on 08-04-2013 11:41 PM
on 10-04-2013 10:08 PM
With Low sales - eBay fees going up , pay pal fees and shipping fees whats the point any more. My eBay fees at the moment are higher than the money i have made to pay the fees' I am working so hard to get sales and get my feedback on track its just not worth it when i am not making a profit any more. I made $1500 from my eBay sales in March after all my fees and purchased stock i made $75 not even enough for petrol for the 4 weeks i was sick to my stomach. I think all sellers on eBay need to select a day and we all put our store on holiday mode and select hide our listings in protest again Low Sales and Fees.. Imagine how much money eBay would lose in a day if thousands of seller did this? Who's with me?
on 10-04-2013 10:44 PM
I am.And I think possibly I may be able to get a few others
on 11-04-2013 12:34 PM
Whilst I feel for all you ebay sellers trying to understand and deal with AP's new system and their price rise... please spare a thought for all of us post office workers, especially those of us who own a small, MANUAL LPO and we now have to put a tracking sticker on EVERY item and scan it before being posted, and every item received into the PO has to be scanned and majority also carded for the addressee. Then there's the additional optional Express Post labels or Signature on delivery labels... Then when a parcel is delivered/collected... scan it in again, put in the name on the scanning handset for EACH parcel (even if the same address)... what do we get paid for all this extra work? NOTHING! 😞
on 11-04-2013 12:36 PM
Oh, and we get an average of 30+ parcels a day, often up to 60!
on 11-04-2013 01:29 PM
Whilst I feel for all you ebay sellers trying to understand and deal with AP's new system and their price rise... please spare a thought for all of us post office workers, especially those of us who own a small, MANUAL LPO and we now have to put a tracking sticker on EVERY item and scan it before being posted, and every item received into the PO has to be scanned and majority also carded for the addressee. Then there's the additional optional Express Post labels or Signature on delivery labels... Then when a parcel is delivered/collected... scan it in again, put in the name on the scanning handset for EACH parcel (even if the same address)... what do we get paid for all this extra work? NOTHING! 😞
Have you signed the petition?
on 11-04-2013 05:56 PM
Here is some food for thought.
While I feel for Aus Post staff and feel no anger toward them personally, I do feel great anger towards the man responsible. Aus Post CEO Ahmed Fahour.
The Aus Post staff should be as angry as we are and encourage a rethink on this ludicrous price hike. It is price gouging in its most pure form.:-(
A parcel weighing just under 500g sent within Australia.
Requiring a signature and insurance of up to $100 cost me $7.20 Last Friday.
As of Monday same thing will cost me
$7.15 basic postage,Click and Send
$2.95 for the signature option.
$1.50 for the $100 insurance.
So it goes from$7.20 >>> to $11.60.
This is a jump of way over 60%. this is a joke.
No way can they justify a jump like this IMHO.
This give an idea how absurd the rises are.X-(
I honestly feel Australia Post have stuffed up on this one.
on 11-04-2013 06:19 PM
On overseas parcels you have to fill out the customs form and list the value. I don't send my friends cheap presents - far from it - but when the postage is higher than the value of the gift something is really wrong.
on 11-04-2013 09:23 PM
Frankly, no. I haven't signed the petition because it is absolutely pointless and unrealistic to even entertain the notion that AP would reduce its new postage prices. That's just not how business works. The only way is for there to be a competitor to AP, but that's not likely to happen any time soon! Learn to be clever with your packaging and postage. Use your own parcels, make up your own cardboard packaging, brown paper and so on. Keep your parcels under 500g where possible. Ask for a price catalogue from your PO and learn to use the AP website to calculate your best option for posting your items. And remember the HUGE fees that ebay and pay pal charge you as well!!! I sold an item recently for just over $86 and ended up with barely $75 after ebay and pay pal fees came off that total!
on 11-04-2013 11:40 PM
Thats not true. Businesses of all sizes, back pedal on decisions all the time due to consumer pressure, no more quickly than when they get bad press and customers vote with their feet.
on 12-04-2013 04:42 AM
Frankly, no. I haven't signed the petition because it is absolutely pointless and unrealistic to even entertain the notion that AP would reduce its new postage prices. That's just not how business works. The only way is for there to be a competitor to AP, but that's not likely to happen any time soon! Learn to be clever with your packaging and postage. Use your own parcels, make up your own cardboard packaging, brown paper and so on. Keep your parcels under 500g where possible. Ask for a price catalogue from your PO and learn to use the AP website to calculate your best option for posting your items. And remember the HUGE fees that ebay and pay pal charge you as well!!! I sold an item recently for just over $86 and ended up with barely $75 after ebay and pay pal fees came off that total!
Gee, thank you for your postage suggestions and advice on running a business.
I am wondering why on earth I haven't thought of those things myself after 15000+ parcels. 😐