Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Here's the story:


I bought a dvd that is supposed to be region 4 (picture says it, description says it). So what did I receive? Region 1 (USA), so these are useless to me. I told the seller and they didn't even apologise, and then they told me to send it back and they'll refund me what I paid. I'm still not sure if that means the purchase price excluding original postage or all the money I paid.. but anyway they refused to refund the cost to send it back at least. So I would rather keep the $15.00 useless dvds and give them bad feedback than pay like close to $10 EXTRA to send them back.


They told me that in no situation.. I repeat, NO situation, is the seller supposed to refund the cost to send back, EVEN IF they receive something faulty or not as described.


Why should the poor buyer be even more out of pocket for their mistake? It's their mistake, they deal with the cost. So what is expected of sellers in this instance?



Message 1 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Community Member

Its unfortunate for you but as stated earlier them's the rules.  However its disappointing that nobody suggested to you that perhaps try buying from am Australian seller selling region 4 DVDs.   I know they are a rare breed, but those surviving need all the business they can get.  Plus if they sell you other region DVDs as R4 there are actually legal actions you can take against them beyond just ebay pseudo law.  I know they tend to be a bit dearer, but you are helping to support an Australian business, and family.  Even if the selling other regions try the Aussie first  (advertised as other regions not substituting other regions as R4).  

Profanity is no substitute for wit.
Message 21 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

What do u mean australian seller selling region 4 dvds? This was from a private australian seller. I notice they've sold many dvds before and a lot of their customers were happy, so maybe this was the only non-region 4 one

Message 22 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Community Member

My bad.  Your initial question doesn't state where the seller is located and when asked later you didn't answer, so I assumed OS, and as we know assumption is the mother of all muck ups.  Hopefully this was just a mix-up, they do happen, and they don't have to refund return post, but its not great customer service.  However if this being done on a regular basis it is fraud and should be reported to the online fraud squad.

Profanity is no substitute for wit.
Message 23 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Could someone please clarify something for me that was mentioned in an earlier post about Pay Pal Requirements?


I recently made a PayPal claim and was instructed to return the item (at my expense) with a tracking number and then to provide that tracking number to PayPal.


They said that if the item was valued at over $250 or $350 (I can't remember which, but it was one of those) I did have to pay for a signature on delivery as well.


However my item was only valued at $210, so I only got the tracking number, this suited PayPal and they found the case in my favour.


 I can't imagine a DVD costing more than $200, so I'm wondering why there is a need to get a signature for it when returning it?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 24 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

because if you send it by regular, the seller can pretend they never received it, especially if it becomes heated between both of you. If you send it by registered, we all know the item will have got to the seller's hands. But if the seller then claims that the buyer tampered with it before the buyer sent it, then that creates a whole new problem and I'm not really sure what happens then.

Message 25 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Thanks Brett, but these days all parcels come with tracking I think, even those not sent by Click and Send.


All Pay Pal asked me to provide was the tracking number.




Just when I think I understand how the system works, something goes and moves the goal posts LOL

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 26 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

Hi brett, in regards to getting your fares/petrol paid by the stores when returning stuff - don't waste your time or breath even asking them!

You should have seen the look on their faces! It was priceless, where was my camera when I needed it!

We made a point recently of doing just that - to settle a bet - went around to just about all electrical goods stores, clothing stores, variety stores, asking what happens if they give /send or deliver the wrong item, or if the items is faulty - or any other reason to have to return for a refund.

The best we managed to get is that someone will come and pick up the furniture, all the rest - you bring it in at your cost of transport.

Some majors said they would allow goods to be dropped of at their other store if it's closer to you, but most of them didn't even have that possibility. If you live too far - send it by Registered post (your cost), when they get it they will be in touch after inspecting it and if refund is due they will ask you where to pay itnto.

Supervisor in a MAJOR premium dept. store told us that if any item is sent and refund denied for whatever reason, YOU will need to pay again to have sent back "or you are very welcome to come and pick it up from our collection counter".

Message 27 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

yeah they may inspect it and determine it was your fault and deny the refund. Especially if it was a cranky ebay seller who sold it to you. I'm not sure what the procedure after that is. Somewhere along the line one of you (or maybe both of you) will lose. Ebay is a bit of a gamble. Like I said, I work in retail, and we've refunded things that people have USED. For MONTHS. They even admit it to us, but we accept just to keep them happy. It's ridiculous and I wouldn't condone it, but we've done it before. Sometimes if we know a customer is scamming us and if they make a habit of it, then we deny them. One guy comes in REGULARLY and retruns stuff he buys and uses. Probably for events or something, and he always gets his money back. But lately we grew a spine and said no.

Message 28 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

but  did you pay someone petrol or bus fare to get it back to your store?

I think that was your initial question -  why do buyers have to sustain any losses if a seller (any seller) stuffs up.

I'm not talking about the charmes that you have used as an example, those who come in to scam, use it and return for refund - I mean those who for some reason ended up with a damaged/faulty item.

Message 29 of 31
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Received something not as described. Seller wants me to pay return postage?

oh yeah sorry I thought this turned into a discussion about stupid things customers do.


You know, surprisingly we haven't actually had anyone (as far as I know) ask about compensation for travel. I think most people might be annoyed, but they make the trip worth it by doing grocery shopping or other things as well. We have had people complain about having to make a big trip, and we just apologise and they usually accept that. If they asked us for $10 fuel money, we would laugh hysterically in our heads but say no.

Message 30 of 31
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