Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

I went to 7-Eleven tonight to get a bite to eat, grabbed a Four'n Twenty pie and gosh it was halal.


Traitors!  How can they do this?


I put it back in the warmer then drove to a local Italian restaurant and we had pasta carbonara.

Message 1 of 396
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395 REPLIES 395

Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

 i'm not out to convince anyone of anything on a chatboard, the post makes a valid point however. personally i disregard all of it.



sorry i didnt me you personally.

i didnt word it correctly.


should have said -

"where would one draw the line"




Message 301 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

People should eat more fish, ay!



Darn good sock
Message 302 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

A FRIEND of mine recently told me that one of Australia’s largest supermarket chains produces all its meat at a halal certified site, and that Catholics cannot eat halal meat. Is this true?

FIRSTLY we should clarify what we mean by halal meat.

The word “halal” in Arabic means simply “lawful” and thus halal foods are those which are considered lawful for Muslims to eat. “Halal” is distinguished from “haraam” foods, which are forbidden.

Among the latter are pork, blood, animals that have been strangled or beaten to death, alcohol, meat that has not been prepared in the proper way, etc.

For meat to be halal the animal must be killed in a particular way. It must have its throat slit, and the person killing it must face Mecca and invoke the name of Allah,
or God.

When an abattoir can demonstrate that it follows this procedure, it may receive a certificate from the Muslim authorities as a halal certified site. Wherever possible,
Muslims eat only halal foods.

Where does this leave Catholics? Can we eat such foods? The first thing we should ask is whether Scripture has anything to say about the matter. In fact it does. In the Acts of the Apostles we read about the so-called Council of Jerusalem, in which the apostles and elders gathered to decide what to impose on the Gentiles who had converted to Christianity in Antioch.

Among other things they told these converts that they were to “abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled” (Acts 15:29).

Jews, like Muslims, regarded blood as the very life of the animal and as such it belonged to God alone. Hence they did not eat meat that had been strangled, since it would have the blood in it.

But why did the early Christians follow these Jewish practices? It must be remembered that these were the early days of Christianity and the first generation of Christians was still alive.

Most of them were converts from Judaism, and it is natural that they would have felt a strong repugnance at the thought of eating meat with the blood in it, since this was prohibited by Jewish law (cf. Lev 17:10ff). It is probable that for some time they also abstained from pork, which Jews did not eat.

As regards food that had been offered to idols, St Paul writes that since “an idol has no real existence” and “there is no God but one”, there is nothing wrong with eating such food (1 Cor 8:4).

Nonetheless, since some Christians may be weak in conscience and think it is sinful to eat such food, others when in their company should abstain from eating lest they cause their brothers to eat as well and go against their conscience. He writes: “Therefore, if food is a cause of my brother’s falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to fall” (cf. 1 Cor 8:13).

It is probably for this reason that the Council of Jerusalem forbade the Gentile converts to each such food. St Paul sums up: “Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do” (1 Cor 8:8).

Two chapters later St Paul confronts today’s issue of halal food more directly, based on his earlier pronouncement that such food may be eaten without any qualms of conscience.

As regards whether Christians should be careful not to buy certain foods at the market he writes: “Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience” (1 Cor 10:25).

And with respect to what to do when invited to the home of an unbeliever, he advises: “If one of the unbelievers invites you to dinner and you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on the ground of conscience” (1 Cor 10:27). That would apply today to accepting an invitation to eat with a Muslim.

In summary, it is clear that there is nothing in the Scriptures against Christians eating halal meat. The question of meat “sacrificed to idols” does not apply, even though not even that would present a problem, since halal meat is offered to Allah, the one God worshipped by Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Send your questions to Fr John Flader
c/- The Catholic Weekly, Level 8, Polding Centre,
133 Liverpool St, Sydney 2000,
or email to
Message 303 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

Message 304 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

@not.a.sock.puppet wrote:

People should eat more fish, ay!



can't argue with that! 

Message 305 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

The Bible does not allow Christians to eat halal. We don't bow down to them or serve them!


See below:



I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them.

1 Corinthians - Chapter 10
If an unbeliever invites you to a meal, go if you want to, and eat whatever is put before you; you need not ask questions of conscience first. But if someone says to you, 'This food has been offered in sacrifice,' do not eat it.


Message 306 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:


*lady*godiva wrote: "Infact, was the food really clean? There were only two of each animal loaded onto the Ark, and we now know that when close relatives mate that genetic abnormalities are possible. So if a pair of elephants had 2 children, eventually, in order to increase the population to the numbers of today, there had to be some pretty close personal encounters amongst famiy members. God was the original scientist. He knows everything. He designed it. How could he not have known this? Why did he not know this when only commissioning one Ark. Why didn't he commission 3 or 4 Arks so he could load 6 or 8 of each kind and water down the gene pool a bit?"



2 of each animal? 


The way I read it : a pair of each unclean animals; and 7 pairs of each clean animal. 

fair enough, but then how many of the clean animals were sacrificed in Genesis 20 and beyond?


And according to that, then God did make unclean animals


I call shenanigans.


Why the need for clean and unclean animals? Why the distinction when the majic trilogy of the Jews, Christians and isrealites.hadn't surfaced then?


Why produce clean animals for sacrifice and leave unclean animals to eat and repopulate the earth?


Plus, doesn't the bible only talk of sacrificing lambs?

Message 307 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

I would like the OP - ufo - to read post #303, particularly the last paragraph,

as this has been his main objection.


If he finds argument with that paragraph, then he should indeed

contact the priest at The Catholic Weekly. 


To argue the point further, it seems, would be against the Catholic Church's

advice and directions.





Message 308 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

I am Roman Catholic, our Church does not exclude us from eating meat which is Halal. I don't eat meat on Friday during Lent.

My GD attends a school where it is taught that they don't eat meat on any Friday. (Tridentine Catholic)


Message 309 of 396
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Re: Four'n Twenty Pies are now halal

I follow the Bible not an earthly being, a priest is a person just like you and me, whereas the Bible is the word of God.  You will end up in hell if you disobey the Bible. If you are a Christian the only way to go to heaven is to follow the 10 Commandments of God and the scriptures.

Message 310 of 396
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