Occasional sellers penalised?

I'm an occasional seller so haven't been on Ebay for a while and am not up with their regular rule changes, but is this right?


I recently listed 6 items as BIN and was charged a small fee of 2.63 , they have been listed for a week and I sold 2 items .

Ebay sent me notification that they have added 'best offer' on my remaining items as they haven't sold in a week.


Are these the new rules where Ebay can run rough shot over occasional sellers.


By the way Ebay....sellers are buyers too...tick one off and you tick the other off too.

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

The items I sold was only a few day ago, the invoice is for March


Further down in invoice details it says they are final value fees @1.09  shipping @1.42 total 2.51 for an item I sold in early March


So how can tax and GST on insertion fees (which I didn't have to pay) be for 2.51 and at the same time final value fees & shipping for March also be 2.51 


Confused Yet?

Message 11 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

Should I ask Ebay which is it? or quit while I'm ahead, LOL

Message 12 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

Did I mention the absolute total for the invoice is 2.51 ?

Anyway I think Ebay has a nerve changing a listing BIN to best offer when it hasn't sold in a week.....it might be automatic.

Would be interesting to see if this has happened to other sellers.

Message 13 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

I reckon ebay must have shares in " BIG RIVER"    As they  are certainly driving sellers to look for alternative market places.  I for one

have currently ceased all international  trade and correspondence via ebay,  while expanding online and traditional marketing.

Note:  Declining sellers  will also result in a decline in buyers,  and as a Buyer I am happy to use ebay as a price guage for purchasing elsewhere. (Sorry Fellow Sellers, but it is the only way I can fight back against ebay)

Message 14 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?



Ebay sent me notification that they have added 'best offer' on my remaining items as they haven't sold in a week.



What the actual... Smiley Surprised


I've heard of best offer being automatically ticked and going unnoticed when someone creates a listing, and I believe they've sent emails or added recommendations to add it if an item wasn't successfully sold, but to decide on a seller's behalf that the price is open to negotiation and change the listing format is waayy out of line. 


I would seriously kick up a stink. Smiley Embarassed

Message 15 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

Are you sure your monthly invoice doesn't run from the 16th to the 15th rather than from the first to last day of the month? Ebay staggers them so that only half of sellers get an invoice at the end of the month. By invoice you may be just looking at your 'account' rather than actual invoice that's generated a few days after the end of the 'month' (whenever it ends).

Did they send you an actual message about the offer being ticked or is it one of their little notes that they put on relisted items, and are you quoting EXACTLY what it says?
Message 16 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?

The exact message received from Ebay   and I found the best offer on my BIN listings, which I have since removed.


We’ve allowed buyers to make offers on 4 of your items   Your items have been listed for more than a week, but views are low compared to other similar listings. The price may be too high. Letting buyers make offers will increase your chance of selling.  

Message 17 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?



Maybe they should put "best offer" on their final value fees as well.............................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?




Maybe they should put "best offer" on their final value fees as well.............................

Yep, sounds fair.  and if we are not happy for any reason we can just take our money back.

Message 19 of 37
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Re: Occasional sellers penalised?


The exact message received from Ebay   and I found the best offer on my BIN listings, which I have since removed.


We’ve allowed buyers to make offers on 4 of your items   Your items have been listed for more than a week, but views are low compared to other similar listings. The price may be too high. Letting buyers make offers will increase your chance of selling.  

That would have to be THE most inappropriate thing eBay has ever done (well, this week anyway). What a low act! I've had items relisting for 3+ years. Each time I relist them I untick the best offer box. It never reappears (until I relist 4 months later). They sell eventually. Last weekend being a prime example. Sold 8 items that had been listed for over 3 years. If they pulled that stunt with me, I'd be having a lot to say about it!


Last relist I put my prices up on those 8 items that sold. I find increasing prices helps (within reason of course).

Message 20 of 37
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