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Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

I have decided to box all the items up that I had to list on ebay .. and then play a waiting game to see what happens with this website next .. no use listing stuff here if I have to delist it again .. and the number of bugs/glitches here has destroyed my confidence in this place .. in the past when I have seen businesses struggle with maintenance issues usually indicates looming bankruptcy .. I can't say that ebay falls into that group as this place seems to thrive on dilution of product and distorting metrics which end up in quarterly/bi-annual reports to the shareholders etc .. eg right now the spin would be that ebay users are spending longer on the website than before (even though numbers were down for the quarter .. blah blah blah) .. there are others ways these execs justify their positions too .. perhaps something to think about while you spend the coming days/weeks updating your item specifics there ..



they say make hay while the sun shines .. can't exactly see sunny days here .. more gloomy days .. can't see the consumer confidence .. just mass hysteria from investors looking for opportunities to cut-throat the little person .. sell the ground from beneath our feet and then blame the impoverished/destitute for the emerging crisis .. we will stand up to these bullies (there will be rioting) .. already people are in lockdown because they are unvaccinated and now the call is to make vaccination mandatory for age care workers .. so you see how the rules change to support only one hypothesis and that is the one sanctioned by the state (and pharmaceutical companies and the largely discredited World Health Organisation) .. they will all inevitably be exposed as micro managing megalomaniacs (too late though then) rather than benevolent guardians for the people .. so long as the corporations can maintain their stranglehold over us and pump our wealth to their tax havens "they" call this growth ..


.. this will all turn very dark in the next 48 months as the virus mutates and ADE reactions start occurring in the vaccinated .. right now the vaccine works well but only against the early wuhan strain and its closely related mutations .. soon we will see mutations of mutations .. things will get very very messy .. there is no vaccine for a fast mutating virus .. this is how this virus was originally designed in the 1960s by pharmaceutical companies and military interests in the US .. Fauci has suppressed information for political reasons .. fauci is the face of the NWO .. fauci is deeply inlvolved in many aspects of a cover-up .. and also passing the covid virus from US military and big pharma to the Whuhan lab in the first place via a WHO decree .. one of the biggest scandals in human history ....


It may all seem unrelated to ebay selling but this is an allegory .. a story of hubris and rampant greed .. flying fast and loose with the truth for power and profit only .. no morality .. and in the final analysis our retail markets are tied  to the news of the world .. enjoy the coming months .. spend time with your family .. tell them you love them .. say your goodbyes .. things "could" get that serious .. we need treatments not vaccines for this one .. we need some common sense to prevail, we need the corporate lobbyists to stop urinating in our dumb ass megalomaniac political classes pockets .. we need bright people in high place looking after us .. not dumbasses or brainwashed ....



.. we need natural immunity to the virus .. the original specification/requirement when covid19 was designed/created in the 1960s was to have no chance of an effective vaccine created . it passed phase one but couldn't pass phase 2 which was to make a vaccine .. the virus sat on ice for over 50 years until experimentation with Chimera Viruses was outlawed in the US .. various factions wanted to continue the "work" too .. some wanted to continue to weaponise "their" virus also .. there were financial motivations and also a squabble over who owned the virus (now know as the wuhan variant of covid19) .. a plane disappeared that was carrying the first cargo of covid19 to the Wuhan lab .. you may have heard that story .. those passengers are possibly all still alive somewhere too .. unless they were murdered .. I am not sure of their fate but know how they made the plane disappear and where it was landed and refuelled and where they offloaded the passengers and the bio-weapon cargo onboard .. most all of those passengers are either prisoners or dead now .. micro biologists and virologists go missing and turn up dead at an alarming rate over the last 30 years .. there was a delegation of virologists and sales people on that plane transporting their cargo to China .. it is all out there if you only look .. and I did look and did that independently and do not subscribe to conspiracy theory .. but do subscribe to conspiracy fact ..


.. now I am just the little voice and well it all sounds scrreechy and can easily be discredited but am well aware of what goes on now .. how the media is used as an attack dog by the fascists state.. I will be fairly safe as few will likely believe any of this but would like to share my knowledge before it is too late so that at least some of you can take precautions against what is looming as very dark storm clouds rapidly moving towards humanity .. the mass media certainly will be forbidden to report any of it .. but more likely would be used as a tool to denounce and vilify any who gain a voice against the fascist state ..


.. the chinese wanted to make a vaccine for it so we could de-escalate virus use for military purposes and sign a treaty .. they were hoodwinked into participating .. the wuhan lab was designed by the US .. there was human experimentation with covid19 in the 1960s and heaven knows what type of experimentation taking place in China using dissidents and Uyghurs .. they want this all kept secret because they "ALL" have blood on their hands .. just like the group of corporations who conspire to dilute and usurp our ecommerce landscape and turn it into a paranoid surveillance grid to be used against the unwitting and unwary ..


