on 07-05-2014 08:59 AM
"Welfare and business groups say any move by Australia Post to charge a fee for mail delivery would disadvantage low-income earners and regional areas."
on 07-05-2014 12:13 PM
@am*3 wrote:
Cq - do you have a smart phone with data pack? Handy back up when having computer troubles.
No, I don't. I pay more than enough already for my home phone & internet without the added (not to mention outrageous) expense of a smart phone with internet capabilities which, as a 64yo living alone on a disability pension, I simply can't afford.
on 07-05-2014 12:18 PM
to cq.
am*3 wrote: Cq - do you have a smart phone with data pack? Handy back up when having computer troubles.
No, I don't. I pay more than enough already for my home phone & internet without the added (not to mention outrageous) expense of a smart phone with internet capabilities which, as a 64yo living alone on a disability pension, I simply can't afford.
maybe am*3 can treat us all to a 'smart' fone once cashed in their Aus Post shares in a few months
on 07-05-2014 12:20 PM
J*oono, I just received a letter from my best friend in USA. Eleven A4 pages (yes, 11) of events that happened to her in the last few month. I was thrilled to bits to be able to sit down and read without interruptions. We could have talked on the internet, but it is not the same with questions and answers. One can not explain emotions and reactions in just a couple of words. With this letter I have part of my friends life, and can go back to each page to make the right reply to any questions or description.
Long live paper and pen.
on 07-05-2014 12:23 PM
Here here!! lind.
I LOVE pens, paper, pencils, envelopes..... ALL stationery ......*sigh
love the smell of a freshly sharpened pencil first thing in the morning LOL
on 07-05-2014 12:26 PM
@am*3 wrote:
You can print emails out and stick them where ever you want.
I have to say, you were one of the last people on here who I thought I'd ever hear that from LOLOLOL
on 07-05-2014 12:28 PM
@am*3 wrote:
Parcel post makes a lot of profit for Aust post and that subsidises the losses for letters.. Not sustainable in the long term though.
This could get really interesting then if the Gov sells off the parcel section.
Letter Mail is written into the constitution.
on 07-05-2014 12:45 PM
@lind9650 wrote:am*3, are you a shareholder of Australia Post?
You are lucky you are young and prosperous enough to be able to afford and learn all the new technology.
Australia Post has a single shareholder, the Australian Government. Or would that be 23million shareholders, the Australian People?
on 07-05-2014 12:59 PM
@lind9650 wrote:am*3, are you a shareholder of Australia Post?
You are lucky you are young and prosperous enough to be able to afford and learn all the new technology.
Australia Post has a single shareholder, the Australian Government. Or would that be 23million shareholders, the Australian People?
.....not if this present fiberal lot have their way and sell it off, Aus Post will be owned by a few fat cats
on 07-05-2014 02:40 PM
@cq_tech wrote:
A couple of weeks ago I elected to have all of my regular bills (phone & internet, council rates, electricity, insurance) sent either by email or B-pay view, then barely a week later my PC crashed and I was off-line for a few days. I am now seriously rethinking my decision.
you've raised a good point there CQ, I can see the value in reducing paper and costs, but we can become way too reliant on our internet which can be a problem
on 07-05-2014 04:13 PM