on 09-12-2014 07:04 AM
on 09-12-2014 07:40 AM
It would be good but I honestly reckon you would need one hell of a lot to join.
And then it would still be like the military, getting an audience with the top decision makers would be nigh impossible.
And then they would just stonewal you.
Apart from the fact of not allowing you to promote it on ebay, deleting all listings showing it.
Great idea but hard to accomplish.
on 09-12-2014 08:11 AM
We, as sellers, like it or not, we are under huge press from ebay and buyers and there is no easy way to find our rights.
It is seemed that from the moment a buyer paid for an item from this moment he is covered from ebay and the seller is blaimed and paid for anything wrong.
What happened if a buyer is irresponsible? Who will pay the cost ? The seller!
How can the seller protect him self from an irrisponsible buyer?
How the seller will protect him self from a bad decision from the ebay? We are not the only one who make mistakes, ebay staff make mistakes too. How we can find our rights from a bad decision from ebay?
Most sellers or buyers are good people, from good staff and if they do something wrong they do it most times, from ignorance ,not from bad intensions, who will inform them how the system works? Do you you think they will listen and trust and respect the ebay more than they trust and respect their friends, ebay buyers or sellers ?
If we, the sellers want less press on us, we have to open our mouth and united to try to do the best we can do!
Let's start from simble basic things.
We want the ebay neutral not always with buyers side because they paid the item. The whole procces does not finish when the buyer pays the money but after the feedback.
No general rules which undermind sellers rights, as with the cancelation, or with postage delays.etc.
Why seller should be punished for buyer's mistakes? Why seller shoud be punished for postage delays which cause by buyer's mistakes?
Let's find the right way to solve our problems withought victimizing innocent people
on 09-12-2014 08:31 AM
you mean like more red tape and regulation which will add to the daily cost because we as sellers and buyers can no longer be trusted in trading fairly?
on 09-12-2014 07:19 PM
on 10-12-2014 08:03 AM
Employers have their associations, traders have their associations. Professionals have their associations. Students have their associations, pensioners have their associations, cleaners have their associations,
All have their associations, all try UNITED to protect and promote their interests
on 10-12-2014 08:13 AM
PeSA AKA Professional eBay & ecommerce Sellers Alliance
Way back when the place to find help in a previous incarnation of these boards was the round table
on 10-12-2014 10:39 AM
If you want that kind of deal you can start up your own website.All the cool kids are doing it.
No-one likes it but,their site their rules.Any seller union type thing would still go under their rules & they would probably just suspend your account anyway.
on 10-12-2014 01:34 PM
Ah yes, the seminars where you pay to learn to do it the eBay way and more likely than not commit fiscal suicide.
on 10-12-2014 01:42 PM
If you are that brassed off with eBay that you feel the need to protect and promote your rights my advice would be to do exactly that by finding alternative channels to sell on.
It's a free country and you are free to sell pretty much anywhere as long as you are not breaking the law eBay or otherwise.