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postage and packaging solutions for an occasional seller

After quite an absence from selling I decided recently to try ebay again.(My amount of feedback is no reflection on my knowledge - I am hopingsome of you guys can help me come up with some options so I can get backinto the decluttering).For the momen...

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Australia Post - have they lost the plot?

The latest increase in postage costs has prompted this post. Australia Post is currently losing around $70m a year, largely apparently because of the costs incurred for delivering items which arrive from overseas (as a result of some sort of internat...

Overdrawn PP account

Because of the $300+ chargeback my PP account is now -$100. Am I able to still use it or has it been frozen? If I buy something will I be able to pay for it, from my CC? I assume that if somebody pays me it will be automatically frozen (that does not...

Free listings??? How come?

Just listed a couple of things and wasn't charged a fee. Anyone know why? I'm a so-called powerseller.

Need help with Click and Send

Have never used click and send before and have only just registered and linked my Ebay Account. I have worked through everything including weight, size. Customers details automatically put in on right hand side of form. Even though its only 150g in w...

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worldwide shipping?

ive always offered that but now this looks complicated to fill out prior to making a listings (im only offering that described in my listing atm, but i doubt international buyers can see my items) is it actually possible to offer international standa...

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Storing and Packaging/Posting option for sellers

So i've been looking for a fullfilment service to store and package/post my products for some time now and have found 3 potentials, all way too expensive to use though for the items i sell. Does anybody know of anybody doing this privately? What woul...

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So, it happened! Just got message from PP that somebody has made a charge back for $340 for something sold in mid February; they claim unauthorised use of CC. I answered it with the C&S tracking info, and mentioned the fact they left positive FB. How...

Turbo lister changes??

Hi!! I have just updated my Turbo lister & now there are some weird changes that I cannot restore.The border options in "listing designer" are no longer available to me and the item specifics section no longer works.Very annoying,I have been using th...

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Multiple Selling Accounts

Hi everyone! As someone who has been casually selling things on ebay for years I should know this but... Can a seller have multiple accounts ie. one to sell one kind of products and a second account to sell a another? Also, does this second/new accou...

Yet another weird little event on ebay listings

I was just browsing through Ending Soonest Ladies Bags.......on the second page, in the All Items view, up came what I remember to be a white with aqua trim bag with a DOG picture in the centre of the bag....then another, and another...until I'd scro...

what a bugger

trying to remove all items shipped from China from my listings, I have 1000 items being listed shortly which are brand name and located in aust, taking forever to remove the chinese ones, they have been a handful and caused me lots of greif. Glad to ...

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So I made Powerseller status...

...whatever it means or gives me. But one thing I did notice on my listings when I first viewed my account, after noticing the new status, I could see how many people have viewed each one of my listings. But now that has gone. What did I do? Sorry fo...