Below standard seller status

After 22years Ebay have given me a below standard rating on my main selling account For the 1st time ever..They say I have until February 25 to improve or I will be cut back on more selling privalges,,How, am i supposed to improve  when they are already cutting back on items i can list and saying that My listingss wont be near top in Topmatch ,They have listed me  below standard because i had to cancel a couple of sales.,,I believe Ebay are getting rid of the small time sellers in Favour of bigger sellers,This is their way of doing it,,

Message 1 of 23
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Below standard seller status

The metrics are there for you to read.


If you fall below standard, the remedy is in your control.


Don't sell things you can't send would be a good start.

Message 2 of 23
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Below standard seller status

The "below standard" rating has absolutely nothing to do with how many items you have listed, or how many you sell.


It is calculated solely by the percentage of sales where you have failed to meet your obligations.


To put it simply... you reap what you sow, but then, you already know this 😉😄

Message 3 of 23
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Below standard seller status

I know this,But how can I sell anything when they restrict my selling.Cut back listings ect,It makes no sense,,Unless they are getting rid of small time sellers.Which i believe they are,

Message 4 of 23
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Below standard seller status

I'm a small time seller. Not as small as you, but certainly not a business.


I am Top Rated and Above Standard on my selling accounts.


What I do is ensure I have what I list, address any issues proactively, and provide 5 star (according to my feedback) service.

Message 5 of 23
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Below standard seller status

It has nothing to do with getting rid of sellers, small or large.  Your selling metrics are readily available to you, and you should have been taking steps to improve those metrics, before you fell to below standard.

Best of luck, but you have a very limited window in which to turn it around.

Message 6 of 23
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Below standard seller status

It was 2 items I had to refund and one of those was a buyer cancelling,Go figure,I think they are just after

The small time sellers.

Message 7 of 23
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Below standard seller status

I cancelled 2 sales.One was requested by a buyer.Ive been with Ebay 25 years.This account i not the account I have below standard.

Message 8 of 23
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Below standard seller status

I believed my metrics were very good,The account  that has the below standard is not this account,Which I hardly use.

The Below standard wnaring came as a shock.

I had the cancel on 2 sales and one was a buyer request.

This seems to be the issue they are complaining about.

Message 9 of 23
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Below standard seller status

How did you address the buyer request?


If you chose 'buyer requested' you wouldn't have been dinged.


I suspect there is more to this than you are revealing.


And it's pointless complaining on the boards.


After 25 years you are fully aware that eBay rarely read the boards, and even more rarely reverse decisions even if they are at fault.

Message 10 of 23
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