100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

Advances in technology, and the ambitions of countries willing to harness it, are proving that the transition to 100% renewable energy is not only possible, but cost-effective, too. Investment and development of solar and wind infrastructure, as well as energy output, is booming after a 3-year slump—a hopeful sign of things to come.




Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 1 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

@the_hawk* wrote:

In the RC model field all the world speed records for Planes, Boats and Cars are all held by electric powered craft.

the advances with Brushless motors and lithium polymer batteries has come a long way in recent history

Your knowledge is also flawed. are you not aware that LI PO batteries have a shelf life of between 2-3 years even if they are not used?


batteries also have to be charged and the charging process if just a transformation between one form of energy into another form, in each transformation there is loss.


By saying that batteries can supply energy you are neglecting the loss that is inherent in the system. Energy can not be made only transformed from one medium to another, it is a 'loss" system no mater how efficient the system is.

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 31 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

I reiterate if you think nuclear is a clean energy source you ARE A MORON.
Message 32 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

If you think you're so smart how come you know nothing of the research into liquid metal batteries. Too busy acting as mister put down comments. I don't care how smart you think you are poddster. It doesn't extend past your lunchbox
Message 33 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

I'd love to know what vested interest I have in flogging off the fossil fuels until they run out. I deplore fossil fuel use. I drove the tram in Adelaide because I am a staunch believer in electrically powered transport.
You are totally if the mark in your assumption of me. You assumed and have made an ass out of you and you.
you have proved your not the font if all knowledge because you live with the old ideal that power must be generated on mass for every one but there are towns that are investing in smaller zero emissions power generation and none of them are nuclear
Message 34 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

I'm flawed and nonsensical. Sounds like I'm not a person but an apartment block of clowns. As you haven't provided an actual argument I believe you are just **bleep** stirring
Message 35 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

Fact is if one hundred and thirty years of research into batteries had occurred they would be better. Or can you not see the logic in that statement
Message 36 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

Vale Ted Pritchard.... a great Australian... the almighty dollar ...gotta luv it...... and Melbourne's streetscapes in the late 60's


Good ole John Henry (Ford) and Rudolf (Diesel).. had it right to start with....the almitght dollar talked...and ...


Hearst, Dupont and Ainslinger did the rest





S5000 biomass steam generator










atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 37 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

Yes, poddster I'm some sort of super hero. I'm HOLD BACK GUY. I fly around and limit any scientist that works towards nuclear fusion. I keep your kids from going to the next year level. If something needs holding back I'm there. I'll have to go to your house poddster and hold back those useless posts to this forum.
Message 38 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

I hope those who think nuclear is the way to go  would be happy to live next to nuclear power station.  But in any case, building them is not cheap either. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 39 of 79
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Re: 100% renewable energy is becoming cost-effective,

Community Member

I think this wil be Australia's largest solar farm, to date





Message 40 of 79
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