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Anyone else experiencing the same? My selling ID isn't this one!
Hi all It really annoys me when I buy something & it is sent in a filthy condition... Does it bother anyone else? I buy light fittings & canisters, sometimes I receive them in horrendous condition, do people find them under the shed or at the tip & t...
Received retro canister set in the post today, the largest canister arrived with a crack on the front left hand side 1/2 way down the canister & also a significant crack on the bottom.. Ive sent an email to the seller with photos & asked for a full r...
Hi On a few occasions I have bought items that really should have been sent to the tip, anyone else had the same experience... The weird thing about it these purchases have been from sellers with 100% feedback??? Hmmm
I'm sure shill bidding happens very frequently, i've caught people out on a couple of occasions. At the moment i've been bidding on 2 light shades, I was outbid to $46, then the person that bid retracted their bid so I was winning at $41.... I suspec...