Below standard seller status

After 22years Ebay have given me a below standard rating on my main selling account For the 1st time ever..They say I have until February 25 to improve or I will be cut back on more selling privalges,,How, am i supposed to improve  when they are already cutting back on items i can list and saying that My listingss wont be near top in Topmatch ,They have listed me  below standard because i had to cancel a couple of sales.,,I believe Ebay are getting rid of the small time sellers in Favour of bigger sellers,This is their way of doing it,,

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Re: Below standard seller status

I am suffering the same cutbacks with what I can sell I have been a power seller for many many years.

Now surrounded by businesses claiming to be based in Australia, have all the Australia flags and Australia post logos, when I do the search about the competitors they are based in China. Basically, I will eventually remove my welding equipment shop and concentrate promoting my own website. eBay is still charging me all the monthly fees, goes beyond extortion. And we all have the cancel orders, slow tracking for whatever reason that is just a factor in doing business in the 21st century. Other thing that I find offensive is all the little competitors adds plastered all around my listing. Just not a level playing field, You would think if we select Australia only we would be shown on Australian seller not the case Chinese sellers are getting around that loop hole too. Not happy Bom Moore trading as Bobthewelder46 on eBay [MOD EDIT: Please do not post personal details in public]

Message 21 of 23
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Re: Below standard seller status

Australia only does not mean the seller is registered in Australia, so no loophole there


And pretty much if listings have 'Australian flags and logos' plastered on them, it screams seller in China pretending to be in Australia, it is what they do


Not something here other members can do anything about, other than not supporting such sellers

Message 22 of 23
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Re: Below standard seller status

Other thing that I find offensive is all the little competitors adds plastered all around my listing. Just not a level playing field, You would think if we select Australia only we would be shown on Australian seller not the case Chinese sellers are getting around that loop hole too


That is what a lot of buyers assume too, that Australia only means they will be looking at products from Australian sellers. Once upon a time on ebay, that worked. But these days a lot of international sellers list items available to Australia.

It's not exactly a loophole but it is misleading and would be better if seller location was shown upfront, but don't hold your breath. I don't think ebay is moving in that direction.


Yes, as a buyer, I can see all the little ads that pop up around any item I look at. In some cases, it has led me to click and buy from someoone else if the product is identical. I can see how annoying it would be if you were a selleras you want potential customers to concentrate on your item, not be introduced to a range of other sellers.

From the point of view of ebay though, all they want is a sale, any sale, so if they can tempt a viewer with a better price or similar item, they are happy.


We're only people on a messageboard though, we're not ebay and we can't make any changes even though we'd sometimes like to.

Message 23 of 23
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