eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

Hi everyone,


I personally think eBay should implement a policy regarding item lost in transit. We as sellers should not be held responsible for item lost in transit because our responsibility is to send the item off within a timely manner and if the item is lost in transit that is way out of our control.


Also eBay should implement a policy that if the buyer doesn't use any shipping method with tracking code the seller is not liable for any item lost in transit.


However if they selected a shipping method with tracking code and the item is lost in transit then the seller can help the buyer try to recover the goods or get compensation for the buyer.

Message 1 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

Even using the various SOG Acts, the seller must be able to PROVE postage/delivery to carrier, which an untracked letter doesn't qualify as.


To the OP - self insurance means exactly that - the self-insurer, in this case the seller, wears the costs of any problems/shortfalls.

Message 21 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit


Even using the various SOG Acts, the seller must be able to PROVE postage/delivery to carrier, which an untracked letter doesn't qualify as.



That's not strictly true. A lodgement manifest qualifies as proof in the real world, even to PayPal, just not eBay. 

Message 22 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

I suspect the OP doesn't use one.


After all, they seem to want eBay to run their business for them.

Message 23 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit


I suspect the OP doesn't use one.



On eBay it wouldn't matter anyway, as proof of posting still isn't going to get a seller anywhere with an eBay request. 


Still, it's good info to know for sellers of untracked, large letter items (I do know sellers that have won PayPal claims using one to establish proof of postage, at least). 

Message 24 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit


There is no such thing as self insure. Only licensed insurance providers can offer insurance based on your conditions.

huh, I found something on the internet about self-insurance . . . . . . so it must exist




It is a known concept with real life applications . . . . but seeing as you dismissed the concept I feel no compulsion to provide examples of any other than to explain the pj self-insurance model in detail as my brief explanation may have been beyond your level of understanding.  Brace yourself, I am going to use some technical terms.


The step by step explanation of the pj self-insurance model for low priced items:


Step 1 - when listing an item on eBay you add a ten (10) cent levy to your postage and handling charge unless Step 1 exception clause 1 applies.  DO NOT include any information about your self insurance activities in your listing.


Step 1 exception clause 1 - where an item is listed as a Buy-It-Now item with free-postage you add ten (10) cents to the Buy-Now price.


Step 2 - Appropriate a suitable receptacle in which to store the self insurance funds (something secure like an old jam jar should be sufficient).


Step 3 - When you list an item, place a ten (10) cent coin into the receptacle of choice.  If listing 4 items, placing two (2) twenty (20) cent pieces is permissible.


Step 4 - Repeat Steps 1 and 3 every time you list item/s on eBay.


Step 5 - In the unfortunate situation that an Item Not Received claim is made against you, open the receptacle and count out the amount required to cover the refund made.  If you withdraw your selling funds from PayPal into your bank account you pay the self insurance funds into your bank account.  If you leave the funds in PayPal you simply spend the funds on some chocolate as you have the self insurance funds in PayPal already for refunding, and eating chocolate makes everyone feel better unless Step 5 exception clause 1 applies


Step 5 exception clause 1 - for lactose intolerant people you buy alcohol (misappropriate funds from the receptacle if this INR claim is not of sufficient value to buy a single stubble or can).  If you don’t drink then buy some lolly snakes as everyone likes lolly snakes (buy sugar free if you are diabetic).


Step 6 - When faced with multiple claims that deplete the self insurance funds you may change the ten (10) cent “levy” on each listing to twenty (20) cents to make up the shortfall from future listings.  Return to ten (10) cent levy once you have sufficient funds in your receptacle to covered expected future claims.


Step 7 - Make this self insurance activity a fun way of thumbing your nose at eBay over their buyer-centric MBG and stop sweating the small stuff.


Step 8 - If you have trouble understanding Steps 1 through 7 you get a child to try to explain it as I have done all I can to make it s-i-m-p-l-e.


Message 25 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

Here is an example only.




The buyer purchased 5 security stickers for $6 on the 1/1/2018 and the seller  being competitive by offering the buyer with free postage using regular letter service which is not trackable.


After 9 business days the buyer has still not received the stickers and file an item not recieved case.




The buyer won this case because the seller doesn't have any evidence that the item was delivered and couldn't provide the tracking code that the item was delivered.




What eBay should now do is adding to their existing policy stating:


1. The seller is not liable for the item(s) are lost in transit when the buyer used a non-trackable shipping method.


2. If the buyer used a trackable shipping method and the item(s) are lost in transit then do seller will help the buyer with item(s) recovery or compensation.

Message 26 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

Sorry, just not following your logic.


Untracked - (if buyer selected) no onus on seller. Don't necessarily disagree.


Tracked - Seller responsible for compensation. Huh?


I'm the  first to admit I'm not the shiniest Penny, but after all that's gone before in this thread??



Message 27 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit


Here is an example only.




The buyer purchased 5 security stickers for $6 on the 1/1/2018 and the seller  being competitive by offering the buyer with free postage using regular letter service which is not trackable.


After 9 business days the buyer has still not received the stickers and file an item not recieved case.


Solution: for this example you don’t give the buyer the choice of standard postage and include tracked shipping on the invoice.


Please don’t think I have no sympathy for the situation/s you are thinking of in your posts, I do.


However, for item values that you can not cover the loss for you need to give the buyers no choice and include tracking/S.O.D.  If that makes you uncompetitive then selling isn’t for you.


Harden up and include tracked shipping on all your listings if you can’t afford the odd INR refund.

Message 28 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

From business point of view the self insurance is not feasible because wasting a lot of money in the long run and what about when you have more than 100 INR cases.


In reality buyers are thieves because they already found the loophole to lie to eBay about that they haven't received the items. To really solve this problem eBay should add to their existing policies that the seller can't be held liable for items lost in transit because the carrier delivered the items to the buyer.

Message 29 of 65
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Re: eBay Should Implement a Policy for Lost in Transit

and just to clarify for everyone, when I buy low priced items and am given the choice between tracked and untracked I will choose untracked every time.  Why should I pay for the seller’s seller protection?


The only INR claims on low priced items I have made were for items that were not sent where the seller admitted not sending.


The number of low priced items that were sent to me but not received is one, and I did not make a claim as it was only a few dollars and I believed the seller when he said he had sent.


For low priced items that I simply can’t do without, and 99 cent bargains that are worth much much more, I always insist on paying for tracking/S.O.D.

Message 30 of 65
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