.. they all have blood on their hands .. so when Xi Jinping said US military (uniformed americans) brought the virus to wuhan he was telling the truth .. when trump said the virus escaped from the wuhan lab he was telling the truth ..


anyway I am just the little voice and few will listen/consider anything I have to say as it goes against what big brother is saying (get your jab!!) ..


.. but in the final analysis they have armed thugs that do their bidding (police) and history will show them for what they really are (tiananmen) as word of mouth passes the message on what our corrupt media won't .. but they will rule us with an iron fist and extort every drop of blood and once they have sucked/suckered the life from us they will enslave us and make us beholding  to them .. it is always the same way throughout history .. the big end of town makes the rules for the rest of us ..


so am going to be boxing my old ebay "for sale items" that I delisted recently and put into storage .. it may be a long long wait before I get the opportunity to sell my items into a functional ecommerce marketplace again .. maybe never .. what we are seeing is dysfunction on a massive scale .. and only one EMP away from returning to the stone age now that our societies wealth and productivity is so closely tied to electronics and computer networks .. .. forget teh millenium bug (like it was a thing actually) but we should be preparing for the big one when the EMPO hits .. not "if" but "when" ..


The ASX closed the week at a record high on Friday (yesterday) .. so the stimulation in the economy and the consumer confidence is not in retail it is in real estate portfolios, stock prices/investment and corporate earnings .. none of it reflected in wages, job security or in ebay sales for ebay sellers .. i find that disturbing .. when ebay sales are tepid so is the economy and consumer confidence is my observation  and the economists are telling us the opposite is happening to what actually is happening here .. has ebay damaged their market so badly that itcan no longer be used as a metric to gauge the economy .. maybe it has ..


we have been hoodwinked by an emerging NWO fascist state . a shadow government of ruthless racketeers .. it all goes a level or two deeper to the reserve banking system and the UN but will try and keep this rant as simple as possible ..


so boxing up my stuff tonight and going into cold storage .. October the ass falls out and we see freefalling economy/markets into a multi year low .. then the government will make sure to punish the poor to justify the corruption of the status quo .. a war against sensibility, the impoverished and the unwashed .. as a last gasp effort they may let the unwashed dip into their superannuation again and let them get access to our money which the fascist state regulate must be held by banksters  (tithing)and the like as a last ditch effort to try and pump more air back into the bubble .. use that money wisely .. I am not going to even suggest an investment opportunity in this mess of corruption and distorted markets as the markets are now part of the problem and driven by mass hysteria .. but something tells me this October we will see a turnaround .. have they planned it that way? .. perhaps .. suffice to say "they" will be making money from whichever way it all spins and their huge data-set prediction algorithms will tell "them" when the tide is turning .. we are the tide ..


be there or be square I say .. or be there and be square ..

Saturday night is Boxing Night ..

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Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

.. you know my name? .. hmm .. interesting .. looks like someone is sharing information .. best regards from Brian

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

Well that was an interesting read.


While its a bit too " out there " for me, I am not actually discounting many of the things you said. I was trading shares full time in the last financial crisis and I genuinely believe we came within a day or two of the whole global financial system collapsing ( Lehman Brothers collapse etc. )


This time round, global governments have pumped so much artificial, printed money into economies that rampant inflation is an inevitable consequence. Governments will hold down interest rates for awhile in order to inflate us out of some of our debt, but when they do decide to slow overheated economies down they will have to over-react and the consequences could be devastating for many who are heavily indebted.


I also strongly suspect the CORONA virus escaped from a Wuhan laboratory where it may well have been researched as a biological weapon. You only have to note how touchy China is when anyone questions the origin of the virus.


As for facist Governments, I share a lot of your concerns about media manipulation, social control, police state rule etc. but believe these problems are coming from all sides of politics, with the left, possibly more advanced in social engineering and mind control of the masses than the right. ( Dan Andrews is a classic example ) While Dan Andrews is an extreme example of control of peoples daily lives and thoughts ( socialist communism )  the right has more control and manipulation of economic wealth than the left.


Like you I suspect we may be in for an interesting decade ahead, but rather than lose sleep over it, I,m simply trying my hardest to reduce debt, increase assets ( to ride the inflation tidal wave ) and get my own and my families house in order before the rough ride arrives.


And a final thought. History shows global economies consistently run in 100 year cycles of economic depression. And I think we all know when the last global depression was. The house of cards is stacked high and precariously balanced ready for the next one.

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Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!


US paid Chinese People’s Liberation Army to engineer coronaviruses

Anthony Fauci’s institute funded research by the Chinese military, the Wuhan Institute of ­Virology and
American scientists to genetically manipulate coronaviruses soon before the pandemic hit.

