User Activity

so i sold and item i wanted to click on view order details, it keeps going to a competition entry page saying "your ebay purchase comes with a chance to win $20,000, click to confirm" it wont take me to the order details page, has ebays website been ...
so i listed a lounge suite on ebay, urgently needing to sell it as we bought a new one and we dont have the room to store the old one, (vinnies wouldnt except it and i was having trouble finding someone to give it away to)so i listed it at 1 cent sta...
hi guys, i sold an item a over a week ago, and the person contacted me yesterday to let me know they still havent received the item, and wanted to confirm i had sent it. the item was sent via regular post my question is, if australia post loses an it...
i used to love going through the want it now section, havent looked at them for a very long time and realised the other day that it is no longer around, and there is the new "ebay wish list" is there a section or place where you can see peoples wishl...
so i got my first negative feedback yesterday after 7 years of buying and selling on ebay, partly my fault partly the buyes fault. i sold an item, and 3 days after the auction i got a message from the buyer saying, "oh sorry just realised where i had...
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