on 01-11-2014 01:14 AM
I went to 7-Eleven tonight to get a bite to eat, grabbed a Four'n Twenty pie and gosh it was halal.
Traitors! How can they do this?
I put it back in the warmer then drove to a local Italian restaurant and we had pasta carbonara.
on 03-11-2014 09:13 PM
03-11-2014 09:20 PM - edited 03-11-2014 09:24 PM
@*lady*godiva* wrote:so, allah and God are the same "being", but head two different religions with 2 different Holy books?
No, Moslems call God "Allah", most Christians call God "God". There is a lengthy discussion on the Catholic site (can't find the link atm) about is the moslem God the same as our Catholic God. Well, to sum it up the Catholics says "No". But then the Catholic God - 3-part "Father Son Holy Spirit" is not my God either, so here we are.
The moslems say God is Allah and that Jesus was NOT the son of God but an important prophet. They say that Mohammed was their prophet - after Jesus.
My God is Yahweh / Jehovah. My Saviour is Jesus / Yeshua the only begotten Son of God - I may have mentioned it before - a few times.
and the head of the my Christian Church is of course, Jesus / Yeshua.
on 03-11-2014 09:37 PM
@bluemakede wrote:
Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal
in reply to *lady*godiva*
43 minutes ago
Halal beans? NOPE the beans I get are the Aussie ones not imported from Saudi Arabia
Beans arehaal no matter where grown. All begs and fruit is halal
isnt this discussion about halal certified
food? ie prepared according to the koran?
on 03-11-2014 09:38 PM
lady*godiva "The Mother In Law had a heart attack, so I haven't been to bed since I got out about 4 am on Sunday, so.....I'm a bit all over the place".
sorry I didn't ask before - is she OK? Still in hospital I presume? Go and have a sleep - it's not going to do anyone any good if you collapse too.
on 03-11-2014 09:42 PM
No, Moslems call God "Allah", most Christians call God "God".
isnt allah arabic for god?
03-11-2014 09:45 PM - edited 03-11-2014 09:46 PM
@*julia*2010 wrote:
@bluemakede wrote:
Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal
in reply to *lady*godiva*
43 minutes ago
Halal beans? NOPE the beans I get are the Aussie ones not imported from Saudi Arabia
Beans arehaal no matter where grown. All begs and fruit is halalisnt this discussion about halal certified
food? ie prepared according to the koran?
So? The reply is to a post about halal beans? OP claiming he doesn't get Halal beans from Saudi Arabia, he gets non-halal ones from Australia... haha .. bluem has a good point there!
on 03-11-2014 09:59 PM
@am*3 wrote:
@*julia*2010 wrote:
@bluemakede wrote:
Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal
in reply to *lady*godiva*
43 minutes ago
Halal beans? NOPE the beans I get are the Aussie ones not imported from Saudi Arabia
Beansarehaal no matter where grown. All begs and fruit is halalisnt this discussion about halal certified
food? ie prepared according to the koran?
So? The reply is to a post about halal beans? OP claiming he doesn't get Halal beans from Saudi Arabia, he gets non-halal ones from Australia... haha .. bluem has a good point there!
i dont think so. bluem said beans are halal
no matter where grown.
i'm pretty sure OP's objections are about
halal certified food products.
03-11-2014 10:12 PM - edited 03-11-2014 10:13 PM
I really don't see the objection the OP has with halal branded items, in fact he should be pleased that certain foodstuffs are labelled halal so he can choose if he wants to buy it. But I get the nagging feeling this is yet another jab at a certain group of people, disguised as a quasi ethical/religious dilemma
on 03-11-2014 10:25 PM
If a meat producer has to pay $30,000 a month to become halal certified, is the cost only transfered to the halal meat? Probably not. Besides that cost you'd have to factor in the additional costs of management arranging this, the factory workers, the people boxing it up, right down to the stock boys stocking the shelves. Lots of additional costs.
Maybe if all foods were halal these costs wouldn't be necessary. (no stamp, etc...)
Do the non muslims here NOT object to paying more for their food to satisfy a different religion than yours?
And what if Christians living in the middle east required the same requirements? As in a special non halal stamp that raised the price of foods to the muslims living there. Would THEY object? I think yes. Not only that...there would be some very violent repercussions if they even attempted it.
on 03-11-2014 10:26 PM
Multiple kudos to para-slights