on 04-04-2015 03:09 PM
A country where evryone has a right to be armed. Including those with a criminal history.
The ease in which things like this happen doesn't seem to worry them does it?
on 08-04-2015 11:36 PM
I hate that Dettol ad for floor cleaners. Isn't that Jess from one of the early Big Brother shows?
I don't like the St John's one where the woman jumps in the pool and it's solid and she can't save her son. Honestly, I reckon she broke her ankle making that ad but it horrifies me.
I think I will do a St John Ambulance course in case I have grandchildren. I'd rather do that than have a gun in the house for protection.
on 08-04-2015 11:39 PM
on 08-04-2015 11:46 PM
this will be the strangest comment Ive made all day but.....
night jimmy, have a nice day
on 09-04-2015 02:50 AM
Isn't it interesting how a poster shows up out of the blue for the express purpose of bad-mouthing another poster? Makes you think there is an ulterior motive. It's a shame that the mouth-breathers have to bring US chatboard conflicts to Australian boards.
on 09-04-2015 10:59 AM
Awww I've missed ya, jimmy.
Straight talkin' and shootin' from the hip. Luv ya
on 10-04-2015 09:35 PM
@imastawka wrote:Awww I've missed ya, jimmy.
Straight talkin' and shootin' from the hip. Luv ya
Thanks Stawka. I was under the weather for a bit....and working. All better! Luvs ya too!
on 11-04-2015 01:47 AM
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm an agnostic. I haven't step foot in a church or any other religious institution in many years, except for weddings a funerals. Please don't try to write my history for me.
on 11-04-2015 01:49 AM
^Jimmy - that was in response to your post #107
on 14-04-2015 08:14 AM
A three-year-old boy picked up an unattended gun inside a home and it went off, shooting a one-year-old boy in the head and killing him, US police say.
on 14-04-2015 08:22 AM
So sad and so preventable.
Unattended gun? what kind of household is that?
He used a sock to vote for himself....multiple times (about 40). When I caught him he denied it. When I proved it he used the excuse it was his wife.
How do you use a sock to vote for yourself? In Australia, we wear socks on our feet, usually a pair.