The revelation shows American money was funding risky ­research on coronaviruses with People’s Liberation
Army scientists – including decorated military scientist Zhou Yusen and the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s
“Bat Woman”, Shi Zhengli.

Their research paper, submitted to the Journal of Virology in November 2019, was funded with three grants
from the National ­Institutes of Health, via US universities. Details of the research funding, contained in
the forthcoming book What Really Happened In Wuhan, go to the heart of whether senior US officials were
reluctant to give credence to the theory that Covid-19 may be a ­result of a ­laboratory leak, out of concern
that it would expose their ­complicity in providing funding to a facility that intelligence agencies
suspected might have sparked the pandemic.

National security sources said the ties between Zhou and Dr Shi ­supported claims by US intelligence that the
Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaged in “secret military activity”.

Zhou, who conducted the research in conjunction with the Wuhan institute, the University of Minnesota and the
New York Blood Centre, was the first to file a patent for a Covid-19 vaccine on February 24 last year,
according to documents obtained by The Weekend Australian.

This was only five weeks after China admitted there was human-to-human transmission of the virus.

READ MORE:Chinese lab leak theory gains momentum|Fauci backed virus experiments ‘despite pandemic risk’|US
scientists caught in Wuhan intrigue|Chinese held talks on bio-weapon benefits|‘Virus warfare’ in China
military documents|Academic ‘persecuted’ over her China abuse comments
Zhou is listed as the lead inventor on the patent application lodged by the “Institute of Military Medicine,
Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA”.

Nikolai Petrovsky, a medical researcher at Flinders University who has been developing a Covid-19 vaccine,
said that while it was technically possible to have a vaccine in this time frame, it ­appeared to be a
“remarkable achievement”.

He said it left open the possibility the Chinese scientists were working on a vaccine before authorities
publicly admitted there was a coronavirus outbreak.

Wuhan Institute of Virology’s ‘Bat Woman’, Shi Zhengli. Picture: AFP
Wuhan Institute of Virology’s ‘Bat Woman’, Shi Zhengli. Picture: AFP

“This is something we have never seen achieved before, raising the question of whether this work may have
started much ­earlier,” Professor Petrovsky said.

In an extraordinary twist, Five Eyes intelligence agencies are ­investigating the unexplained death of PLA
scientist Zhou in May 2020 as part of their probe into the origins of Covid-19.

While he was an award-­winning military scientist, there were no reports paying tribute to his life. His
death was only mentioned in passing in a Chinese-media report in July and at the end of a December scientific
paper. Both had the word ­“deceased” in brackets after his name.

The Weekend Australian has established that his death has been treated as unusual and is an early line of
inquiry under the new Five Eyes probe into the origins of Covid-19 launched by Joe Biden.

The US President last month ordered the investigation – following a significant shift from early scepticism
about the lab leak ­theory – and asked for it to report in 90 days.

Intelligence agencies have held information about Zhou’s death for some months but there was no active
investigation into a potential laboratory leak.

The question of the origin of the pandemic was, for the most part, treated as a cold case with few staff, if
any, investigating the matter full-time and with no sense of urgency.

Mr Biden has asked agencies to report back on the question of whether the outbreak is likely to have started
through a natural zoonotic jump from animal to ­humans, or through an inadvertent laboratory leak.

Zhou worked at the Laboratory of Infection and Immunity, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology,
which is part of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences and sits under the control of the PLA.

Born in 1966, Zhou was about 54 years old when the virus broke out in Wuhan.

His work for the Chinese military was extensive. Not only did he graduate from the Chinese Academy of
Military Medical Sciences in 1998, but he won the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the

Like Dr Shi, his research focus was “new infectious disease pathogens” and immunology ­research. He worked
under Wuchun Cao, a senior PLA colonel who sits on the board of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Despite his work for the PLA, Zhou had ties to the US. He did his postdoctoral research at the University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine and had closely collaborated with the New York Blood Centre.

As far back as 2004, the PLA-trained scientist was experimenting with spike proteins in coronaviruses – the
point of their infectivity that is often subject to manipulation and gain-of-function research. A 2004 paper
that he co-­authored and was published in the Journal of Immunology states: “We showed that the S protein of
SARS-CoV is highly immunogenic.”

Immunogenic is the technical term for how well a vaccine works – how well it provokes an immune response.

In 2006, Zhou, then at the State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity at the Beijing Institute of
Microbiology and Epidemiology, was listed as the main author in a paper that stated the “receptor-blinding
domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV spike (S) protein elicits highly potent neutralising antibody responses in the
immunised animals”.

