Dogs in Bunnings

So Bunnings decided it would be a good idea to allow dogs in their stores, but only well behaved ones.


"BUNNINGS Warehouse has flung open its doors to animals, confirming that customers headed to the hardware store could now bring their pets.


Operations director Michael Schneider confirmed the move this afternoon.

“As long as pets are under appropriate control, are not aggressive and do not compromise the safety of our team or customers they are welcome,’’ Mr Schneider said.


But he said staff retained the right to refuse entry to any animal.

“Assistance animals have always been and will always be allowed entry into our stores.’’



Totally ridiculous imo.


3 days after the "dog friendly" policy is put in place and a little girl is bitten on the leg


*for the record i have no issue with guide dogs and assistance dogs*

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Message 1 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

@imastawka wrote:

I used to be a doggie person.


My atitude has changed.   I am now wary of all dogs.


I don't care if someone says their dog is a perfect angel.


They all have teeth.  And no-one knows what their dog is thinking.


My FIL was savaged to death by a dog that he knew!


He went to visit - rang the bell - they weren't home and

the dog came racing.   Got savaged on one leg.  Main artery bitten


Got himself into the car and bled out. 


If Bunnings adopt this policy in Vic,  I will be going to Masters

the incident happened in vic.

Message 61 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

Admittedly I don't go to Bunnings all the time, 


but in all the time I have been going there,


I have never seen a dog - not a single one.


Not even one tied up at the door

Message 62 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

With regards to your guide dog lunging for food etc.

I have a dear friend who has MS and has an assistance dog that goes with her into shopping centres etc. When she is out with him and he is on duty no matter what tasty tidbits are around he is 100 percent focussed on his job.  Chips dropped on the floor are ignored.

No sniffing up womens skirts either. 

The only issues she has is trying to get people to not approach her dog and pat him whilst he is on duty. Parents with young children are the worst. She now has made up special little cards explaining why dogs that give assistance, including guide dogs, should not be spoken to or touched when on duty. She gives them out from time to time.



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Message 63 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

Every dog is different and not all will exhibit the same behaviours. Some will have particular faults, others different ones. One of the things we have learned from the guide dog experience is, like people, no dog is perfect. Guide dog users learn to adapt to the dogs faults and work around them, but at the end of the day, they are still just dogs. ( alabiet, very clever ones. ..Smiley Happy  ). Guide dogs in Australia are usually Labrador or Golden Retriever / Lab crosses. These breeds are naturally susceptable to food and smell based instincts and will often allow their natural instincts in this area to overide human training.


Unfortunately many of the dogs that people walk in the streets and parks ( and Bunnings ) do not have the same breeding, training and temprement as guide dogs. Often the owners dont have the time to put into obedience training and regular excercise. This is when they can start to become a problem, intruding on others who are just going about their business. From our experience, even the most well bred and highly trained dogs ( guide dogs ) still all have "doggy faults" and natural instinctive behaviours which impact on other people when in public places. If guide dogs impinge on others at times in public, it is safe to assume less well trained dogs will also impact on other people if allowed to enter shops etc.

Message 64 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

P.S. As well as the wifes guide dogs, I have owned several beautifull farm working dogs and currently own a Kelpie and Border Collie. My dogs mean a lot to me and like tradies, I take them everywhere, chained to the back of my ute. (  yes. they HAVE EVEN BEEN to Bunnings bulk pick-up section  a number of times, chained to the back of the ute  ).


If Bunnings policy is to allow dogs into the bulk pick-up areas if contained within the vehicle, I dont have a problem with this. They shouldnt impact on other shoppers this way. Although my dogs are highly stud bred ( one is the son of a past state yard dog champion ) and well trained, I wouldnt dream of taking my dogs into the store. They are high energy and excitable dogs that WOULD cause problems for others.


I just think there is a time and a place and walking down the isles at my local hardware store or shopping centre isnt the place for any old dog and their unthoughtfull, careless owner.

Message 65 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

I totally agree with you chamaleon- and I have seen people approach guide dogs many times to pat them- even encouraging their children to stop and pat them, and I too have seen people try to feed them.

Too stoopid.


What they dont seem to consider is that what guide dogs do is work: its not being taken for a walk, or exercise or for fun. They need to be on point for the person they are guiding, not distracted.



You sound like a thoughtful pet owner, who obviously highly regards his dogs and the people and situations they are in.


Lucky dogs- I wish there were more like you!


I would like to see a photo of your son-of-a-champ..any chance?




Message 66 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

I would have to get the kids to help upload the pictures. . I,m  just an old farmer and not real computer savvy sorry. Will see what I can do when they get home......Smiley Wink

Message 67 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

Thats great Chameleon, just whenever you can- I will look forward to seeing the photos Woman Happy

Message 68 of 69
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Re: Dogs in Bunnings

The boys are smiling cos they think we are off to the farm. ( sorry guys, not today ) Guide dog harness included in pic for those that wonder if we just make all of this stuff up. It is the internet afterall..... P.S I really am a tall very handsome young man....Smiley Wink.Picture 8560.jpg

Message 69 of 69
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