New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Our store received 98.5% positive feedbacks since we operated business here in 2011. However, recently, we are classified as "Below Average" seller due to few stocks are not available to sell which we didn't take off from our store immediately. Very enough, our fault on that. However, we found 2 weeks ago Paypal has been holding our funds for nearly every single sale. We called Paypal and found out:


Due to new Ebay policy, Paypal will hold funds until the goods are delivered to customer for "Below Average" seller. The point is we have been updating delivery status with tracking number for nearly 2 weeks. The customer has signed for receiving 2 weeks ago. The funds are still holding by Paypal. Their explaination is they didn't receive delivery status as they cannot access such information! As a seller, we need to call them to inform the tracking number and they need to track whether the item is been delivered or not. Lucky, we have tracking number for all items. We asked Paypal, if there is no tracking number on item, then will Paypal holding the funds forever? Their explaination is our customer needs to call them to confirm they really receive the item.


This ridiculous policy is just wasting time and make nonsense. It takes us 20 mins to get the funds released for the goods which been delivered 2 weeks ago.




Message 1 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Our problem is Paypal still holding funds after 2 weeks the goods have been delivered. We received 98.5% positive feedbacks which we were top-rated seller since 2011. We received 2 negative feedbacks out of nearly 400 feedbacks. I cannot say we are the best, but at lease we are doing our best to service our customers 🙂

Message 21 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

@black*poppy wrote:

I can see the arguement for paypal holding funds.. but to expect the buyer to call Paypal to confirm receipt of the item is really too much. Really??  I've never heard of this before, hard to believe that paypal would release funds solely on the basis of someone else phoning - far too impractical and unreliable.  Buyers aren't even inclined to leave feedback these days.  I'd be phoning again to speak to someone else.  If you can prove lodgement that should be enough.

Paypal still holding funds after 2 weeks the goods have been delivered. Plus the tracking number has been updated on Ebay from the day we send out the stock. Paypal's explaination is they don't have the authority to access to such information. So if seller doesn't call, then they will hold funds for 21 days and might release it if no complain of whatsoever. We asked Paypal if we send out item without tracking number and the goods are really delivered such as sending small and low value item, then what Paypal can know whether the goods are really delivered or not. Paypal's answer is buyer must to call them to confirm they receive the item from seller. Sounds ridiculous but it is the answer from Paypal unfortunately!

Message 22 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Paypal holding funds after 2 weeks the goods are delivered with tracking number updated on the day we sending out the items. Paypal wouldn't release the funds as they explained they cannot access to such information from Ebay. If we want the funds to be released , we either provide the tracking number so Paypal can tracking the goods are actually been delivered or if seller cannot provide tracking number, the buyer needs to call Paypal to confirm. Sounds unreal but unfortunately it is true 😞
Message 23 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Their explaination is our customer needs to call them to confirm they really receive the item-levitz

I find this part mind boggling. Since when would any customer ring ebay to confirm they got an item? Even if a seller asked them to, a lot would just forget to.

Surely the person at ebay who gave this info is wrong, there must be more efficient, automated ways to note tracking than expecting a buyer to phone.

Not having goods available when they are listed is bad, it is annoying, but if it only happens a few times then the problem is corrected, I would cut the seller some slack, mistakes happen.

Message 24 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

This is unacceptable - report this to the Financial Serviceses ombusman.

Message 25 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

How many seller got removed from ebay today as i am at 99% they said i am below standed and removed me from selling today i have had so many great feedbacks now i cant sell how bad is this i am only a small seller not right

Message 26 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

same goes here, you have to be perfect in every transaction basically because all it takes is a few bad ratings and you fall down the scale and then the restrictions apply. Paypal is just a site that is used between 2 parties to transfer money from one account to another. They have no right to with hold anyones funds, ebay may be able to do so but Paypal can't even if they are both owned by the same company they shouldn't pass on information to each other.

How does Paypal know there are restrictions on your account? Does ebay pass on this information to paypal?They act as if they are 2 seperate businesses and don't know each others ins and outs yet its a coincedence that if your seller performance is below key the 21 funding restrictions are placed. If so then the buyer should have to contact ebay and not ebay palm it off to paypal and make up some excuse that customer needs to ring paypal to confirm delivery status. This statement is from ebay themselves;

"Your seller level is now Below Standard in the Global seller performance program.

While your seller level is Below Standard, funds from your sales may be pending in PayPal for up to 21 days. The search ranking for your items will be lowered, and you may be restricted from selling on eBay if your selling performance doesn’t improve."

Fact is if we don't provide proof of items being posted and delivered than you will get a defect. Lower star ratings also affect your dashboard. The proof of postage and delivery needs to be tracked online. There are quite a few people that have contacted the Department of fair trading or the Ombudsman and been successful in having their money released after filling out the online forms.

So as sellers we must now be extra careful in making sure we have a near pefect account and this means no cancelling transactions, having stock in place, and always provide tracking numbers for items posted out. Within Australia there should be very little drama as when you send out a parcel via australia post they all come with a tracking id which is on your receipt which you can then add to your customers details so they can track their parcel. When it comes to overseas i strongly suggest to only use track n pack international and if your selling to a country that aus post does not provide this service then don't risk it by sending it air mail.

We are down to below standard after being powersellers on ebay for over 10 years and we can no longer sell more than $4000 worth of stock or list more than 75 items next month and this is mainly due to a few parcels being lost to certain countries using air mail. It doesn't matter if you have proof and receipt that the parcel has been posted you must also prove it has been delivered and via an online tracking system. Learn to avoid certain countries as once you get hit then others from the same country will try the same scam eg Israel and Brasil i would be very wary!

Just another hurdle in the life of an ebay seller 🙂


Message 27 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

I've just been kicked off ebay after 5 years of power selling....since new buyer protection policy introduced ebay has been nothing but a headache for me. I have had 6 negs in 12 months and apparently I'm a below average seller with a poor rating....I'm kind of over it
I have expressed my views to ebay however there seems to be no understanding of my seller issues...I'm certain I would not be the only one here who has struggled since the new seller performance situation came into effect late last year. I don't think I could be bothered fighting ebay at this point in time, I feel sad to think that I have been deemed a bad seller when I do my best and have invested considerable time effort and resources into my store
Mel xx
Message 28 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Me too!
Mel xx
Message 29 of 45
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New Ebay Nonsense Policy

Have rang them this is what i was told.That I cant ever sell on ebay again anyone with more than 5% over the last 12 months but since this came in i have had not one fault all clear and i have only 6% so my next one would have been above standed can't work it out so so upset they can do this very unfair

Message 30 of 45
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