My turblister worked just fine on saturday, today I worte 10 ads, went to upload them, and it has all my listings in lbs  & oz.

I have tried, removing it and starting again, changing the options in there- to default, it shows as Australia.

I have emailed asking, after chat told me they do not know about turbolister, no replay as yet.

Anyone else having same issues today? or any suggestions welcomed.

Message 1 of 47
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Read what has been written here might be a good start.


What work arounds we know have already been listed

Message 31 of 47
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It  can't be something to do with our computers if we are ALL experiencing the same problems !


I found a page the other day, don't ask me where, ebay is so bloooody convoluted, relocating anything is like trying to win lotto !!...but this page showed the LISTING TOOLS EBAY SUPPORTED, Turbo lister was at the very bottom if I remeber correctly & when you clicked on it it took you to the same page we all use to download the programme/


I ended up deleting 6 downloads [not one of them changed any of the existing problems], then i just deleted EVERYTHING to do with TL on my computer & re-loaded, nope, didn't help, still getting Lbs Ozs, no preview page whilst in the Design side, [can preview in the UPLOADE TO EBAY area].


The other thing I am now getting is when I click on a template to create an item I get all this gobbelly gook re CATEGORIES, the old style of selecting a category is SUPER confusing, thank god I have an old template to work from !!!


I doubt they intend to EVER fix it, there is a reason they have allowed it to go on for so long !!!


It isn't just aussies encountering these problems either, I have seen US & Canadian sellers complaining on the overseas Turbo Lister chat board [yes, they actually have a thread dedicated to TL].


All I know is no sooner do you master ONE thing with ANY aspect of listing, computers, cameras, photo hosting sights, etc  some DHead goes & changes the way they want us to use their product & it drives me absolutely friggin crazy !!


If we are making their CEOS the massive salaries they claim I would like some return/effort from their side for my $$$$$$$$$$'s !

Message 32 of 47
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Sorry, typed that out wrong.


'The other thing I am now getting is when I click on a template to create an item I get all this gobbelly gook re CATEGORIES, the old style of selecting a category is SUPER confusing, thank god I have an old template to work from !!!'


The older style of selecting a category was EASY, this new look I occassionally get [it is not all the time, in itself STRANGE], is chaotic, don't know how we are meant to select a category from the gobbelly gook they are dishing up in the SELECT A CATEGORY>


Message 33 of 47
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Hi Thanks for your reply. I have just sent an email to tech support. Not sure about the Beta upgrade. I have had so many dramas initially with getting Turbolister installed at all when I got this computer. I guess I'll see what the techs say and maybe just hope for a fix it Sorry I did the update now but I guess it would have happened sooner or later. Thanks again

Message 34 of 47
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According to a reply I got from support it's either use the beta version or wait several weeks for the fixes to be made available:


Hello Thank you for contacting eBay Listing Tools Technical Support. I can definitely understand your concern about Turbo Lister. With regard to the Listing Designer, that feature is being removed on the eBay AU site, so has been removed from Turbo Lister.


With regard to the Preview not showing correctly and the imperial/metric weight issues, we do have a Beta version currently running that has a fix for this. If you want to join the beta program, go to Tools - Options - Advanced Options - Program Updates. Click the Join Beta Program button, then Apply, then Ok. It may have you close the program; allow to close and then reopen. Run updates - Tools - Check for Program Updates.


If you didn't want to join the Beta program, please note it will be several weeks before our beta testing is done with enough confidence to roll out a fix for the non-beta members.


So beta version or wait......and wait.........

Message 35 of 47
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Community Member

I downloaded updates for my TL today and noticed (YAY!!!!!) that previews are showing again. I have not put the TL through its paces yet nor know if the postage/weight issues have been resolved, I am just so darn glad to be able to preview again.

Message 36 of 47
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Weights and measures have also been rectified.

Message 37 of 47
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I went to use Turbo Lister today for the first time on my windows 8 computer. I installed it and am getting lbs. I also noticed that is missing the drop down box to select my store category. Has this happened to anyone else?

Message 38 of 47
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I joined the beta program in hopes of a fix. It is still showing lbs but it now recognises my store. When I try to list now it has the following error IAF token supplied is invalid. I have no idea what that means.

Message 39 of 47
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Turbolister went out of date years ago along with Big Hair and Puffy Tracksuit tops long ago 


Should rename it Moneylister 🙂

Dont Change your Price , Change your Customer
Message 40 of 47
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