The study made clear that they were looking at vaccine ­development. “In summary, the vaccines containing the
(receptor-binding domain) of SARS-CoV S protein may induce sufficient neutralising antibodies and long-term
­protective immunity against SARS-CoV challenge in the ­established mouse model,” it reads.

Right before the pandemic, Zhou and three other scientists from the PLA-run Beijing Institute of Microbiology
and Epidemiology – Yuehong Chen, Lei He and Shishui Sun – partnered with two Wuhan Institute of Virology
scientists – Dr Shi and Jing Chen – and eight Chinese scientists now based in the US at the University of
Minnesota and the Lindsley Kimball Research Institute, New York Blood Centre. Their paper, titled Molecular
Mechanism for Antibody-­Dependent Enhancement of Coronavirus Entry, was submitted to the Journal of Virology
on November 27, 2019, and was published on February 14, 2020.

The research examined MERS and SARS coronaviruses as avenues for antibody-based ­antiviral drug therapy to
treat coronaviruses.

Their paper had some positive results: “Taken together, our ­results show that RBD-specific neutralising MAbs
bind to the same region on coronavirus spikes as viral receptors do, trigger conformational changes of the
spikes as viral receptors do, and mediate ADE through the same pathways as viral-receptor-dependent viral

They found this “novel molecular mechanism for antibody-enhanced viral entry” could “guide future vaccination
and ­antiviral strategies”.

This study was conducted “in vitro”, meaning in a petri dish or test tube, using humanised kidney and lung
cells. Their last paragraph indicated the next step in a future paper would be to conduct “in vivo”
experiments with ­humanised mice or primates. A paper published in Nature ­Reviews Immunology 18 months
later, in April this year, would find that “neutralising monoclonal antibodies” could help the treatment of

The patent application lodged by Zhou states: “The invention ­relates to the field of biomedicine, and
relates to a Covid-19 ­vaccine, preparation methods and applications. The fusion ­protein provided by the
invention can be used to develop the Covid-19 protein vaccine and a drug for preventing or treating the

The close working relationship between Zhou and Dr Shi supports declassified US intelligence released in
January that said the Wuhan lab was conducting “military activity”.

“Despite the WIV presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV
has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military,” it states.

“The United States and other donors who funded or collaborated on civilian research at the WIV have a right
and obligation to ­determine whether any of our ­research funding was diverted to secret Chinese military
projects at the WIV.”

Dr Fauci, America’s top medical adviser for the Covid-19 pandemic, has come under pressure over the
coronavirus research his institute funded at the Wuhan ­Institute of Virology.

During the early days of the pandemic he did not mention the type of gain-of-function research that was being
undertaken at the Wuhan institute, despite being aware of the type of research that was being undertaken in
China, funded by America.

Dr Fauci, who declined an interview request, also did not alert nor seek permission from the White House
leadership before he lifted, in 2017, the pause on gain-of-function research implemented by the Obama
administration in 2014. Instead he raised the issue in a meeting with the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy.

Emails released under a Freedom of Information request from Buzzfeed this week showed that, in the early days
of the pandemic, Dr Fauci was concerned that US funding had gone towards gain-of-function research in China.

In other emails, scientists wrote to Dr Fauci expressing the preliminary view that the SARS-CoV-2 genome
appeared “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory” and that it had some features that
“potentially look engineered”.

A scientist who sent one of the emails on January 31, 2020, Kristian Anderson from the Scripps Institute,
authored a paper in ­Nature Medicine on March 17 last year, claiming it could not have come from a

The Weekend Australian has previously reported that a 2012 paper authored by Dr Fauci showed he acknowledged
gain-of-function research could spark a pandemic. Writing in the American Society for Microbiology in October
2012, Dr Fauci acknowledged the controversial scientific research could spark a pandemic.

“In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which
leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic?” he wrote. “Many ask reasonable questions: given the
possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or
published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

“Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments
and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.”

What Really Happened In Wuhan by Sharri Markson will be published by HarperCollins in September and is
available for preorder from Booktopia now



That above there is a quote of the whole newstory ..


so if you still reading this I will add a comment on this and say
October should be interesting
"they" all have 4 to 5 months to get an official storyline organised

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

Hmm, yes.


Big, world-changing events can't just happen for no reason at all. The world and everything on it can't be just some random happenstance, while we hurtle through a neverending space we don't understand, spinning at 1000 miles an hour.


If something big happens, there has to be a reason, it has to be by design - one man, one mistake, one butterfly wing, can't change the whole world. 


That is why there are conspiracy theories for the assassination of JFK, but not for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, despite the surrounding circumstances being almost identical.


All hail Lord Sobek.

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Saturday night is Boxing Night!!

TLDR - any of it


sorry digi - referring to the 'novels' not you LOL

Message 7 of 7
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