. An item I bought was $69 through GSP and $110 via USPS. So if a seller does do up a combined listing for you, it may actually work out cheaper if it goes over a certain weight.

Message 123 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

global shipping do not use usps,,the sell may send the item to global shipping by usps in there box,,,,but then it goes by fedex or other contracted mobs from there

Message 124 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

@faboisit wrote:

global shipping do not use usps,,the sell may send the item to global shipping by usps in there box,,,,but then it goes by fedex or other contracted mobs from there

Which is exactly what afantiques was saying if you had read the posts properly.


Once the item has been delivered to erlanger KY by USPS it is then shipped to Australia by FedEx who then contract the item to Australia Post if it is small enough or deliver it themselves or contract it to another delivery service if FedEx does not deliver to the location.

Message 125 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

i am an australian and i buy traps from the USA ,,,,,,heres how it works,if they get shipped by USPS they arrive into australian customs quarrantine,,and if they are used traps and quarrantine say they need to be treated,you are noteified by phone \ email or sent a letter,the cost is $75 as your traps are put with other peoples items and the cost is shared,so it is a $75 fee which you the buyer pays by credit card / money order etc,,the traps are treated go to australia post and you get them a week later no problem,,THIS USPS WAY IS BRILLIANT, NEVER HAD A PROBLEM,,if the traps are new there may not be a treatment cost at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GLOBAL SHIPPING,,they have big problems,,the traps arrive into australia and go to customs quarrantine,they tell global shipping they need treatment,,global shipping have an INDEPENDENT TREATMENT FACILITY, which treat your traps only being for 1 or 10 for a cost of $308,,4 times the price of usps,,,by law it is global shippings/ pitney brothers responsibility to pay this cost so they refuse and the traps go to a BONDED WHAREHOUSE in sydney,,you dont get notified as to whats going on,so your delivery is well overdue and eventually,only now recently you are contacted and told the traps are not cleared by customs and have to be sent back to the seller,,so you have to make a claim through ebay,,heaps of bull**bleep** mucking about,,GLOBAL SHIPPING IS A JOKE

Message 126 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Thanks for your info!
Message 127 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

I very much doubt daffyduk will read your post since they haven't been on the boards since 2013................................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 128 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Even with the tracking number you are unable to track the package.

Message 129 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Which tracking number....the USPS one or the FedEx one?

And where are you trying to track it?

Have you clicked on the actual tracking number?

Message 130 of 311
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