on 11-09-2016 05:17 PM
I just got this - invite only. Non stores 4/9 to 30/9
No insertion and final value fees on the next 10 items you list*
Won't help me - I got it on this account - but may help someone else
(If someone else has posted this yonks ago - sorry, I missed it)
on 11-09-2016 11:57 PM
I'd like to know how people were invited via Facebook. People use names, not usernames on there, so they wouldn't know who the members were on there.
on 12-09-2016 12:36 AM
Maybe it was to anybody who's complained on ebay's facebook page.
on 12-09-2016 01:12 AM
@englishrosegardens wrote:Maybe it was to anybody who's complained on ebay's facebook page.
or people who are "friends" of eBay on facebook?
or anybody who has "liked" eBay's MBG on facebook?
or anybody who has praised that universally loved eBay feature known as the "defect" on eBay's facebook page?
They may have sent a facebook private message (if possible) through facebook with a link for facebookers to click and enter their eBay ID so that they can access the offer/invitation.
on 12-09-2016 12:02 PM
on 12-09-2016 12:53 PM
on 12-09-2016 02:10 PM
@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:
@lyndal1838 wrote:I got it in My Messages a few hours ago, starting today and going till 30th September.....and I have never sold a thing in my life on any ID.
lyndal, dive in the deep end and have a go! LOL
I got it on another ID and will definitely list some items, especially some higher value items as no final value fees is a great offer.
Once again I feel for store holders . . . . . who also get shafted by not being able to access these offers/promotions unless they have multiple IDs and happen to get the offer on another ID.
Do I really come across as totally crazy?
When I started on ebay I bought a few things with the idea of enjoying them for a few years and then selling them on but over the last little while I have seen so much posted on the boards that I would be very loath the venture into the selling pool now.
on 12-09-2016 04:11 PM
whats the point. Nothing here sells anymore.
I've just broke another record going 2 months with absolutely no sales. Its a ghost town.
on 12-09-2016 04:25 PM
Many thanks for sharing, no joy here
on 13-09-2016 12:13 AM
I have 2 Facebook accounts. One is my personal account under the name of one of my pets. The other belongs to one of my pets. He's got more friends than I do. On my personal account, I rarely post anything. In fact, I rarely check it these days. I spend more time on my pet's account. All it posts are photos of my pets or the occasional update if they've done something out of the ordinary (like scaring the carp out the girl in drive-thru at the local Red Rooster!). A lot of his friends are other animals, so we share photos. Most of the time I use it to access interest groups or support groups (a more recent thing).
I belong to the eBay page on both my accounts. Also the NSW and local police pages as they post some interesting stuff (it's nice to see crimes being solved as a direct result of information posted on their page). A few missing persons pages (which have found a number of missing persons because of those pages). A few pages that deal with the type of pets I have. A couple of support groups to do with Mr Tippy's medical condition. A couple of animal charity pages. A page belonging to an up and coming singer/songwriter that I'm supporting (she's a relative of a member of these forums).
There's also a page that is for former students of my high school. Local what's happening groups. A page that posts historical photos of where I grew up. Some satirical pages to do with my profession. A few local buy swap and sell sites. Friends belong to a multitude of craft groups, music groups, religious groups, recipe groups. You name it, there's a group for it.
I've had a few whinges on the eBay page. Maybe I haven't whinged enough to warrant getting a freebie offer! I might have to rectify that!
02-10-2016 11:25 PM - edited 02-10-2016 11:27 PM
I got this offer on another of my IDs so I listed an item for $300 buy-it-now. I read the T&Cs and it all looks okay. My item sold on the 30th Sept and I have received a message from the buyer that payment will be made tomorrow.
When I look at my account status it shows as my account having a $29.70 final-value-fee on this item.
I went to the help & contact pages to see if there was any information about promotions and fvf credits. There are links that take you to a page where you can see what promotion credits are available to you for sold items.
For my sale it shows as "Promotion AU $0.00 or credit AU $0.00".
I have a bad feeling about this promotion based on eBay's incompetence with running promotions in recent months. There was the "$50 credit if you spend $200" promotion that was very slow to be fulfilled, the "sell2buy $25 per $100 sold" promotion that I posted about on another thread, and last week's "your say $100 voucher" cockup.
I will contact eBay tomorrow and confirm that I am eligible for the "no fvf" promotion on this sale and update this thread after my call.
The spoiler below has screengrabs of the promotion message and the T&Cs for this promotion.