Shop: blue door, red door

I know this has been brought up before and most think there is no rhyme or reason for it, but there must be.  My door 3 days ago was blue for one day then I had 2 red days now I'm back to blue. I want to know what the deal is, it's annoying me. Any ideas?

Message 1 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

a bit of poetic license with the first two verses of "The Coward of The County" (Kenny Rogers)


Everyone considered him the scour of an auction.

He’d never lost one single one, nor paid for what he’d won.

His momma named him g***y, But the sellers called him *bleep*er

Cos even with their blocks in place, he would bid and always run.


He should have had at least 10 strikes, but kept on dodging bullets

Cos sellers didn’t follow rules, and didn’t curb his run.

Instead they’d have the final word and bolster up his feedback

When what he really needed was a hard kick up the bum

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 21 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

lol another way to present the non payment strike system works manifesto.



PS - Leaving feedback for a non payer does not negate a non-payment strike.






Message 22 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

I made a concentrated effort and got halfway through something, but I'm afraid I'm not a vengeful spirit and couldn't devise a (rhyming) punishment... Smiley LOL


If anyone wants to finish it (or the bidder) off, be my guest. Smiley Very Happy



I once listed an item on eBay at a pretty good price
Then along came a bidder who thought "ooh, that's nice!"
Soon after, it seemed, others thought so, too
I sat, pleased as punch, as the price grew and grew


Before too long the auction reached an end
And I waited for the payment my buyer would send
But alas! Woe is me, no payment ever came
My buyer, it seemed, thought it but a game


I sent them a message, I said hello, good sir
Our sale is incomplete and these fees I've incurred
Perchance could you tell me what you might do
Some kind of response would be nice from you


Sorry to tell you, came the eventual reply
But this is an item I never meant to buy
T'was a stray rabbit tapping my keys
Oh...and sorry, I guess, about your fees


A rabbit bid seven times, said I, quite confused
Well, you can tell that bunny I'm not at all amused
Now I have to start all over again
I hope said rabbit is now locked in a pen


rotten tomatoes

Message 23 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

noice one DG ...





Message 24 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

The Chorus


So promise me folks

Not to do the things you’ve done.

Get them into trouble when you can.

Don’t be a selfish bleep

Just report the little creep

Make it so that all the strikes will stand

And give the other sellers half a chance


EDIT to format

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 25 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

Thank you to those who offered suggestions and those who made me chuckle.  Smiley LOL



Message 26 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

I just had to share this - it seems I have now joined the elite!


I just saw my very first blue door!


How exciting is that, eh?


On the initial listing it has a blue door, but


*insert spooky music*


when I click on the Blue Door, once inside, the door is RED!


in the top bit where it says "maintained by"


but when I click on an item listing, his listings once again have the Blue Door....



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 27 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

harley, I have an answer for you!


eBay are currently in the process of changing all the doors to blue. It is in the trial phase atm.


However "we have not received any information as to why the doors are changing" LOL


it is all to do with aesthetics - nothing to do with performance, category etc - someone just decided that blue doors look nicer.....

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 28 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

In that case, I think it means Red makes you angry, and Blue is calming.


But I still would like a purple one please

Message 29 of 32
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Re: Shop: blue door, red door

Blue doors are reminiscent of the Tardis.

It will be a Dr Who fan making the otherwise useless change 🙂


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 30 of 32
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