Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Buyer bought a puzzle from me. It's securely wrapped and put in a large envelope to keep the postage down.


So there is NO tracking unless the buyer wants to pay for a "signature", which they don't for low cost items.


I always take photos while at the post office of the buyers address and AP postage imprint.


Buyer emailed me she never got it. I sent her the photo showing it was sent and to check with the post office.


She said it was my fault as there was no tracking. That wouldn't have helped anyway as we all know. I explained why.


I said I was sorry but I'm not responsible and will not give a refund. After all, I have NO proof that she did not get it and simply wanted the money back. We all know there are some buyers like that.


So she's given me neg feedback unfairly. It's the first one I've gotten and I have over 1500 feedbacks.


How do I reply to her negative feedback to tell the truth about what happened ??



Message 1 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly


I got a very nasty "never received item" once.   Turns out they hadn't updated

their address with paypal,     Maybe she moves a lot.



Message 41 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

5 non-received in 30 days and a suggestion to the OP that the neg will be removed for a refund indicates something more nefarious is going on here, but lets all give the buyer the benefit of the doubt.


"For evil to triumph all it takes is for good sellers to refund". Just paraphasing OK.

"Padches? We ain't got no padches. We don't need no padches. I don't have to show you any stinking padches".
Message 42 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

@21ladyluck wrote:


Some of you think I'm stupid for not refunding the money. Maybe I am. For me it's not about the money. It's about not giving in to feedback blackmail.





I don't (think you're stupid); in general, I am of the opinion that each seller has the right to decide how they will conduct their business (within policy and law), my first post simply explained my own choices.


In regards to this specific case, I too would be suspicious and do not for one moment think you're handling this inappropriately - quite the opposite, and while you may not be able to stop the buyer from doing it to other sellers, I'd warrant they're now on a few other seller's BBL. 


Message 43 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Ready for that keelhauling now  :womanwink:



We don't keelhaul here. This is Australia! It's the "cat of 9 tails" for you, lol.

"Padches? We ain't got no padches. We don't need no padches. I don't have to show you any stinking padches".
Message 44 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Thank you for the kind words.


I've been going out on the limb since I was a kid. Nevermind that too often it's sawed off behind me. I don't have a thick hide and some of the comments here have hurt.


But I've learned over the years to try to have a sense of humour about my tilting at windmills. I guess it's in my DNA to fight what may be a losing battle. I'm an old fashioned Aussie battler in my 60s. I still believe in justice and a fair go.


I wish sellers would support each other better. A little kindness goes a long way.



Message 45 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Pam there are several things you could try such as asking the buyer for a stat dec that they did not recevie the item, report the buyer to the police online fraud squad and inform AP that a lot of parcels going to that particular address are going missing.


While you might still have a neg at the end of all this at least it won't hurt as much once you have taken some action.


As for followup feedback maybe you could leave it until the last possible days in case anything happens and you can get the neg removed by ebay.


Sometimes a followup just brings more attention to the neg that if you ignore it.


Good luck with it.

Message 46 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Good suggestions, however, as it was only a $10, it's not something I want to bother the police. They're stretched pretty thin as it is dealing with big crooks and such.


I have taken action by reporting what is going on to both eBay and PayPal. I had a lovely chat on the phone with an eBay Customer Service gentleman. I learned a lot from the conversation and will be waiting to see the outcome.


One of the problems with feedback is that it doesn't tell the whole story. I pointed out to someone here who called me a whinger, that they had also refused to give a buyer a refund.


That person replied with chapter and verse about why they didn't refund it. But my point is that anyone looking at their feedback cannot see that reason. They can only assume that seller didn't give refunds.


That's one of the reasons an unfair neg is well ... unfair. Potential buyers cannot see the reason why a seller did what they did.


Yes, there are bad sellers who scam people. BUT there are also buyers who try to get something for nothing. Buyers who wear a new dress and then return it to the seller for a refund. And on and on. There are bad people on both sides.


No one said being in business was easy. Brick and mortar shops get robbed and so do online sellers. I just believe in fighting back. Sorry, there I go tilting at windmills 🙂





Message 47 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Pam the online fraud squad doesn't care about the amount, they want to know about the scam because it can all add up but that is up to you..


You should let AP know the address and that there are a lot of parcels going missing.


It might be someone other than the buyer doing the rip-off


Asking the buyer for a stat dec is no cost to you, they just have to write out their declaration and have it witnessed and then send to you.


Anyway I thought I was being helpful but get the feeling that my suggestions are all too much to be bothered with, sorry for wasting your time.



Message 48 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

Email is so impersonal. I DO appreciate your suggestions. I am very sorry if my post did not sound that way.


I will be contacting AP about items going missing to that address when I do my next shipping on Monday. I hadn't thought of that.


If that had really happened to me as a buyer, I would have contacted AP to see why I wasn't getting my packages.


I can see where you're coming from about the stat dec, but I don't think that's necessary in this case. Both PayPal and eBay have statements from her that she never received it.


You were not wasting my time. In every situation I try to learn something I didn't know before. If we were having a cup of coffee (tea?) together instead of using this forum, you would be able to see from my face that I'm smiling at you. I love that you took the time to offer constructive advice. It is appreciated.





Message 49 of 86
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Re: Buyer Gave Neg Unfairly

I would have to agree. I had to packages go missing on the same day. They had tracking one eBay one amazon as I have only had one package not arrive from eBay before I thought it was suss. Well let me tell ya I was on the phone to AP and I wanted answers. So I would think this buyer would have to be having a problem if its real.
I think that having sellers report her to eBay to investigate would only be a good think. If its all above board she has nothing to worry about but if eBay think its suss it could save honest sellers.
Just as I hate dishonest sellers I also hate dishonest buyers. It ruins the whole experience for everyone
When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 50 of 86
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