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Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

The SS Marriage plebiscite has highlighted the fact that it can be illegal for businesses to refuse to sell porducts to customers based on various criteria. 


ebay allows sellers to block up to 5000 users and there is no need to provide a reason.


Curious as to whether that might be illegal.

Message 1 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

So was I Stawks.Smiley Wink

Message 41 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@moviemem wrote:

The SS Marriage plebiscite has highlighted the fact that it can be illegal for businesses to refuse to sell porducts to customers based on various criteria. 


ebay allows sellers to block up to 5000 users and there is no need to provide a reason.


Curious as to whether that might be illegal.

The block function in and of itself is not illegal. An individual case of blocking due to discrimination based on race, age, gender, sexuality, religion, pregnancy and / or religion is illegal, and if there is evidence of that having taken place, there could be ramefications for the seller.


The current debate is a separate issue, it is about religious freedom vs discrimination, and how that will fit in with our current discrimination laws. As you can see in the above link, it is already illegal to refuse service to someone because of their sexuality, so this is more about marriage ceremonies than anything else, and whether it is legal or acceptable to refuse to marry a couple based on their sexuality, due to religious reasons. 



Message 42 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@moviemem wrote:

The SS Marriage plebiscite has highlighted the fact that it can be illegal for businesses to refuse to sell porducts to customers based on various criteria. 


ebay allows sellers to block up to 5000 users and there is no need to provide a reason.


Curious as to whether that might be illegal.

I don't think it's illegal or as someone said, it would have been challenged before now.


However, that doesn't mean it will forever remain that way. Ebay has changed a lot in the last few years & will probably change a lot more in the next decade.


It seems to me that more & more people are 'challenging' restrictions or calling foul on a lot of situations.


It is not 100% true to say all businesses are free to sell to whoever they like or restrict sales. A few months back I remember shop keepers at a couple of stores putting up signs that black teens were not to enter the store. Forget the wording but that was the meaning. Reason was one seller had groups of them coming in daily & openly shoplifting from him and felt powerless to stop it.  He was absolutely persecuted by media.


The reason he was in trouble I guess was he was generalising instead of just refusing service to particular individuals but if he put up the names of those not welcome to enter, I'm betting that would not be acceptable either.


What I can see happening with places like ebay (just supposing there was a ruckus about blocking people etc) is that blocking would be allowed, however, the seller would have to give a reason for it from a drop down menu. I'd guess 2 strikes against a buyer would be remain as a reason (it is sort of like a bad credit rating really), item no longer available would be fine, buyer lives in an area seller doesn't post to etc would be fine. But openly blocking someone because you didn't like their feedback to others would not be fine. You'd have to choose another option.


What happens with some discrimination is it goes underground & often you wouldn't be able to prove it. My sister worked in a warehouse (in the office section) where there were often vacancies advertised but the boss was only ever going to hire males, because it involved heavy lifting of rolls of fabric. Now we can argue what we like about women & lifting but that was the boss's opinion, but he could not advertise openly that it was  male only. My sister said the result was many women sent in excellent resumes that they must have spent good time doing but it was all wasted effort. But you'd have a hard time proving it.


Sellers should be able to restrict sales & I don't think that will change at all in the immediate future but it may tighten up.

of course once ebay turns to instant payment for everything a lot of the non paying bidder problems will disappear anywya.


Message 43 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

I don't get non paying bidders, yet am still forced into immediate payment.  As for blocking people, if someone sends a message, or bids and I check their feedback left for others, and every feedback left is red and/or indicates they have had a refund or something, then I have absolutely every right in the world to block them. I WILL NOT encourage eBay shoplifting. If I can see that is what someone is doing, then they are not buying from me and if I had the option to state that's why I blocked them, then I would sure as hell use it. 


It's been awhile since you've sold Springy. Some things have changed. You've also been around these forums long enough just as a buyer to know that eBay shoplifting is rife. You have also seen where sellers are having a problem and most people will ask "what is their feedback left for others like? Does it look like this is a common thing with them?". If there is a dropdown to select, then I would definitely want the option of having bad feedback left for others. Screw them.


The trouble these days is, someone only has to be walking down the street and look someone in the eye to be called a racist or be discriminating against them in some way. Political correctness has gone out of control.


Time to go and watch season 1 of Swift and Shift Couriers. I suggest others do the same. It's better than season 2. The PC **bleep**ers will love it.
Message 44 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:



I can appreciate that you voted no. That was your choice. Most people aren't going to change their practices.

Why you would make that assumption about my vote is beyond me. It is not remotely correct.


Someone else suggested that I was "brave" (read foolish) to raise such a "controversial" topic on one of my real user ids. The implication being that you need to hide behind anonymity because you will be attacked for asking a question. 


I can't see that the topic is controversial at all. Last time I looked, I was free to ask whether there were any issues with the blocked bidder policy. I asked for the opinion of others and I am quite open to all views. It really is a very small point and not something to get so heated about. 


I guess I should be pleased that I havent had any death threats yet!

Message 45 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@digital*ghost wrote:

The block function in and of itself is not illegal. An individual case of blocking due to discrimination based on race, age, gender, sexuality, religion, pregnancy and / or religion is illegal, and if there is evidence of that having taken place, there could be ramefications for the seller. 





That was really the question in my original post. I thought it might be a possibility that someone might challenge the policy at some point in the future.

Message 46 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

There is always the possibility that someone will challenge it in the future.....but your question was is it illegal discrimination now.

The answer, not illegal as it stands now as there is no reason to give any reason for putting someone on it.


The laws of the land are always changing and ebay is always changing.   Who knows what might happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.   All we can do is answer what is illegal now.

Message 47 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@moviemem wrote:

I can't see that the topic is controversial at all. Last time I looked, I was free to ask whether there were any issues with the blocked bidder policy. I asked for the opinion of others and I am quite open to all views. It really is a very small point and not something to get so heated about. 

I guess I should be pleased that I havent had any death threats yet!


asking if eBayโ€™s BBL could be considered illegal is not being controversial.  Prefacing your question with the SSM reference is what makes it seem controversial, or are you that devoid of brain cells that you didnโ€™t realise that linking it with the controversial SSM survey would in itself make your posts controversial?


It really is a very small point and not something to get so heated about. 


Oh please!  Have you been deliberately trying to goad members into some type of Yes/No homophobic argument?  You have made sufficient references to debate in the senate to make your recent posts pleading that it was simply a question about eBayโ€™s BBL (while backtracking about any other inferences) should be treated with the contempt it deserves.


As for the comment about death threats . . . . . dare I say it? . . . . . . yeah, I will . . . . . . . STOP BEING A DRAMA QUEEN.



Message 48 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

Maybe paying devil's advocate, but I don't personally see anything controversial in the OP. I've debated the issue quite fervently elsewhere but this post read to me as more a "this issue has touched on a topic and it make me think of another more general issue" thing than anything else.

Maybe leading with that raised some heckles, maybe the post was imperfectly articulated, or maybe I just spent too much time attempting to converse with those whos views were hyperbolic, gross and offensive to me.
Message 49 of 62
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Re: Is ebay's BLOCK BIDDER option illegal discrimination?

@digital*ghost wrote:
 but this post read to me as more a "this issue has touched on a topic and it make me think of another more general issue" thing than anything else.


Message 50 of 62
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